Dedicatedly devoted to its long time love: Galaxy

Diss the claim: I do not own HP.

Harry followed Sirius directly to his classroom after lunch to stave off any other suicide attempts, waving Draco off when the boy had claimed to have forgotten his Defense textbook in their dorms. Harry sat on Sirius's desk, legs swinging, as Sirius muttered his way around the classroom, wand in hand.

"Whatcha do~oin?" Harry asked in a sing-song tone, grinning as Sirius twitched. The older man couldn't hold up under the complete annoyance that is Harry at his best for long.

Sirius glared, eyeing Harry like a particularly poisonous type of snake that had found its way into his dresser drawers, "You're not even supposed to know I did anything."

"Well," Harry drew out the 'l' to a pointless length and fixed Sirius with a grave, condescending stare, "If someone would stop trying to kill themself-"

"I'm not going to kill myself!" Sirius interjected, but was ignored with ease of practice.

"-Then maybe I could leave you alone." The Black Head of House muttered obscenities under his breath that, surprisingly, he had learned from Remus. The werewolf didn't seem it, but with the vocabulary and imagination that man had... Sirius sat down next to Harry with a sudden mischievous grin and gripped the boy to his chest in a tight hug.

Harry stiffened and struggled futilely before sending Sirius the Evil Eye- or rather sending Sirius's chin the Evil Eye, from his position. "What are you up to?" The younger boy demanded, slowly easing his way downward and out of the embrace by relaxing his tense muscles enough to have some extra space.

"What makes you think I'm- hey!" Sirius exclaimed as Harry slipped out of his hold, letting loose a raspberry at his father figure.

"I'm going to go try and catch Draco on the way back so I can warn him about your traps!" Harry called over his shoulder as he ran from the room.

Wand twirling in his fingertips, Sirius shook his head with a grin. That did it- Sirius was definitely going to double-layer the... Education on the desks.

Glasses, a textbook, and some paper went flying as Harry found Draco directly after dashing around a blind corner. The cold stone jarred him unpleasantly as they slammed one another into it through force of momentum.

"Watch where you're going!" Draco bit out, rubbing his forehead and pushing himself up to his feet with the support of the wall.

"I was looking for you," Harry replied mordantly, focused on the slight stinging in his hands from their scrape across the floor. He held up Draco's textbook without bothering to move, "Here. Have you seen my glasses?"

Draco snatched the textbook, peering at him balefully, "I should've known it was you. Your glasses are behind you and a bit to the left." Harry moved his hand blindly over the floor behind him for a moment before Draco gave in with huff. He plucked the spectacles gingerly off the floor to be jammed gracelessly back onto Harry's head. Harry blinked owlishly at his sudden vision as Draco hastily gathered his papers into a semi-ordered pile. There was an irritatingly echoing sound of shifting stone along with that of rustling papers. "Now I have to rearrange them all," Draco griped petulantly. Harry was too busy staring at whatever was making such a ruckus to mock him for his OCD and Draco huffed at what he thought was silence from lack of sympathy. When it drew on, Draco's annoyance simmered down, "Is something wrong with you?" Draco-speak for "all you all right?" I'm sure, Harry's mind bubbled randomly.

"The corridors move," Harry stated, calmly enough for someone who had just made such a discovery.

"What? Did our heads hit too hard?" To be fair, Draco really did look concerned, kneeling and probing Harry's forehead tentatively, "I hope it was just you who got a concussion." Maybe not so concerned.

Harry swatted Draco's hand away and turned the blonde's head around forcibly, "This corridor has moved with us in it."

At the other end of the passage -where Draco had just come from- the light had suddenly picked up with the addition of two torches and there was a solid oak entryway with a long snake carved down the front of it.

"This is Uncl- Professor Snape's office," Draco gaped, finally picking up on the peculiarity of their situation. "I just came from the Slytherin Common Room," He elaborated unnecessarily with widening eyes and a bizaare spasm of the hands away from where he kept his wand.

"The dungeons must move around," Harry deduced, getting to his feet just as the warning bells chimed. The two Slytherins' gazes connected and they sprinted in pure panic to the Defense classroom. Losing points on the second full day was not on the agenda.

Chests heaving, they barely managed to step into the sloping, well lit room before the final bell chimed and the doors crashed shut behind them, catching Draco's robe and forcing him to dress down to a collared shirt and slacks for the second time in two days.

"Punctuality," Sirius told the classroom with his wand out and a smirk on his lips, "Is important."

"Not as important as my robes being ruined twice in a row," Draco moaned quietly, fixing the offending garments with a mournful stare. Neville, seated in the back row, reached over the back of his chair and patted Draco's shoulder gravely even as Ron snickered beside him.

"Take a seat," Sirius ordered the two first years, turning towards the board and scribbling something in the upper right hand corner.

Harry trotted over to the Gryffindor side of the room and sat on the floor next to Dean. The puzzled boy leaned on the desk and furrowed his brow at Harry bewilderedly. Harry waved at him, "Hi." Draco hesitated, torn, before rolling his eyes and pulling out a chair on the close end of the Slytherin side. As he made to sit, though, Harry threw out a hand, "Wait! Don't sit in the chairs!"

The entire class looked at Draco expectantly, and Draco scowled, sinking to the floor with his arms crossed over his chest. The scowl deepened when Pansy patted him on the head with no little amusement.

Sirius waited for the class to calm down before flicking his wand obviously and dramatically with an intentionally mumbled incantation. Every desk in the room grew four arms each and wrapped, serpentine, around every student in the room before they even knew what was going on. Draco and Harry were not exempt from this, as the arms could, apparently, move their point of contact to the table along the surface and legs of the wooden creation. Despite being made of dead tree flesh, known for its slow growth and immobility, the arms were quicker than the eye could follow and it only took a moment for the class to be incapacitated.

Harry shot off a silencio towards the professor at the same time a bushy haired girl managed to get out of her bounds with a spell that sounded like "Finny-tay-in-can-taught-um." She immediately began to release other Gryffindors even as Sirius worked his jaw soundlessly in amusement.

Harry copied her wand movements and pronunciation and, after three or four- or five or six- tries, the wood retreated back into the table. Harry promptly went over to the Slytherin side and released Draco before the two of them came back together to free Dean and Neville- ignoring the others' cries for help and sitting back on an unenchanted desk to watch Dean, Neville, and the Gryffindor girl work at the rest of the class.

Sirius broke through the weak silencio and beamed, "Twenty points to Gryffindor, Ms. Granger, for the knowledge of a proper counter spell, ability in using it, and assistance to your classmates." He turned and fired two brightly colored spells at Draco and Harry, smiling after and saying, "Five points each to Mr. Malfoy and Harry for a valiant effort at avoiding the traps."

Harry took no notice of whatever the effect of the spell was meant to be even as the class began to laugh and murmur amongst themselves and asked mischievously, "And that's to which House now?"

Sirius twitched, "Two points from Slytherin for cheek."

"Harry! We've got manes!" Draco whined, trying to get his mate- ally to pay attention to what was going on in the present instead of his twisted displays of affection towards Paddy.

"I'd thought something tickled," Harry replied, pulling forward his elongated and augmented pitch black hair to examine it. There were streaks of red running through the "lion's mane" Sirius had spelled onto him and he looked over to see Draco's miserable visage surrounded by a near-halo of silvery-white and gold. "You look like an angel!" Harry sniggered, "A furry angel!"

Draco seemed vaguely confused, "Thank you?"

Later, after a somewhat boring lecture from a similarly-bored-looking Sirius on being prepared and the syllabus of what they'd be learning that year, Draco and Harry left with Neville, Dean, and, unfortunately, Ron.

"Do you want me to cut them for you?" Neville offered, referring to the manes.

"There's only one of him," Draco corrected, referring to the professor.

"We'll do it ourselves," Harry assured Neville with an evil- or as evil as an eleven year old can get anyway- grin. Ron and Dean seemed lost but Harry wasn't going to break out of his scheming to inform them. Especially not for Ron. After all, Harry was referring to both.