Title: Time to Change

Pairings: Harry/Remus, Draco/Sirius, Hermione/Severus

Rating: M

Warnings: This story contains scenes of a sexual nature, death, and strong language. This is slash, if you don't like it, don't read it. You have been warned.

Disclaimer: The characters and locations in this fic belong solely the genius that is JK Rowling. I am making no profit from this story.

Summary: Time Travel Fic – The war is over and Harry has lost everyone except 3 people, Hermione, Draco, and his 8 month old god son Teddy. With nothing left, the 4 are given a chance to go back in time with hope of ending the war sooner. In the middle of changing the past, the 3 find love in unexpected places.

Chapter 1: The end, a new beginning

Harry looked around the battlefield. It was over. Harry couldn't believe he'd finally beaten that snake. Voldemort was finally gone. After 6 years of being afraid, of fighting, of just trying to survive. It was all over but at the cost of almost everyone he loved….

-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------

First his god father was taken from him, and then Dumbledore. After that Harry's loved ones kept decreasing. The Weasley's had survived an attack at the burrow only to die in battle. First were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley who were taken by surprise and cornered by the Carrow siblings. Then there was Ginny who wasn't supposed to be there but was found dead in the end. She had been tortured to the point of no recognition. Bill died with his wife Fleur. They had been hit with an unknown curse that burned them from the inside. Charlie died rescuing some kids that were captured by the death eaters. Percy, who was the family outcast, gave his life saving Hermione. It had been a surprise but he redeemed himself with his final act of bravery. George died by the dark lord himself when he tried helping Harry.

Ron and the Fred were the only Weasley survivors, but like Neville's parents, they had been hit by the cruciatus for too long. They now stayed in St. Mungos with each other. It was a heartbreaking sight for Harry and Hermione. The brothers were often seen hugging or holding hands with a blank look in their eyes. To Harry it seemed they knew they were alone and needed to comfort each other. Fred was seen crying out for his twin many times or calling Ron George. Ron on the other hand never spoke. Besides the slight affection with Fred, he was unresponsive.

Remus and Tonks were targeted right away by Fenrir and 3 other werewolves. They sacrificed themselves by creating a circle of fire around themselves and the 4 werewolves they were fighting. The only good thing about their sacrifice was that they unintentionally took out 3 other death eaters as well. Although that was of little consolation for Harry. Remus' death had hurt him the most. He was Harry's last connection to his parents and it killed him to know Remus was gone.

Their other friends like Luna, Neville, and many others survived. Many were severely scarred and had to stay in the hospital for months. They were the lucky ones. Harry himself had been lucky. He had stayed in the hospital for 2 months replenishing his magic and healing many wounds. He stayed an extra month looking after Hermione's healing.

Draco had become a spy for the order in 6th year after his mother was murdered by her own sister Bellatrix. Since then he had surprisingly became close friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He was the one least injured after the battle. So while Harry and Hermione recovered, he took care of little Teddy. Teddy, now an orphan, was to be taken by his godfather Harry.

At first Harry wasn't sure he could handle the responsibility, but with the help of Hermione and Draco, he quickly took to parenthood. The four lived in Sirius' family house in relative content but they still constantly felt tormented, until an unexpected visitor appeared at their home one day.

-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------

6 months after the war

"Draco, there's someone outside. How did they get passed the wards," asked Harry.

Draco quickly followed Harry to the front door with his wand ready to attack if needed.

"I don't know but let's hope they're not here to harm us," answered Draco.

"Mione, stay with Teddy," yelled Harry.

Having heard the order, Hermione rushed to grab Teddy and hid in the hall closet.

"Who is it," demanded Harry before opening the door.

"Mr. Potter, it's me Minerva McGonagall. May I come in?"

Harry gave Draco a questioning look. Draco slowly moved to the door and cracked it open a bit to peek out. Once he verified who it was by asking her a security question, he let her in.

Draco and Harry shook her hand once she entered.

"Minnie, it's lovely to see you again," said Hermione entering the room. She handed Teddy back to Harry so she could hug McGonagall.

"How may we help you Minerva," asked Draco politely while gesturing for everyone to sit down.

"I came to deliver a letter to Harry. It was sent to me this morning. According to the letter addressed to me, this letter was written by Albus before his death. I am not sure what it says but it's addressed to you Harry."

She handed Harry a big envelope with his name on it. He decided to read it out loud in case he needed McGonagall later on with whatever was written in the letter.

Dear Harry,

If you are reading this it means I have passed on and you won the war. My dear boy, I'd like to start by saying I'm sorry for the burden you have had to carry all these years. I wish you could have had a better childhood and believe me when I say I would have done everything in my power to lighten your burden. I have always seen you as the grandson I never had. For that reason I have left everything I left behind to you. In this includes my precious phoenix Fawkes. I wanted to speak to you about a spell I discovered a week ago. This spell needs the caster to be loyal to the light side. I'll explain what the spell does first. This is a time travelling spell. I used it once already to glimpse at the future. I know the devastation the war has left and I would like to offer you an opportunity to change the future. It is up to you whether you do so or not. I would like to offer you a chance to go back in time and end destroy Voldemort sooner. Again, I state it is your choice. If you decide to go through it I have left a few items you'll need. I will advise though, if you do intend to leave, there is no returning to this time because this time will no longer exist. Remember my boy, no matter what you decide, you deserve a happy life.

