I don't own anything.
A/N: Alright it's another week and that means another update but first off I want to thank my reviewers from last week; HeartsWereNeverMeantToRace, Phelycia, Quizas, MermaidRam85, Aipom4, chaylorXtraylorlover, lilmissmonique, LunaSolTierra, traylorlove, Erieaud, and Tina. Thank you guys so much and I hope everyone enjoys this ending, and please don't forget to Review.
Baby S
Chapter Twenty
Taylor wanted patiently for Troy to leave so that he could go and see about their daughter before she picked up the phone and dialed a number that had memorize for the past five years. On the second ring the phone was answered by what sounded like a nervous Darius Combs. "Hello?" he asked weakly, the sound of his voice almost made Taylor grow sick with disgust. She remained on the line however not saying one word. The silence seemed to make Darius even more nervous as he spoke up again. "Taylor?" he asked again. "If this is you...you have to understand that I'm sorry so sorry."
"You aren't sorry." she mumbled as she spoke over the line her voice cold with fury. Furious because she had wasted five years of her life believing that Darius Combs actually cared for her. Respected her and wanted the absolute best for her. She was furious that he had come to the house and tried to take away her child all because he was a selfish pig that just couldn't let go.
"I am sorry...I didn't want things to escalate like it did." he admitted over the phone trying to sound as if he was absolutely lost. His act however didn't do anything for Taylor. She knew that he was only trying to save his ass, especially since he knew that she was probably in the hospital.
"Well, it did...and I'm going to make sure you pay." she snapped as she thought about her daughter. She wasn't going to allow this man to continue make her life a living hell. Constantly popping up whenever he thought about what happened and got mad. Darius sighed over the phone and then released a bitter chuckle.
"So is that what you're gonna do huh...you're just going to make me pay. Pay for what...making you star...for bringing you out of that damn awful personality you had back in college. You looked like a conservative soccer mom without any kids. I made you how you are today...so I'm sorry if I hurt you damn feelings."
"My God...you are just sick."
"Sick...no...I just want what you owe me. I made you star...you should have stayed with me. Where was the loyalty." he shouted with a shake of his head. "Where was the loyalty? If I had known all you wanted as some fucking love and maybe a child I would have played the part." Taylor's mouth dropped open in disgust and disbelief.
I can't believe you just said that to me." she whispered in shock. The line was silent for a moment before he commented.
"Yeah, if I had known that was what you needed I would have given it to you."
"Well, I'm gonna give you something you need as well...which is a visit from the police." she countered angrily. "Troy isn't the only one capable of protecting our family...I'm a mean as mother hen as well." she snapped as she thought about if he had played the part. She would have been trapped with him for life. She would have led a loveless life. "How about you play the part of the culprit...cause I really want to see your episode on cops." She hung up the phone then and leaned back on the bed and sighed, closing her eyes she felt a few tears fell from her eyes as she thought about the man she had unwisely considered her brother. Oh she had been such a fool. Once she opened her eyes she picked up the phone again and dialed 911, she was going to send the cops Darius' way and then go and see about her daughter...she really needed to see her.
Troy was still looking over his daughter, when he heard the door open. Turning he smiled as he saw Taylor being wheeled in by a nurse. Stepping back from the incubator, he smiled at the woman who had given him his child and who had also agreed to be his wife. "I thought you were tired baby?" he asked as he met the nurse at the midway point of the room. Bending down slightly he looked Taylor over and sighed for a moment. "Is everything alright?"
"I just need to see her." Taylor replied back with a soft smile. "I'm not that tired." she finished with a bright smile as she looked over towards the incubator that Troy had been standing over. He followed her glaze and couldn't keep the smile off his face.
"And I'm sure she wants to see her momma," he stated with a grin. Standing up he backed out of the way as the nurse wheeled Taylor up to the incubator that housed their child. "She's beautiful...looks just like you." he stated smoothly as he followed behind them. "I can see already that I'm gonna have my hands full."
"I bet." Taylor mused with a smile as the nurse stopped the wheel chair and locked it in place. Troy watched as the nurse moved to the side of the incubator and carefully lowered it so that it was on eye level with Taylor.
"I'll just leave you two alone...just wave at me and I'll be over to help her back to her room."
"Okay." Troy replied with a soft smile as he placed his hand on Taylor's shoulder as she lent forward and studied their child. "I'm glad you decided to come down here...we should be meeting her together." he stated softly as he looked at her. Taylor nodded her head in understanding as she looked in on her daughter, and gasped in shock. Their daughter was absolutely beautiful. Taylor felt herself smiling as her daughter wiggled on her back while moving her clenched fist in the air.
