I've been working on this story for a while. I have other chapters written for it, but I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, so let me know if I should continue or just not bother with it.

Disclaimer: S.E. Hinton owns The Outsiders. I don't. Maybe one day she would like to share.

Darrel Curtis, Darry for short, sat in his chair reading the newspaper like he did just about every night. His brother, Sodapop, was at a party his friend, Steve, was throwing since his dad was out of town. His other brother, Ponyboy, was in the room Soda and him shared reading a book.

Darry was in deep concentration, reading the newspaper, until he heard a knock on the door.

He found this kinda strange since they never kept the door locked and everybody usually just strolled on in the house. He got up anyways and went to answer the door. He was shocked to find who the knock came from.

"Hi, Darry," Sandy said. "Is Soda here?"

Sandy was Soda's ex-girlfriend. They used to be in love with each other until her parents shipped her off somewhere for unknown reasons. It had been months since Soda had seen or heard from Sandy. He expected a letter from her, more like hoped for a letter from her. He never got one. He eventually found a way to move on. He even started dating other girls, soon not even mentioning Sandy's name much. So for her to be standing at the door, asking for Soda, was shocking for Darry.

"Hi, Sandy," Darry said. "No, he's not. He went to a party Steve's throwing at his place."

Sandy bit her bottom lip. "Oh."

"I don't know when he'll be back, but your welcome to stay if you like." Darry didn't really like Sandy after what she did to Soda, but he was still gonna have manners and be polite to her.

She shook her head. "No, thank you. I'll just go over to Steve's. I kinda need to see him now."

Darry was curious, but just simply nodded his head. "Okay. Nice to see you, Sandy."

"Nice to see you too, Darry," she said. "Bye."

"Bye," he said and watched her walk to a parked car and get in. There was a guy in the drivers side that Darry couldn't recognize. He watched until the car was out of sight, wondering what Sandy was up to.

Meanwhile, the party was in full swing at Steve's. People were drunk and dancing all over the place, the music was turned up full blast, some fights were breaking out, and couples were making out everywhere.

Soda was in the kitchen, sitting on the counter, talking with Steve.

"So, what do you think, buddy?" Steve asked his best friend.

"Of the party?" Soda asked.

"No, of my outfit!" Steve said sarcastically. "Yes, of the party!"

"Well. it's not bad. Not too bad at all."

Steve shook his head and grabbed his plastic cup, full of fresh beer. He grabbed another cup full of beer and handed it to Soda.

Soda shook his head. "Naw, man. I already had one."

Sodapop never really drank. If he ever did, it was one beer. Two at the most. He just never really liked getting drunk. He didn't need a beer to get drunk. He got drunk on just plain living.

Steve just shrugged his shoulders and put the cup back down. "I'm gonna go find Evie."

"Okay." Soda said as Steve walked away.

Soda hopped off the counter and asked a girl to dance with him. He had already danced with some girls and broken up a couple fights. The night was just beginning for him.

While Soda was dancing, Sandy walked in and looked around for him. She asked a couple of people who didn't know where he was. Finally, she spotted him. His back was to her, so he didn't notice her. She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"Hi, Soda," she said.

Soda's eyes went wide with shock. He couldn't believe Sandy was standing in front of him. "Sandy? What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," she said. "Can we go outside?"

"Sure," Soda said. "Hang on a second."

Soda turned back to the girl he was dancing with and explained he needed to go talk to Sandy. The girl nodded and smiled, even though you could tell she was pissed. Soda was handsome. Movie star handsome. All the girls liked him, so they savored the moments they got to be around him.

Sandy led Soda outside the house and to the car she was previously in.

"Soda, there's something I need to tell you," she said.

"What is it?" he asked curiously.

Sandy opened the back door and what she brought out of the car made Soda's jaw drop.

So, was it good, or should I just forget about it and try writing something else? Please, let me know.