Disclaimer: I owned none of the characters (JKR owned them), except for a few of them, which is created by me.

This is a kind of sequel to 'Never had a dream come true'; about one of the characters I created. You can read this as an individual one, but it would be better if you read the first one too.

Until we meet again

I have never thought I will ever see her again, but fate seems really kind to me this time...

Chapter 1 Is it just a dream?

She was sitting in the backyard, talking to Doggy again, but this time she had no idea what she was talking about, as she was deep in thought about what she could do to help... screaming, shouting, crying, swearing...

"Doggy, what should I do to remedy all these? If I found out earlier, I could have prevented her from hurting in so many ways..." She was now hugging Doggy, crying.

As Doggy couldn't actually speak, all he could do was sit there quietly, let her talk it through, and cry until she felt relieved again.

Then suddenly, she felt really cold and dizzy. She had no idea what's wrong, and before she collapsed, she was only able to hear a man's voice, kept saying sorry to her over and over again.


Bertha jumped from her bed. She hadn't had this dream for quite a long time already. She could remember how shocked her friends were to find her in the backyard one morning, and Doggy was gone. She had no recollection of what happened except that she was speaking to Doggy as usual and that was it. She had no idea how she fell asleep, in the backyard!

Then she kept having this dream, over and over again for a few weeks. But she dared not tell her friends about it, as Eve was in such a bad situation that she didn't want them to worry about, especially Eve, who had been hurt both mentally and physically. She had been a big sister to her, and she would be forever. She didn't want to make Eve worry more when she had more than enough problems to deal with at that time.

She believed that Doggy didn't leave her by choice, although she was not a really good keeper. Well, she didn't give him dog food, but he ate everything she ate. She thought it would gain his trust if he ate the same thing as she did. Moreover he refused to eat dog food, which was weird; maybe his last owner didn't feed him dog food either. She felt he liked her. But why did he leave so sudden? Even if his owner came to get it back, still his owner could have left a note or something. Eventually, she started to go out to the backyard and looked at his doghouse from time to time, hoping that he would come back.

Two years later, she was having this dream again... She was crying and a male voice kept saying sorry... Is it because she was back in the same house? Well... whatever. She was going home to Hong Kong tomorrow, if it were just a dream, let it be. But she just couldn't stop doubting it for years since she had this dream --- was it really just a dream?

