When the Sun Comes Down

Chapter III



Black eyes opened slowly, long slim arm reaching out sliding across the sheets finding no warmth next to her body, turning towards her fiancé's side she noticed he was not there anymore. Sitting up slowly she blushed crimson when very vivid images flew around in her mind, reminding what she has done that dawn. Reaching her small hand down between her legs, she gasped loudly how sensitive she was.

Removing her hand, she stood up and put a navy blue bathrobe around her slim yet athletic body. Walking out the bedroom, she went to the living room and stopped as soon as she laid eyes on her fiancé. The blond was sitting in the recliner pulled out, having his legs up. He was reading a book and it didn't take too long for her to notice, that it was the pregnancy book. He looked very serious while reading, when he looked up with only his eyes right at her, she smiled at him, which he returned.

"Morning, though it is past 2 already" He said and lowered the book.

"Morning" She blushed and walked towards him. He moved the recliner so it was just a chair and let her sit in his lap, giving her a peck on her rosy lips.

"Would you like to eat something?" He asked her while gliding his hand up and down on her back while the other rested on her legs.

"Mmm... perhaps some pancakes; I'll go take a shower until it's finished." She said pecking him on the forehead and leaving him in the living room.

Naruto smiled after her, put the pregnancy book down the end table and got up to make some delicious breakfast. He already sent a clone to buy some fresh strawberries in the morning when he woke. Once he mixed the ingredients together, he made some bad looking pancakes before he was able to make decent shaped ones. He smiled when two pale arms encircled his midsection from behind.

"It is almost done my love, mind setting the table with syrups or whatever you wish to put on?" He asked smiling her then laughed when he saw her making faces at his early tries for pancakes.

"You'll be eating those." She said and went to get syrups out from the fridge.

After turning off the stove and making sure nothing is going to catch on fire, he grabbed the plate full of pancakes and went to the dining area. He smiled when he saw her already sitting there and waiting impatiently for him to bring the food. Putting the plate down in the middle, Sasuke wasted no time and put three nicer shaped ones on her plate. She took the little bowl, which was full of nice red strawberry pieces and the liquid chocolate, and started to wolf the food down, Naruto's jaw hit the floor while watching all this. He knew she will have a nice appetite but this surprised him.

Blinking he looked down at his plate and started to eat while thinking about all the changes. He wants to marry her before she gives birth to their child, for that he will have to go missions so he can provide for his family. He was lost in thought, and snapped out of it when he heard a small sneeze coming from Sasuke. He looked up and gave her a huge smile. Her face was messy, chocolate around her lips and a bit of a whip cream, which she wiped down. She was about to wipe her mouth but he grabbed her hand and stood up from the table.

Walking around he leaned down and licked the chocolate off her lips, once done he gave her a peck and was about to move away, but she pulled him down by his shirt and slammed his lips onto hers. Her tongue slipped into his mouth mapping out his cavern moaning loudly at the taste he had. Naruto surprised he moved to pick her up from the chair, her legs wrapping around his waist in a second he sat down on the sofa. Still kissing passionately, she started move her hips it circular motion, grinding down into his groin making him hard. The blonde's hands were on her hips holding her, the raven's hands went down to his groin and was about to pull out his erection when the doorbell rang.

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue she got off and stomping off to their bedroom, Naruto blinked a couple of times then sighed. Getting up he walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey Naruto" Came the quiet hello from a very depressed looking like Kiba, who just waltzed in and sat down on the sofa. Naruto frowned and bit back his reply when he saw his friend's expression. Closing the door he gaped at the tears rolling down on his friend's face.

"Kiba, what is wrong? Is everything okay with Hinata?" Naruto asked worriedly while walking to the man. Sniffing a bit he looked at Naruto.

"We were going to go on our honeymoon, but there is a mission only Akamaru and I can do and I have to leave for approximately 4 months." Kiba said and took a shuddering breath. They both snapped their heads up when plate of cookies and a box of juice with two glasses were set in front of them on the coffee table. Kiba gave Sasuke a small smile while Naruto gave her a wink making her blush. She gave a small slap on his bicep and sat down next to her fiancé. Kiba took a cookie and inhaled it in a second it touched his lips. Moaning at the taste he took two more and wolfed it down. Naruto and Sasuke just smiled and he poured juice for all of them.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be in this state for only missing out on the honeymoon with her, is there something else?" Naruto asked and took a sip of the juice. He smiled gently at Sasuke when she grabbed his hand on his lap. He gave her hand strokes with his thumb.

"Hinata is expecting and the thought of leaving her alone is scaring the shit out of me." Kiba said and finished his juice giving a slight scoff at the thought of juice, but he knew by the smell of pancakes that they just had "breakfast" not too long ago.

