"Love Thy Enemy,"

By: XPeaceful-RainX


Everything was silent except for the usual lonely cat's meow and the angry dog's growl. A small bump in that night came that aroused the only one it ever would, Dib, a young eighteen-year-old male that had a strong interest and belief in the paranormal.

He propped up on his elbow, that sunk into his matress. He gently pushed his black rimmed glasses onto the top of his head, his thick, raven, trademark cowlick keeping them from slipping backward. He pressed one of his eyes against his telescope, peering out across the street and then up into space.

Venus, check and normal. Jupiter, check and normal. Mars, check and normal. He was just finishing up doing his nightly calculations of "planet inspection", making sure all were present and that they held no signs of strange occurances. Pluto, check and normal. Even though it's not classified as a planet anymore, it still needs to be watched. Aliens may find it the perfect place to set up their headquarters, thinking humans no longer exam it. Hmm, it is a little discolored, but I read about that on the internet at school. Okay, Pluto's fine.

With a yawn and a deep stretch the boy glanced over to his nightstand clock. 11:06, time for him to get his well deserved rest. Dib slowly hissed a little as he moved his elbow, which shot pain through his arm as he pulled it up and off of the springs. He stretched it out slowly as the pain quickly fled from him. He managed to crawl and snuggle under his comforter with a small grunt of struggle as he yanked on the fabric. He balled up a small section of the comforter in a fist and snuggled it under his chin, his body almost instinctively curling into the fetile postion.

He removed his glasses and slung them lazily onto his nightstand, turning to face the wall, his forehead pressed against its coolness. His hazel eyes fluttered shut as another uncontrollable yawn escaped his lips. He felt warm inside as sleep began to take him over and lull his busy mind into a slow hault. A small smile fell onto his sleeping face before the sound of his door bashing against the wall it was hinged to.

"Dib!" Gaz, Dib's sixteen-year-old gothic sister, shouted loudly. "You have a visitor... and he woke me up! You'll pay in the morning!" The florescent purple of her hair glared the anger in her, burning with sleep, eyes.

"Visitor? This late?"

"That's what I said... now get u- gaaah!"

Dib stared, unknowing to what had happened as he sister cried in pain and dropped to the floor for seemingly no reason. He gently threw his covers off, his face holding some shock and some disbelief, thinking Gaz was up to one of her old tricks that thrilled her to no end.

"G-Gaz... Sis?" Dib's voice shook a little, his sister didn't move, nor did she even seem to hear him. "Al-alright, Gaz, if this is one of your crazy pranks, it's not funny. Come on, get up!" He shouted in whisper as his body finally began to run on fear as he quickly came up to his sister. He knelt down beside her, even paler than usual (if that was a possibility), body, a small amount of dark blood dribbled from her mouth. Dib panic, his own heart racing as he placed two fingers against the side of Gaz's neck, searching and praying for a pulse. There was in fact one, but it was feeble and terribly faint.

"She's not dead, Dib-worm," a voice that was thick with arrogance and free of remorse hissed. That voice was so familiar to Dib that he would have to be brain dead to not know who the owner of it was. "She's only stunned and in a large amount of pain."

"Zim," Dib hissed aloud, it was more of a command of "show yourself" than it was a question of "what are you doing in my house". "Why'd you do that to her? Gaz is my sister, you can't just go around zap frying guy's sisters with that silly taser gun of yours."

"You have no say! Zim doesn't have to listen to you, pathetic hyoooomaaan!" The green teen smirked, his face still have hidden in the dark. His blue eyed contacts stared at the human from a distance, before he waltzed over cooly to the raven-haired boy.

"Human! Human! It's pronounced hu-man ."

"Like I care what pronounciations you worm babies use."

"Well," Dib spat, wiping the blood away from his sister's mouth. "What are you doing here, Zim?"

"Oh, I just stopped by to see what was going on and how you were- POW!" Zim shouted loudly as he quickly used his taser gun against the unsuspecting boy, turning on his heal to face Dib once again.

Pain seered through Dib, it was unlike anything he'd ever felt. He had been tased before, but Zim's new modified taser was able to jerk blood from his human body. A tiny amount of blood came from Dib's mouth, just as it had done to Gaz. While unable to speak and in agonizing pain, Dib was very aware of what was going on, but that was just according to Zim's plan. Gaz, however, couldn't jeapordize the plan, Zim had no choice but to knock her out with a noxious Irken gas that had the power to make a human go into a coma like state for hours on end.

After carrying Gaz, who was in such a deep sleep that she didn't notice the fact that her video game console was no longer clutched in her hand (something Gaz would always have a melt down over), to her room and tossing her onto the bed, Zim shut the girl's door behind him and the went to the boy on the floor.

Dib's hazel eyes darted about, with his glasses still laying on his dresser, he could only see fuzzy and blurred verisons of what was around him. He wanted so bad to move, but it was truely impossible. In contrast to previous tases, the pain within Dib intensified with time rather than weakened. He would have given anything to be able to do something: scream, shout, fight, run, anything to get Zim away from him.

