Nimueh's cave was not very homely, it was often damp and smelt of water, Nimueh had lived here since the great purge, this was her home. She preferred the castle at Camelot, her old home, but that was out the question now; she had not lived there for twenty years.

Nimueh got up of the floor, she put her long pink dress right as she walked over to a stone, this stone stood like a table but had a big hold through the middle which was filled with water, just like the floor.

Nimueh put her hand in the water and turned, making water splash around. "Show me Arthur Pendragon". Arthur appeared in her bowl. He was walking down a passage at Camelot, joking with the warlock Merlin. Merlin she hated the site of his boy, not only did he wiggle out of her poison, he turned her down at the isle of the blessed and even had the check to 'kill her'. Well it took more than that to kill Nimueh.

Nimueh picked up a crystal tube; she filled it with the water from the bowl, held it up to her eyes and muttered some strange words. In her place stood Arthur Pendragon. Arthur looked down into the bowl and seen himself looking back, he grimed. So did Nimueh.

The real Arthur Pendragon was lying on his bed in his Chambers; he kicked his boots off on to the floor and lifted his feet inside the blankets, moving the blankets up to his body he lay there. It was not late, it was still only early in the afternoon but Arthur thought he'll have a little nap before he had to sit through his fathers long and very boring talks, for tonight Arthur was going to suffer very much, his father had planned a dinner party with a king from some far away kingdom Arthur could not remember and right now Arthur didn't really feel like going, maybe he should sneak down to Gaius and see if he has anything that makes people ill, no, he wouldn't. Gaius' job was to make people better, not ill.

Arthur closed his eyes, thinking for more odd reasons why he should miss tonight. Guard? No, ill, go to Gaius, my leg has broken father. No, would look odd if I'm fine the next day.

Arthur walked passed the guards and up into the castle, it was Nimueh, she walked right up to Arthur's chambers and stood outside the door. She knocked.

"Come in"Arthur opened his eyes and looked at the person who had entered his room. No one was there. "Hello?" Arthur sat up and got out of bed. He walked to the door but before he got there he felt pain. A sharp stabbing pain made him fall to the floor. Looking up Arthur looked at himself. "Help!" Arthur shouted, the one on the floor.

The Arthur Nimueh raised a hand, and said magic, the real Arthur's eyes went wide and rolled into his head. Nimueh dragged him into the cupboard and put her hand on the door. Her eyes glowed gold and the door sealed it's self.

"Sire what is it Sire, what help do you need?" A guard had came running in.

"Ha, I was just testing you, and YOU WERE SLOW, if they was a killer in here I'll be dead now, splat, on the floor my guts out everywhere. Do you think you are acceptable, no I don't. Remove your ass from my room and put your thick head in the stocks" Nimueh ordered. She was Arthur now, she looked like him, sounded like him and was dressed like him.

"Sorry Sire, yes I will go to the stocks" The guard bowed and left. Nimueh giggled. This was fun. Now...what shall she do now 'YES' though Nimueh.

She ran down to where she knew Gaius lived. "Where is Merlin?" her voice was Arthur's. Gaius looked shocked at her, well Arthur's entrance, he had just ran through the door, banging it back and it hit her in the back "UUGGGHH That door!" she ripped it off the wall "Sorry Gaius, but that door just assaulted the Prince Of Camelot, it had to go" more giggling "Oh Merlin, come I need to you now" Turning around Nimueh left with Merlin.

Outside in the market Nimueh picked up large boxes "Here, don't you dare drop them boy" laughter in Arthur eyes made Merlin look at his face. Nimueh began to run, so did Merlin, who dropped the boxes

"You will pay for that" Arthur shouted at Merlin, Merlin watched as he picked up a sweeping brush. "Arthur i'm sorry" Merlin eyed the brush. "Oh yes you will be" Nimueh prodded Merlin's ribs with the brush handle, he boy's face became twisted with pain, she did it again, other side now. Merlin grabbed his ribs "Did that hurt?" Nimueh asked kindly. Merlin looked at him, Arthur was being a nasty prat today "Yes Sire" Merlin said, he knew if he said yes Arthur will stop, which he did.

"I don't need you now Merlin, but be back in my chambers later, I need help getting ready for the meal" he walked off. Leaving Merlin to stagger back to Gaius, feeling like his ribs where broke.

Nimueh came walking up to Gwen. "Oi, servant girl, you are a mess, look at you, just look at your hair, you call that hair? That horse over there has better hair than you, you are a rag-doll, look at you, ewwww, is that a spot on your face, go away get out of my path GUARDS arrest her" Nimueh shouted at the top of her voice, making people look.

"Sire, what are we arresting her for?" A bewilded guard asked.

"I just said, for being a mess, I have just passed a law in my head, which says ugly or messy people are banned" Nimueh giggled and waved Gwen bye as she got dragged off

The guards looked at Arthur, was he feeling ok.

Arthur jumped away, Nimueh jumping and skipping along through the corridors of Camelot

"Arthur, come here" It was Uther

"Uther, Uther, Uther, Uther, Uther" Sang Nimueh, giggling again

"Arthur, stop this now, you will show me respect, I am your father" Uther said, angry.

"Sorry, Father, I didn't know what came over me" Nimueh could do Arthur great. She could make this her full time job.

"That is ok, tonight at the meal I wish for you to say some words to the king, welcome him to Camelot in a speech, right"

"Certainly father, it will be an honor" Arthur had a big smile on his face Uther walked back into the room

Nimueh Rushed back to Arthur's room. She picked out her clothes for tonight, now it was Merlin's turn. She wanted to embarrass the boy so much.

Going down to the servants clothes room she picked out the biggest servant hat she could find, the boy will look a fool. Then she picked out a pair of baggy bottoms and over sized top she laughted as she walked back to Arthur room.

The party will be a ball.

The boy Merlin had came. Nimueh laughed in his face as she showed him his clothes for that night "Well put it on then Merlin, ohhhh really looks great" Merlin looked like a clown.

"Arthur, these are far to big" Merlin complained.

"Well that is what string is for Merlin, come on boy" Nimueh cried. Her eyes filling up with water as she laughed harder.

Nimueh was still laughting like a mad man when they entered the room for the meal.