Title Time We Spent
Characters/Pairings Kakashi/Naruto with some implied Kakashi/Sakura and Sasuke/Naruto, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru is mentioned
Rating T/PG-15
Disclaimer don't own; no one's underage
Author's Notes/Warnings
un-betaed; AU world; covers prompt #08 'leaving' in table 'miscellaneous B'. Thank you to jtwsnw20, psychotic7796, ladywinterfic and Naruisuke for the fantastic reviews! I also want to apologize, this was supposed to be out the day after the last chapter, but a million things happened in between, so it got delayed. I'm back though!
It wasn't too much of a surprise when Tsunade pulled them aside a couple of days afterwards.
"I just wanted to let you know that Jiraiya's paperwork has been approved: Naruto can go home later today."
Kakashi watched with a sad eye as Naruto smiled brightly. He reminded himself that Naruto was better and that he was was leaving the mental ward for real life—this was a good thing. But this also meant he wouldn't get to spend all day, everyday, with him anymore.
* * *
Naruto was packing bags while Kakashi tried to help. He was talking up a storm about all the things he was looking forward to, but all of the things he was leaving behind as well. His hand rubbed over his scars.
"College will be a hassle—I barely managed to graduate high school, so I can't imagine any universities wanting me..." He yammered on and on, Kakashi smiling at some points.
"What's wrong, Kashi?"
The new nickname had Kakashi looking over at Naruto in a split second. "Nothing. Nothing at all."
Naruto frowned, "You don't look like it's nothing."
Kakashi shrugged.
* * *
When Jiraiya came to get Naruto they walked downstairs into a party. Naruto never stopped smiling, neither did anyone else. Kakashi smiled and went along, happily talking with people. Jiriaya invited him over for dinner: when he protested, Jiriaya slapped him on the back and told him he was family now. Kakashi couldn't help but grin at that.
The party ended and the three left for Jiriaya's house. Dinner was a quiet affair, but during dessert Jiriaya spoke up about various friends and acquaintances who said hello. They sat talking for a while afterwards, which wound up with Naruto asking if Kakashi could spend the night at Jiriaya's. He protested, but Jiriaya seemed keen on it as well.
The three fell into a routine where Naruto would spend the days with Jiriaya and leave for Kakashi's for the night. Jiriaya wasn't an idiot, he knew what was going on, but he didn't mind because Naruto wasn't watching for the moth anymore.
* * *
Besides, maybe this time it's different
I mean, I really think you like me
First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes