This fic is dedicated to blackteaplease for two reasons. One: she's the one who got rid of my writers block. Two: We went to a Mexican restaurant in Germany and I didn't like my meal. She was VERY nice and let me have hers (a burger) while she ate mine. So I ended up paying for her meal as well, which cost a little bit more than what I owed her for something else, and I promised to dedicate this fic to her. So here it is!

WARNINGS: Slash (Merlin/Arthur), Severe Angst, Suicidal Themes, Swearing, Violence, possible smut later (probably not too graphic though).

Note: This main part of this story takes place between Episode 10 and 12 of Season 2, but there will be spoilers for Episode 13.


"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this curse has no cure. I predict that you only have approximately three years left."

"Very well. You may leave now."

The court physician left the royal chambers quickly, leaving King Alyn of Deira sighing into his hand. From the shadows next to the curtain came Matthias, Alyn's personal advisor and closest friend.

"My lord," he began "you will need an heir. The kingdom will be in chaos otherwise."

"Do not worry, Matthias, I have been training Maynard for this job for many years. He will make a fine king."

Matthias looked slightly hesitant about that idea. "Sire, if I may be blunt, the nobles do not respect Maynard. You will need a blood relative to keep the, in control."

"You know as well as I do that that is impossible" replied the King, sighing again. Unconsciously his hand crept down to the scar tissue between his legs, the only remnant of his three-day capture by bandits.

"What of Princess Hunith?" suggested Matthias. The King froze and then, very slowly, replied.

"My sister is no longer a blood relation of the royal line. She committed treason and was banished, never to return to Deira."

"But only her" answered Matthias, a knowing look in his eye.

"What do you mean?" questioned Alyn loudly, spinning on the spot from where he had been facing the window.

"Your father, very wisely I might add, only disowned and exiled the Princess, not her descendents. Any child she may have had will be an eligible heir."

The King smiled. Finally a solution to his problems. To his advisor he said "Summon the Investigator. He is to find Princess Hunith and her children and bring back information only. I will make an official visit when I know more."


The herald blew his horn, announcing the arrival of the Investigator for the first time in over two years. The king mustered up energy to sit forward in his throne. He was frail these days – grey skinned and thin-haired. The curse the sorcerer had placed on him was killing him, a fact obvious to everyone who laid eyes upon His Majesty. But although the King's death was only months away, no heir had yet been named. This fact puzzled everyone, and the senior nobles were all plotting how to get hold of the throne.

The large wooden doors to the Throne Room opened and in walked the Investigator.

"What news?" asked the King impatiently. The Investigator bowed quickly but respectfully, before beginning his tale.

"The former Princess Hunith is currently living in the town of Ealdor, on the border of Uther and Cendred's kingdoms. She has one son by the name of Merlin who is currently working in Camelot as assistant to the Court Physician Gaius and the manservant of Prince Arthur."

"Excellent" said the King "send an embassy to Camelot at once and bring Prince Merlin back here. And Hunith." He added.

The Investigator hesitated slightly, before saying "My lord, there is something else you should know about Merlin. He is magical."

"Magical? In Camelot?" asked the King, shocked.

"Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes. And he is powerful too. It was he who managed to defeat Nimueh" replied the Investigator.

"Nimueh? My nephew defeated the most powerful sorceress in all Albion?"

"Yes, and I believe he will make a great King."

"Excellent. Matthias," he ordered, "send an embassy to Camelot via Ealdor and bring Hunith and Merlin back here. Also, make an announcement to the people that we now have an heir."

Just a short prologue to get you hooked Hope you liked it! Next chapter will feature much more Merlin and Arthur, and you won't see these characters again until Chapter 2. In total, I have nine chapters planned, plus an epilogue and a prologue. These may get squashed together though, so don't take this as absolute. I won't start posting until I have at least three/four chapters written, so I don't leave you all hanging (unlike my other one… sorry!). Also I'm on an exchange, so how I'm writing this is in a book during my free lessons, and then typing it up at night. So the rate of updates will depend entirely on who's also in my free lessons! Btw, I did my research (on Wikipedia!) and Deira was in fact a kingdom in Ancient England. There was, however, no King Alyn. So… please review and tell me what you think – suggestions are very welcome since I only have the chapter basics planned out!