4 ½ years later

"Emma Rose, if you don't get down here right now we are leaving without you!" Sonny Munroe, bellowed upstairs at her daughter.

"I'm coming mommy! I just had to change." Emma said, finally making her way downstairs.

"You really need to stop hanging out with Tawni so much." Sonny said, grabbing her hand.

They were heading to Sonny and Chad's rehearsal dinner. This time tomorrow night she would finally be Mrs. Chad Dylan Cooper.

"I like Tawni." Emma said, walking beside her mother as they made it out to the car finally.

"I know you do. But she seems to have implanted it in your head that clothes and your looks are everything."

"Well, they are aren't they?" Emma asked, causing Sonny to laugh.

"I think that she's more like Tawni then you." Chad said, from the front seat.

"Shut up! Or I might be there tomorrow." Sonny said, slapping Chad in the shoulder.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me!"

The two of the glared at each other before Chad leaned in and gave Sonny a kiss. "Fine, I'm sorry for what I said."

"Thank you! Now let's get going before Tawni yells at us for being later for our on rehearsal dinner."

Chad tossed and turned that night. He couldn't believe that Tawni made Sonny stay the night just because of a stupid superstition. It was hard sleeping in a bed all alone. He and Sonny had slept in the same bed together for the last five years.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Came a voice from the door. Chad sat up to find Sonny there.

"What are you doing her? I thought Tawni would let you leave."

"I snuck out after her and Emma fell asleep. Scoot over." Sonny said, sliding in bed.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Chad asked, pulling Sonny closer to him.

"I've been ready for it since I was 16. What about you? No cold feet yet?"

"Not even one." Chad said, sighing.

"Days like this make me think of mom. Of all the things she's missing."

"She would be so proud of you."

Sonny smiled at this and drifted off to sleep.

"ALISON MUNROE!" bellowed a voice at six in the morning.

"She's here!" Sonny said, bolting from the bed and into the connected bathroom.

"What are you running for? What was so wrong for you sleeping here?" Chad said, not even getting up from the bed.

"That's true. This is my house and my wedding and she has no say over either." Sonny said, walking out of the bathroom just as Tawni bolted into the bedroom.

"What did I tell you about sleeping here tonight? It's bad luck."

"Tawni, I'm 23 years old. I think I can take care of myself."

"What did you say to her?" Tawni asked Chad.

"Why do you think I said something to her?" Chad asked, as Tawni huffed out the door.

"I should go after her. I'll see you later." Sonny said, kissing Chad.

"I'll be the one under the alter." Chad said, finally pulling himself out of bed.

"Well, Mrs. Cooper. Are you happy how everything turned out in your life?" Chad asked his wife later that night.

"I think it's turning out perfectly." Sonny said, laying her head on her husband's bare chest.

"Ready for us to spend the rest of our life together?" "Together Forever." Sonny said, pulling Chad into a deep kiss.

A/N: I didn't really know how to end this. I am not really happy how this story ended, but oh well. Hope you guys like the last chapter. And look for some of my new stories coming out and new chapters off 'To Late To Turn Back' out soon. Thanks for all of the reviews. Danielle.