They put the four remaining Batarians in the basement of the facility until a Turian frigate arrived to pick them up. Shepard gave a statement, but not because she was obligated to—SpecTRe's were more-or-less above debriefings of any sort

When she contacted Liara, T'Soni told her that her personal assistant, Nyxeris, has quit abruptly and apparently skipped Illium. When Shepard told her about the ambush, she did some digging. Her sources concerning the Prothean cipher were very probably connected to the Shadow Broker.

The next three days they spent inside, since Ira had come around to face them and the temperature became rapidly unbearable.

Thane got a message back from Kolyat, after which he spent a great deal of time meditating. The facility had climate control, but it was having trouble keeping up. Shepard stripped down to her underclothes and laid down, content for the moment to watch the ceiling fan go around and around. She had just started to doze off when he stood. It was another gorgeous sunset on Haraji, the slightly-elevated radiation levels turning the sunset shades of blue and purple.

Shepard lifted herself up onto her elbows. The waning light from the window cast patterns over her bare legs and arms, and over Thane, who stood in the window, looking out over the sand.

"I told Kolyat about you." His voice was totally neutral, but he put his hands on the sill and leaned into it like he was very tired. He let out a long, shuddering sigh. Silence stretched out between them for a long moment. When he spoke again, his voice was very quiet.

"For a long time I've felt selfish for loving you, Siha. I was fearful that the comfort you're giving me in the last months of my life is at your expense. But there's something I hadn't considered."

Shepard's throat suddenly felt too raw to speak. The words "last months" felt like a physical blow. But Thane continued.

"I hadn't considered that you may need me, as well. It's been a long time since I was needed by anyone."

"And what does Kolyat think?" She found her voice again, but only just barely.

To her surprise, when he turned to her he was smiling.

"He understands. In fact, it seems an aide from the Asari Embassy has taken a shine to him. He asked for my advice. Since I'm not a 'monk' anymore, as he put it, I'm apparently qualified to answer. I'll tell him to be careful with his heart, but not to let fear hold him back. And I think I'll take my own advice."

Thane crossed the room, his footfalls silent. He took her hands as he always did, but this time she pulled him over into bed.

Shepard tucked herself in between his arm and body, one hand on his chest. His skin always felt cool to her, and smooth like snake-skin.

"I love you. And I do need you." Shepard said. "And not just for your ability to make my enemies' heads pop from 300 yards."

He actually laughed. "But you enjoy that as well."

She kissed his neck, and he shivered, his fingers kneading her back.

"We're stuck in here for two days. What are we gonna do with ourselves?" Shepard said.

"I can think of some things," Thane rumbled.

She sat up on her elbow, surprised. He smiled crookedly up at her.

"I love you, Siha. Nothing will stop me from doing so."

Shepard straddled him.

"Good. Then you won't object to what I'm about to do to you."


Shepard stepped up to the galaxy map, working a kink out of her shoulder.

"Where to now, boss?" Kelly Chambers looked up from her laptop.

Shepard's fingers danced over the hard-light representation of the Milky Way.

"I was thinking about a nice trip to the Attican Traverse." She cracked her knuckles.

"I have an appointment with someone named Balak."

Alright, everybody! This was the last instalment of "Tender Prey". Thanks so much for all of your wonderful reviews. They mean so much to me! I do have two questions for you.

Question 1: I was debating writing a story that takes place after "The Sea" in which Thane is resurrected by the Lazarus Project to help the Illusive Man root out the Shadow Broker. Should I do it, or is that too weird? Does it take away from the impact of everything else?

Question 2: I've deliberately avoided using Shepard's first name or a description of her, because of course everybody's Shepard is different. Good? Bad? Should I continue with this or name and describe Shep in future?

Thanks for the input everybody!