Suddenly, the room grew horribly quiet, filling Dib with a sense of suspense and anixety. There soon was a small, evil cackle from the green alien that now hovered above him.

"How's it feel to be defenseless?" Zim questioned with a smirk, sitting on the boy, one knee on either side of Dib's waist. "You've lost, Dibmonkey. Zim has won!"

Dib knew he was defenseless and it scared him as the alien realized that fact, too. The alien examined the "filthy" human, paying close attention to Dib's scrawny abdomen.

"Though you are nowhere near fitting to be the one to help continue the Irken race, you'll have to do."

With that, Dib's eyes held confusion. Those hazel eyes however soon shot open with even rougher pain. Zim ran a cold knife across the human's stomach after lifting Dib's night shirt. Dib let out a horrific scream, despite the fact that he had been tased.

Zim was finally able to smile wildly as Dib's eyes shut, dead to the world, as he finished the painful, raggedy insicion. With a single, gloved finger, Zim was able to use his Irken powers to remove the female organ that enabled child bearing from his own body. He quickly shoved the organ into his proper place within Dib's pale, bloody body and stitched the human back up, the scar automatically erasing itself to make it appear as if nothing had happened.

Irkens have a special way a reproducing. When their race almost died out due to more infertile than fertile female Irkens, the race issued a way of bioengineering their kind. By placing productive female organs within the males, which were the only sex strong enough to handle such a horrific and risky operation, the males would proceed to insert the active female organs into the female, therefore leaving them to produce as any normal being that lived. Thus that saved the Irken race and led to the pain and trauma Dib was now going through.

After carrying Dib to his "disgusting" earth bedroom, Zim was able to continue with his plan to carry on the Irken race. He removed the Dibworm's pajamas and under garments, enabling him to make the boy pregnant without ever being suspected until it was too late to abort the tiny smeet that would come to be. Dib wouldn't remember any of this, Gaz wouldn't remember, Professor Membrane wasn't home to witness it. The only one who would know about this for the time being was Zim and Gir, of course.

The alien knew what he had to do as his antennas rub furiously together, giving off a strange subtance that resembled pollen floating in the spring breeze. Since Zim didn't want to risk the smeet being even a tiny bit human, which would do more harm than good to his alien race, he simply had to generate enough of this substance to sprinkle over Dib's nude body. His human skin would rapidly absorb the alien's "toxin" and travel throughout his body, finding the small pouch and equiment that Zim had installed within the human's weak body.

Once the horrid deed was complete, a digusted yet strangely liberated and bubbly Zim redressed Dib and placed the boy in his usual sleeping position, also checking to make sure Gaz was in a normal sleeping position so there was no chance of him getting caught in the early stage of pregnancy, when killing the smeet would be quite easy and the first option that Dib would pounce on.


The next morning, Dib's hazel eyes fluttered open and he seemed to be ready to start another day. As he reached for his glasses, his body was slammed with a bolt of pain. He groaned lowly.

"Ow... nnn.. what in the world," Dib groaned, his muscle intensely aching, mostly in his stomach. He examined himself to find nothing that could cause the pain, so he, despite the horrible discomfort, shrugged the pain off as sleeping wrong or muscle cramps from gym class the previous day.

"D-Dib... Dad sai-said get downstairs," Gaz tried to scream, but her anger-filled statement was broken into bits as she paused ever so often to groan. Her body was sore, not as sore as Dib's for obvious reasons, but definately in a lot of discomfort.

Dib gritted his teeth and flinched at the thought of getting up from his bed when his body was so sore. His legs would probably have to mercy and collaspse beneath him. But, he couldn't help but wonder why Gaz sounded to be in pain.

"Oh, come on," the teen muttered into his pillow. "It's Saturday."

"Dib!" Professor Membrane called in a firm and deep tone. "Get downstairs! You're toast is getting blue!"

"Toast? Blue?" Dib questioned himself, still mumbling his words into his pillow. "How did he make the toast turn blue?"

With that, Dib rolled his eyes and place on his glasses, biting back the moans that were being created by his aching body. He walked down his stairs, the pain subsideing but still causing him horrible soarness and cramping.

Gaz sat at the kitchen table, he head dipping downward as sleep over took her. Each time her hair would slightly touch the milk in her cereal bowl, she'd pull her head back up and groaned as her neck sent her a little shot of tenderness.

"Damn it!" Gaz cried out angrily as she pulled her head up for the last time.

"Gaz!" Professor Membrane sternly warned his daughter about her language with the simple rough call of her name.

"I'm sorry but my neck fuc-uh-friggin' hurts."

Dib scoffed a little. There his little sister was making a big fuss over a soar neck when his whole body felt like it had been crushed by a car compresser.

"Yeah, well, guess what, Gaz... We're all hurting."

"Don't snap at me," Gaz darkly growled, getting up from her seat and punching her brother in the shoulder, earning a small whimper from him. "I'm going back to bed."