"I see. I am sure... " Naruto started only to be cut off by the raven's hand squeezing his. He looked at her and she nodded her head with a smile. Sighing Naruto looked back at Kiba who looked like his favorite toy was taken away and could not get it back.

"Look, why doesn't she move here with us while you are on the mission, it seems Sasu would enjoy some female company, especially if it's Hinata, and I wouldn't mind her being here." Naruto said and Kiba's happy face was worth it. He glomped Naruto and gave a chaste kiss on Sasu's cheek which earned him a glare from Naruto.

"I have to leave tomorrow morning, but before I do I'll drop her off" Kiba said and got up walking towards the door.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then." Naruto said and gave a small wave to him before locking the door. Turning back at the squealing he gave a surprise look at the sight of Sasuke actually squealing and running off to get the guest room ready he assumed.

"Must be the hormones" He mumbled and went to clean up the mess he created by making pancakes.

Next morning there was a knock on the door around 8 o'clock; Naruto sluggishly walked to the door and opened it with a big yawn.

"Good morning" He said to the visitors.

"Good morning Naruto" They said in unison. He let them walk in and put Hinata's stuff in the guest room which Sasu prepared for her.

"Hope we didn't bother you too early." Hinata said seeing Naruto yawn the third time since they arrived.

"Not at all, Sasu kept me awake all night" He yawned then smiled at the blushing faces.

"Alright then, I have to go, I'll see you guys in a couple of months." Kiba said, and then he kissed his wife goodbye and gave a pat on Naruto's back leaving them for his mission.

"You can go back to sleep Naruto, I'll do the same." She gave him a smile and he nodded and left.

At dinner time it hit Naruto completely, he was alone with two pregnant women whose hormones are all over the place. He was currently sitting at the dining table not moving an inch as the two hormonal women argued over how it is best to cut onions without crying over the dreaded vegetable. In the beginning of the "argument", he tried to put his two cents in and get slapped by Sasu and glared by Hinata. The two women were cooking for him; they fought over who is the best cook, so now they were competing against each other.

The blonde felt like shooting himself in the head. So now, he just sat in one place as Sasu ordered him to do so and waited for them to calm down, now he'll know not to get between pregnant women. He wanted to roll his eyes at both of them, because now both their method didn't work and they were crying while chopping up onions into small pieces. He tried to get up from the table and sat back down by the glare that was given to him by his fiancé. He sighed and decided just to wait what they make and eat and praise them both so he can go to the damn bathroom.

Once everything was ready, Naruto was already moving his leg fast in irritation. Two plates full of food were put in front of him and he sighed, he made a clone and ate both dishes in the same time so he can get to the bathroom first. He enjoyed both of them and once he was done, he stood up all against the glare he received. He kissed sensually his fiancé to shut her up.

"They both were very delicious." He said and dispelled the clone and teleported into the bathroom. He can hear the girls shout his name, but he sighed and just finished his business.

Yawning, he sat up from the sofa. Since he refused to choose between the dishes, he had to sleep on the sofa. He couldn't wait for Kiba to come back already and it's been only one day since Hinata was there. It is not as if he disliked her, it was just hard to handle two hormonal women, especially with no experience with them, not knowing how to handle them. Making his way to the bathroom, he took a shower and brushed his teeth. He was refreshed but without clean clothes, he walked quietly to their bedroom, opening the door he peaked inside. Sasuke was sleeping so he walked in quietly, making sure he won't wake her up. Just was about to pull on his briefs, two arms slipped around his midsection.

"I'm thirsty." The raven said as her hand cupped his member and rubbing it to get it hard.

"Well then... perhaps you should drink something eh?" He said as he turned around and freed his now erect member.

"Yes, I should." She mumbled and her mouth watered at the sight of the erection. Getting on her knees, she pumped him a couple of times before leaning toward it, she was just about to taste his precum when...

End Chapter III

Saya: Tada~ *yawns* Sowwie for the mistakes if there is any, found a BETA who will work with me on this... maybe... she's busy too so... meh...

Sasu: Yay~ I mean what?! "when..." when what? What happens? *glomps Saya*

Saya: Um, get off? You naked and in a female form, no thank you... *tries to push her off*

Sasu: What? You made me female and you don't want me to touch you? *lips tremble*

Saya: Um, Naru... a little help? *reaches out towards the blond*

Naru: Errr... No... I have to deal with two hormonal women, it's a payback... deal with it *turns away.

Saya: Sorry, you have to wait until next time to know what happens after "when..." Anyways, thank you for the favs, follows and reviews. There was a person who wrote to me about how Naru knew she's pregnant, um... read the first chapter is all I can say... *frowns*

Sasu: Yeah, read it the whole thing before asking questions. *rubs herself against Saya*

Saya: Noooooooooo!

Sasu: Hehe~ Bai Bai *annoys Saya more and more* teaches you to not to change me into woman again...