Love Always, Albus Dumbledore

After reading the letter the room was quiet except for some soft sniffling from Hermione. With teary eyes, Harry looked around the room at the four occupants.

"What do you think," he asked quietly.

"Harry, you do what feels right for you. The wizarding world owe their lives to you. So whatever you decide, it will turn out fine," assured Minerva. With that said she took her leave after making sure they promised to see her about Harry's decision.

Harry sat on the couch hugging a napping Teddy closely. Hermione and Draco sat across from him in deep thought.

"Harry," Hermione said quietly.

Focusing on her, Harry asked, "why now?"

Hermione wasn't sure what he meant.

"Why couldn't Dumbledore have offered me this before the war? Why wait until after everything? Until I lost Remus, Ron, and the Weasleys," Harry asked brokenly.

"Maybe you needed to see what you could change," answered Draco who had been silent until now.

"If he sent you back before, you would have wondered if it was truly necessary. You would have had less time with your loved ones, and you would have hated Dumbledore for that."

Harry thought about it for a while and knew Draco was right.

-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------

After a few days of thinking, Harry made his decision.

"I made my decision," Harry announced at dinner.

Draco and Hermione stared at him in surprise.

"I decided to go. Teddy is coming with me too," Harry stated while lovingly looking at Teddy.

Everything was quiet for a few minutes.

"'I'll go too Harry," announced Hermione.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I lost my parents and Ron. You and Teddy are my family now," Hermione said tearfully.

Harry grabbed her hand comfortingly. He was secretly hoping she would decide this because he hated leaving her. She was like a sister after all.

"Well if you think you're getting rid of me that easily, you are sorely mistaken," announced Draco.

Harry and Hermione softly smiled at him.

"To our new adventure," sadly said Harry while holding up his glass of pumpkin juice.

-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------

The first thing they had to do was change their appearances since they weren't sure which time period Fawkes would lead them to.

Draco refused to change too much. He changed his hair to black like Harry's and made his eyes a dark purple color. He refused to do anything that could change his flawless skin. Harry and Hermione smiled at his vain comment.

At first Hermione decided she didn't need to change since her family tree didn't have any wizards or witches. She later decided to straighten her hair and add black streaks. Harry and Draco loved it.

Harry wanted a few simple changes. He lengthened his hair to his shoulders. Then he dyed the tips of his hair silver. He fixed his eyes so he no longer needed glasses. He then got one of his ears pierced with a silver hoop in the shape of a snake that magically moved a bit. Lastly he got a tattoo on his back, S.D.R.R., in tribute to the 4 most important people he lost. Teddy didn't need any changes because he was constantly changing his eyes and hair.

After all that was done, they decided to take all their money out of Gringotts. They ended up having to shrink 35 bags of gold and other odds and ends.

They had to say good bye to a few people. First was Minerva. She hugged and kissed each of her ex-students while crying and wishing them happiness. Next was Ron. Even though they knew he wouldn't respond, they couldn't leave without seeing him one last time. Each took their turn to talk to him. When Harry walked in, he sat in front of a zombie like Ron.

"Hey Ron, how are you? I guess Hermione told you we're leaving to the past. That sounds so odd out loud. Anyways, I wanted to see you before we leave. You know Ron… this is my first adventure without you mate," Harry said achingly. He paused a bit. His eyes watered and his chest tightened.

"You know Ron, I'll never forget you. You were my first friend and I don't think I could've made it through everything without you," he said letting a few tears fall.

"I want you to know…. I'm doing all this for you and your family. I couldn't save you… and I… it hurts knowing that. By going back into time…. I can stop this. I can save you and many others. I can save you," Harry said brokenly.

After crying a little while, Harry looked at Ron one last time.

"Take care of yourself and Fred, mate."

Lastly, they stopped by the cemetery to say bye to their deceased loved ones.

With everything done, they decided to head to Hogwarts. In Dumbledore's instruction page he stated the front gates of Hogwarts would be the best place to go from.

Once there, Hermione held Teddy while Draco and Harry each put a hand on her shoulders.

"Fawkes," called Harry.

The bright phoenix quickly swooped down from the sky. The bird situated himself on the ground in front of the four.

"Alright Fawkes, you know what to do. Hold onto the hourglass."

"Ok, ready Fawkes?"

At the birds chirp, Harry pointed his wand at Fawkes.

"Repeto Tempus," shouted Harry.

-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------Harry Potter-------

The three adults landed in the same spot they left. Looking around they tried to figure out what year it was.

Seeing a carriage coming, Harry ran up to it. When the door opened he asked right away, "can you tell me the year?"

Upon seeing the carriages occupants he said, "bloody hell."

AN: This is a test chapter. If you like the story please leave feedback. I'll continue the story if it's well recieved. So leave comments and opinions lol