"Oh Troy she's beautiful." Taylor stated in awe with a tear in her eye, as she looked down at her daughter she knew her decision had been the right one. Darius needed to pay for what he did to her, and she knew from their conversation that he wasn't the least bit sorry for what had taken place. He didn't care and for that he would pay.
"That she is...she takes after you, Taylor...I might have to go and buy my shotgun today so I can be ready." he replied with a small smirk as he looked down at his daughter. Taylor just laughed at the statement and playfully slapped him on the shoulder. He grinned and then placed a kiss on her temple. "You don't have to worry about Darius...I'm gonna take care of him." Taylor's smile froze on her face in surprise before she shook her head. "What?" he asked with concern and just a bit of worry. He knew Darius used to have a hold on Taylor but he was pretty sure that this incident had really closed that door. Never taking her eyes off of their daughter she spoke.
"I called the cops on him."
"What when?"
"When I made come down here by yourself earlier...I needed to let him know that I knew he did it on purpose...and I guess to see if he was truly sorry for it. You know...cause normal people don't set out with the intent to hurt pregnant women...well he wasn't sorry not that it really matter cause I was going to call cops anyway."
"I wish you hadn't done that." Troy stated.
"Why...I know what you were planning and I want you here with us...not in jail because you assaulted him. Like I told him, I'm not the only person whose going to protect our family." she finished with a sigh. "I guess he's learning that the hard way now." Troy looked down at his daughter and then over at Taylor.
"Yeah I guess you're right about that, but it wouldn't be assault it'd probably be murder." he finished his blue eyes darkening with rage at the man that dared put Taylor and his child in the hospital.
"The cops should be picking him up...later on tonight, I did call them before I came down here. I felt that I had to handle it only because I know Darius is in our lives because of me."
"No, he's in our life right now because he's bitter and doesn't want to let go." Taylor returned her glaze to her daughter and spoke up.
"Let's not talk about him right now...let's try to decide on a name for our daughter." Taylor stated as she looked up at Troy who nodded his head in agreement with her idea.
"Sounds like a good idea...okay, how about um...McKessie." Troy stated first, they both shared a look and then started laughing.
"That isn't going to happen." Taylor stated as she finished laughing and sighed. "Any other ideas?"
"Are you letting me choose?" he asked with a smirk as he remembered some of their conversations during her pregnancy specifically about this. She had always told him that she would have the last choice if it was a girl cause she didn't want him to pick a name that would ward off potential boyfriends.
"I'm letting you supply some ideas." she stated back with a sigh as she looked over at him. "And no her name can't be Helga."
"You're no fun."
"Am too." she countered with a roll of her eyes as she reached into the incubator and allowed her daughter to latch onto her finger. Troy watched as mother and daughter interacted and just smiled. He couldn't remember a time when he was this happy and at peace.
"She's got a good grip."
"She's just giving us her firm handshake...letting us know we need to pick a strong," she paused and gave Troy a look. "yet strong name."
"Of course I wouldn't have it any other way." Troy replied with a smirk as he looked at their daughter. "Okay how about...Jasmine...I think it's a nice name." Taylor tilted her head to the side as if allowing the name to bounce around in her mind for a minute before nodding her head.
"I don't have any objections to that name...it's a nice name and it's really pretty too." he smiled and then looked back down at his daughter.
"Alright then...Jasmine it is...Jasmine Bolton." he finished as he reached into the incubator as well and allowed his daughter to latch onto his finger as well. They both smile as their daughter wiggled around and looked up at them watching them with curious eyes.
"I can't believe it's been a week." Taylor stated as she laid back in the passenger seat and looked into the back behind Troy's seat to watch the baby seat. "And we're finally headed home."
"I'm happy to have you home...that house is a little to lonely with you there keeping me company and now that Jasmine is coming as well...it will never be lonely or boring again. She's too curious...I can see it now...she's going to be getting into everything." he mused as he smiled at the idea of him chasing his daughter around the house. Taylor looked over at him and just shook her head. Troy was proving day in and day out that she had basically won the best husband and best 'baby father,' sweepstakes. Troy was wonderful with Jasmine even at this age. He was always holding her in the hospital after the doctor had declared her strong enough to be taken out of the incubator.
"I'm sure she won't get into everything."
