pretty stupid oneshot I did for fun. =)

And yeah. I'm great at titles.

Where Lives He Now: Gokudera

a) A House/apartment

…like most other people. Not only would this be very likely, it would also the most anticlimactically place he could live. Therefore, we have ruled out this possibility.

b) An animal shelter

Yeah, right. (We were kidding in the summary.) How you seen what Yuri does to him?

c) Yamamoto's backyard

Wait. Does he even have a backyard? Yamamoto's dwelling is just as mysterious as Gokudera's. So scratch that.

d) Yamamoto's Sushi Place

Perhaps. If Yamamoto's old man hasn't kicked him out for breaking all the dishes yet.

e) Namimori High

This is not likely, as Hibari would probably beat up, skin and then deep-fry any being caught on school grounds out of school hours – and considering Gokudera's immense disruptive powers, with reason.

f) Chrome's Place

See e) and replace Hibari with Mukaro.

Conclusion*+: After (not) much observation and research, we have come to conclude that Gokudera does, indeed live at Tsuna's place. How else could he protect his precious Tenth while also managing to get enough to eat? Our bet is that he spends 85% of the time hiding under the bed and occasionally creeps out to steal food, go to the washroom, and buy gunpowder.

*There is a 98.314159265358979323846 % chance that we are mistaken.

+All data and information provided is for humorous purposes only. Accuracy, completeness, currentness, and validity were not taken into account. We are not liable for any errors, omissions, or bleeding eyes.