Title: An eternal punishment.
Summary: Lucifer loses the final battle, and Michael decides his punishment; life as a human child. But is it a punishment for the devil or the hunters who are given the three year old devil to look after.
Pairings: Castiel/Dean, Sam/Gabriel
Chapter 14: Songs and Engagements
"I'm a li-lel teaplot! Short and splat!" Lucifer sang loudly performing the actions to the well-loved nursery rhyme. "Here is my handle! Here is my spout! When I get all teamed up then I SHOUT! Tip me over and pour me out!"
"Woo! What are you going to sing next?" Gabriel asked; the angel was roped into babysitting duties, as Castiel had joined the brothers on a hunt for a change. "Sing that Wiggles song you really like, about Old Man Tucker! I love that song!"
"Okay," Lucifer nodded, before he broke out into song, unknowing to the fact that Gabriel was recording him on his smart phone. "Get out the way! Old Man Tucker! You're too late to get your SUCKER!"
The archangel chuckled as he sent the video to Dean's phone.
"How about Hickory Dickory Dock?" Gabriel asked. Lucifer nodded before he began to click his tongue and wave his fist like an old grandfather clock!
"Hickily Dickily Dock! The mouse ran up the cock! The cock struck one! The mouse ran down! Hickily Dickily Dock! Hickily Dickily Dock! The mouse ran up the cock! The cock struck twoooooo-"
Gabriel was on the floor rolling with laughter as Lucifer continued.
"The mouse said 'Boo!' Hickily Dickily Dock!"
"Stupid Gabriel and his bad timing!" Dean grumbled, when his phone announced loudly in the middle of a vampire nest that he had received a new text. Of course it didn't take long for the two hunters and the angel to be surrounded by a dozen sharp fanged vampires. "Look; before you lot try and kill us, can I please check this message- it's a video actually. Let me watch it and then we'll get on with it!"
The vampires, his brother and lover stared at him with raised brows when Dean pressed play, "Aww, its my little man!"
"Get out the way! Old Man Tucker! You're too late to get your SUCKER!"
Cass and Sam let out an aww, as the vampires continued their stare down.
"What the hell?" one asked when suddenly he was taken by surprise and decapitated.
Soon enough, the nest was destroyed and the Winchesters were on the way home, looking forward to hearing more songs.
"Daddy!" the youngster slid off his chair and ran towards his father's open arms, practically flying into the man; knocking him back a few feet. "I made you a painting, daddy! It's a dinosaur! Come and see, I put it in your room so I can surprise you! It's a big T-Rex with really short arms, uncle Glabby says that the T-Rex was really angry cause it couldn't reach his willy!"
"Gabriel!" Sam scolded, as Dean shook with laughter.
"I don't understand," Castiel said confused.
"He couldn't bash his candle!" Lucifer said, confidently, Dean fell to his knees his laughter taking over. "It's not that funny daddy!"
"Oh God!" Dean struggled to breathe. "Yes it is! Gabriel! You're terrible!"
"I still do not understand," Castiel said, his head falling to one side in utter confusion.
"Hi daddy!" Lucifer grinned, from the middle of the sandpit. He, Grace and Jared were in the process of digging a 'gigantic hole to China!' Dean waved back at the small child who turned back to his friends, and continued to help with their operation to get to the other side of the world.
"Don't you want to go home?" Dean asked. Lucifer shook his head, when Tane let out a woot! Dean snorted, "First he didn't want to stay. Now he doesn't want to leave!"
"That's a good thing," Tane chuckled, "Though, Luce we close at six, and I'm out of here as soon as the bells toll!"
"That's okay," Lucifer replied, "I can sleep on my bed sheets."
"No you cant, I'm taking your sheets home for Sam to wash," Dean informed, "If you want to go to Gracie's birthday party this week, you're going to have to go home Luce."
"Go away Luce!" Grace ordered, "Otherwise I'll miss you on Saturday!"
Lucifer let out a huff, but nodded, "okay, bye bye, Gracie and Jarrey!"
"bye Lucy!" his two friends waved him off as Dean scooped him up into a big cuddle. "Hi daddy!"
Dean grinned as the child gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Bye kiddies, See ya next week Tane."
"Later Dean," Tane chuckled, "Grace please don't tell people to go away again."
"You always tell Jesse to go away," Grace replied.
"Jesse is- never mind, just build your hole."
"Where we going daddy?" Luce asked, as he skipped to keep up with Dean's longs strides. "Are we gonna go to the book shop."