"You'll right...but I'm sure she'll get into something we've overlooked." he replied back with a smirk. "She is after all your daughter?"
"Oh so we're doing this now. Geez, I thought we'd at least wait a few years before blaming the child's bad traits on one another."
"Nope...that starts now...we gotta be ahead of the game baby." he replied with a wink as he pulled up outside of the house. As Troy made to get out of the car, Taylor reached over and placed a hand on his arm.
"Do you know about Darius? What happened?"
"Julius told me that he was arrested and since we're pressing charges he had bail. He'll be awaiting trial at home under house arrest." Taylor sighed with relief at his words. She certainly didn't want to bring home her daughter if Darius was running around free and mad at her. Troy studied her for a few moments before shaking his head. "I wouldn't have allow you guys home if he was free. Nope, I would have done something about it before I went to get you guys from the hospital. My job is to keep you guys safe and that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"Well, I'm glad you're thinking like that...I would have gone out my mind with worry if he had been free and roaming around cause I'm pretty sure he's upset with me." she replied with a smirk that seemed to state that she didn't give a damn either way. Troy looked over at her and just smiled back, before the gurgling of their daughter Jasmine came in through the moment. Reaching back, Taylor rubbed her daughter's head and the gurgling instantly died down. "I think we better get her inside she's getting restless."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Troy stated, they both got out of the car with Troy getting Jasmine out and Taylor getting their bag out. As they walked towards the house, Troy leant over and gave Taylor a quick kiss as he pushed opened the door. The moment they stepped foot inside, they were greeted with a loud surprise. Taylor jumped and placed a hand over her heart while Jasmine just shifted in her father's arms and looked out at the people they were quickly coming towards them. Taylor looked over everyone. Her parents and Troy's parents were there along with Sharpay, Gabriella, Zeke, Ryan, and Sharpay and Zeke's son. Julius, Carlos and Alisha were there as well.
"Oh my goodness you guys what are you doing here?" she asked as she was immediately enveloped by Gabriella and Sharpay who hugged her tightly.
"Troy called us and told us that you went into labor early...and you know that we had to come and visit you and see that little cutie pie." Sharpay stated with a bright smile as she looked at Taylor and then over at the little girl that Troy was holding. "Oh she so beautiful."
"Why thank you." Troy stated with a smug expression on his face, that only caused Sharpay to roll her eyes at him.
"I think I'm going to ignore that...cause seriously...," she trailed off as Zeke came and covered her mouth with his hand.
"Congrats, Taylor...your daughter certainly takes after her mother." Sharpay wiggled out of his hold and playfully smacked his shoulder.
"I was going to say the exact same thing." Zeke gave her a look, and all she could do was blush and nod her head in understanding. "Um, Troy let me see my goddaughter." she muttered as she walked over to him and looked down at the little girl in his arms. Gabriella smiled up at Taylor and just shook her head.
"Bonnie, I'm so happy for you." she stated with a bright smile. "I'm really happy for you." she pulled Taylor in and hugged her tight. Taylor just nodded her head in understanding and allowed herself to be pulled into another. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. She was happy to be around a group of people that actually cared for her. Especially she, Darius had told her what he would have done if he had only known what she wanted out of life. She could just imagine it now...a life of regret and loneliness and being with a man that didn't love her half as much as Troy did. She was so happy she had wised up and pushed Darius out of her life for good and now she was going to make sure he paid for hurting her and her daughter.
They spent the rest of the night talking with their family and friends and when it got a little late and Troy saw Taylor release a yawn, he asked for everyone to hide to the guest room they had been given. Taylor looked up from the bed as Troy entered the room with Jasmine asleep on his shoulder. "Oh I can see it already...she is going to be nothing but a daddy's girl huh."
"Is there any other?" he asked with a smirk as he carefully sat down on the bed. He rubbed Jasmine's back when she got a little fussy but other than that everything was cool. He looked over at her for a moment before reaching out and placing his hand on hers. "I love you so much, Taylor...and I was thinking..."
"What exactly were you thinking?" she asked with a small smile as she looked over at him while mentally wishing she had a camera in their bedroom at that very moment. Troy looked absolutely wonderful leaning back on the headboard gently cradling his daughter like the precious gift she was. He looked back at her for a moment before speaking up.
"What is it, baby?" he asked softly
"Oh nothing...I was just thinking about how nice a picture like that would be...you two are just adorable." Troy smiled at the statement and nodded his head.
