Kay I'm basically just experimenting a bit here. No promises or anything, but idk lemme know what you think. Kind of a continuation, yearsss later, of Corey.

"You all packed for Hogwarts then?"

Dad was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. I seriously can't believe that some of my friends actually find him attractive. I mean, okay, he's only in his young forties and he's quite buff for his age and, okay, there's the whole killing Lord Voldemort and saving the whole Wizarding World thing, but so what? He's my dad. It's just, eurgh.

So back to the scene, anyway. I looked up at him with an arched eyebrow and stuffed my WizComm into my pocket. He arched his eyebrow right back.

"What are you hiding?" he said with a slight smile.

"Nothing!" I said indignantly. "Honestly, Dad, why Mum likes you when she already has enough nosy, overprotective brothers is beyond me."

His smile now spread ominously across his face.

"Brothers, aye?"

And before I could stop him he'd run downstairs. I could imagine the conversation, before I was joined by my own two, nosy, overprotective brothers.

"What?" I asked irritably as they stood in the doorway.

But then Albus jumped on my bed and pushed me down, before James reached into my pocket and got out my WizComm.

"Ever heard of privacy rights?" I said as Albus released me. I made for my Wizcomm. "Give it back!"

"Who's been MMSing you?" Albus smirked at me, shoving me aside. Wonderful how, because I play Quidditch, they get to shove me around all the time.

"Merlin's beard!" whispered James in shock. His gaze shifted from my WizComm screen to me. "No."

"What?" asked Albus worriedly. He made for my WizComm but James threw it back to me. I caught it, of course – I'm not on the Gryffindor Quidditch team for nothing.

"I'm not gonna be the one to tell him," smirked James.

He strode out of the room. Albus looked at me questioningly.

"Tell me what?" he moaned. For a sixteen-year-old, he's quite a kid.

I took a deep breath in and yelled out, "MUM!"

Albus shot me a glare before bailing out of the room. And then Mum came up. Only in my household can my whole family have stood in my doorway in the space of five minutes.

"What's up?"

I looked up at Mum uncertainly. I love her. She's about the strongest person I know. Dad's nothing compared to her – he didn't have to squeeze James's huge-as head out of his, well, you get the point. Mum and I have always had a close relationship, being the only girls in the family and all. But I wasn't quite sure how to go about this.

"How did you stop Uncle Ron from beating the hell out of Harry when you two started going out?" I asked tentatively.

"It just kinda happened." Mum shrugged. "But don't worry, Albus isn't that much like your uncle, he'll let it go."

"What?" I asked, keeping the nonchalance in my tone.

"I'm not blind, Lily. I've seen the way you look at Scorpius-"

"Corey," I interjected, smiling proudly at the nickname I'd given him almost four years ago.

"-when he comes over. And the way he looks at you-"

"Wait, what?" I burst, flabbergasted. Mum had caught me off-guard. She's not supposed to know who I'm talking about.

"I'm glad you're finally getting bad at lying," she told me, looking out the window. "I was kinda getting worried how we would ever raise you."

"James knows."

"James can hardly do a thing. And it's Corey. He's an angel."

I internally rolled my eyes. That's what everyone thought about Corey, even James, so he wouldn't be too hard on him. But Al knows what he's really like. And he isn't any Saint Mungo. And why hasn't Al told James about that? Well, because Al and Corey are the best of friends, and Al wouldn't just spread rumours like that. And let's face it: he never expected his precious little sister to ever go out with Corey. Not that anything's happened. Yet.

"Wait, what did you say about the way he looks at me?" I asked with an air of indifference.

"Nothing," said Mum, and she walked out.

I swear, in this house, everyone but me gets to know what they want to. Although, Mum's words did leave me feeling just a little bit elated.

This year is going to be interesting.