"Not today buddy," Dean replied, rubbing Luce's tiny knuckles between his thumb as he held the child's hand. "We have to go and get a present for Grace. Should we get her lipstick?"
"She's too pretty for lipstick," Luce responded, Dean snorted amused. "Grace likes ponies and books daddy."
"Alright, well I remember Sam loved watching My Little Pony," Dean chuckled, "Maybe they have Pony toys, come on Luce, lets go check it out."
"Okie dokie," Luce nodded, before he stopped skipping, forcing Dean to stop with him, "Hold me daddy? I'm tired…"
"C'mere," Dean chuckled, pulling the boy into his arms, as they neared the toys. "Here we go, which one should we get Grace? Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Im going to get Uncle Sammy Pinkie Pie."
"I think we should get Gracie all of them daddy!" Luce said excitedly.
"Oh, here six pack, with all of them," Dean nodded, "I think I like Applejack the most, he looks the most normal. Or she. I don't know."
"Look daddy! Jessie from Toy Story!" Luce said pointing at the box. "And she has Bullseye with her!"
"You want that for Christmas?" Dean asked, carrying the boy to the register and paid for the toy.
"Yeap!" Luce nodded. "Can we get a new book daddy?"
"Alright, Cass can read it to you,"
"You cant read anyway," Luce giggled.
"Cheeky brat," Dean chuckled, "lets go get you a book. What do you want?"
"Ten books!"
"Aww," Lucifer frowned, "Okay! I want a Charlie and Lola book, daddy!"
"Alright, whatever that is," Dean chuckled.
"Here, jacket on," Dean ordered, "Its bloody freezing outside."
"But daddy! I have too many clothes on," Lucifer whined. "Its not that cold! You're exxajaring again!"
"What?" Dean asked, his brow rising, humorously. "Do you mean exaggerating?"
"Uh huh," Lucifer nodded, as Dean zipped up his jacket. "I'm hot."
"You can take it off once we get to Grace's house okay?" Dean smirked. "Come on, lets go."
"What about her present Dean?" Castiel asked with a smile, "I have wrapped it up and placed it in a bag with a ribbon."
"Yeah, give it to Luce, he can carry it."
"And daddy can carry me!"
"yeah, alright, come here," Dean chuckled, as he pulled the boy into his arms. "Take the bag from Cass buddy."
Luce reached over and was handed the said bag by the angel. "Thank you!"
"I hate clowns," Sam murmured as he sat tensely beside his brother and the two angels watching as a dozen children sat giggling at the party clown who was showing off magic tricks.
"Don't worry, I'll smite him if he tries anything," Gabriel chuckled as Luce let out a delighted scream along with the other children when the clown pulled a rabbit from a hat.
"Where did he- how did that rabbit appear?" Castiel asked, confused. Dean chuckled, "I think I understand why Sam does not like clowns."
Dean smirked, as Luce stood up and ran towards them, his smile contagious, causing a ripple of smiles amongst the four men.
"What's up, little man?" Dean asked as he pulled the child into his arms.
"Can we get a clown like this one?" Luce asked.
"No!" Sam interjected. Luce glared at him and stuck out his tongue for good measure!
"Grace speaks about Luce every minute of the day!" her mother laughed, "Before he started all we heard about was Jared being her best friend. Her father almost had a heart attack when she announced in the middle of dinner that Luce was her boyfriend!"
Dean chuckled as several of the other mothers giggled.
"Alexa told me she was to be a bridesmaid next week at their wedding!"
Dean choked on his soda as the ladies all awed! This wedding talk was news to him!
"That's what I said," Dan said, "I'm not sure if I'm ready for a son-in-law yet…"
Dean nodded, agreeing with his future daughter-in-law's father! "Tell me about it!"
"He's getting married this week at school," Dean smiled, as Gabriel carried the sleeping child to his bed. "Tane forgot to mention my son was engaged."
"Are we invited?" Castiel asked, "I would like to see a human wedding. I've never been to one."
"Neither have we," Sam chuckled.
"We could always sneak in and watch," Gabriel suggested. "With out him knowing."
"When the hell did he propose?" Bobby asked.
"I'm pretty sure Grace did the proposing," Sam snorted, "I cant see Luce proposing!"
Awww, Luce is 'engaged' and youre all invited to his wedding next chapter.
In other news. Im not dead! Hopefully I'll keep updating this until I finish it, it's a fun story to write.
Also I'd like to give a thank you to everyone who has been reviewing even though I haven't been updated, you guys are awesome and I love reading every review! The first thing I do in the morning after posting a new chapter is check for reviews so yeap, I love each one!
Peace and chicken grease!