"Why thank you...and you holding our daughter is adorable too," he paused for a moment and rubbed his thumb along the back of her head. "However, as I was saying before...I was thinking that maybe we could um...well..." Taylor raised an eyebrow at him for a moment which caused Troy to blush beneath her stare. "I can't believe I'm doing this...isn't like I haven't already asked you."
"Is this about um...our upcoming wedding."
"How about tomorrow?" Troy asked with a small nervous smile, Taylor's mouth dropped open in disbelief as she looked at him as if he had completely lost his mind.
"Isn't this a little sudden?"
"No...not really." he stated his tone still slightly nervous as he looked at her. "I've been thinking about while you were in the hospital...I have to admit having you there scared me like nothing else in the world. All I knew was that I wanted you as my wife...as soon as possible."
"We can make the arrangements and get things underway." she stated with a smile as she looked over at him for a moment. "We can do that."
"What if I already did it."
"Excuse me?"
"I um...didn't you wonder why everyone was here...it wasn't just to see the baby. It was also for the private ceremony that I had planned for tomorrow. I have everything together, Taylor...and I need now is for you to give me the go ahead." Taylor looked at him and then down at her daughter before looking back up.
"Oh Troy...," she stated with a sigh as she looked at him for a moment in complete awe. This man continued to stun her. He truly loved her, and after searching for it for so many years she was glad that she had finally found it. "Okay then...yes let's get married tomorrow...no more putting it off."
"You sure?" he asked, shifting carefully so he wouldn't wake a now sleeping Jasmine.
"Positive." Troy smiled at her words and leaned over kissing her lightly on the lips. Pulling back he rested his forehead against her own and smile. "I love you, Taylor Ann McKessie soon to be Bolton."
"I love you too." she whispered back before placing another kiss on his lips.
Troy waited till about two in the morning before getting out of bed and going out on the balcony. He remembered a time he had done this before, and it was to tell Darius that he was going to hurt him business wise...but this time things were personal. He waited a few minutes and the phone was picked up by Darius who answered in confusion. "Who is this?"
"It's Troy...you bastard." There was a pause on the other end of the phone and then Darius spoke up his voice taking on a hated and agitated tone.
"What do you want?"
"I'm just calling to gloat...I just wanted to hear your voice before you went to jail for a while. Assaulting a pregnant isn't something that the justice system allows people to get by on. "Troy replied. "I've held off on calling you because Taylor handle it and-."
"So you're letting her fight your battles for you?"
"We're a team...we fight together. I'm just calling to let you know that I believe what's happening to you couldn't have happened to a better person." he stated with a smirk. "I have you have nice life inside...a pretty boy like you will need all the luck you can get...but judging by how much of a punk you were on the outside, I'm pretty sure things won't go your way." Troy hung up the phone then and sighed. Closing his phone, he looked out over the estate and realized that it was time to let go. Darius was going to be put behind bars he only had a few more days of freedom left before he goes to jail. He and Taylor, however had a whole life ahead of them. Jasmine wasn't going to be the only child, no he wanted a big family. He wanted to show Taylor each and everyday that he loved her and couldn't imagine his life without her. He wanted to show her and put into action the things he spoke about on his songs...his letters.
"What are you doing out here?" Turning around he saw Taylor standing in the doorway looking at him curiously.
"Nothing much...just," he paused and looked down at his phone. "I'm just letting some things go. Letting nature take its course."
"Are we really going to get married this afternoon."
"I'm not going anywhere." he stated with a smile as he looked at her. "I'm not going to leave your side, baby...you got me till the very end." he whispered as he pulled her into a hug. He closed his eyes and kissed her cheek as Taylor wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him for a few seconds.
"You know...we probably shouldn't even be seeing each other right now...it's bad luck." she stated with a wistful smile as she pulled back and looked up at Troy who just shrugged his shoulders and kissed the top of her forehead. They stared into one another's eyes for a few seconds before Troy lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her passionately. The kiss last for a few seconds until air was needed by them both. Troy took a deep calming breath as he looked at Taylor...the love of his life and the woman who would be his wife in a manner of hours.
"Taylor...I love you...you are the most beautiful person to me in this universe, besides our daughter. You're the first person I see when I wake and the last person I see when I go to sleep," he paused and kissed her gently on the lips. "Seeing you can never be bad luck."
A/N: I hope you guys liked the ending. I will have another Traylor out, but I have to start working on it. I'm pretty sure it'll be out by the end of the "The Revelation," so far its untitled but when it's posted I hope you check it out.
Baby S