Through the Looking Glass World and Back Again


Prologue-10 years ago

A very young girl (about 5) with raven black hair was skipping down the sidewalk with a jump rope. She was in a bright yellow dress, and had a bright red bow in her hair; she had a very sweet face with beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She was singing under her breath as she jumped rope…

"Miss Susie had a steamboat

the steamboat had a bell

Miss Susie went to heaven

the steamboat went to...

Hello, operator please give me number nine

and if you disconnect me

I'll kick you from..."

She tripped. She fell face-forward on the sidewalk. She sat up and started to cry when she heard a voice from behind her. "Kagome? Are you alright dear?"

Kagome turned to see her mother walking toward her while pushing her baby brother in him in his stroller. "Momma," she said wiping her eyes. She stood up and ran over to her mother, trying to stop the water works at the same time. Her mother knelt down and very gently began to dab her eyes with a handkerchief.

"It's alright, Kagome," said her mother. "You just tripped. It's alright. I know why don't you come to the store with me and your brother, sota?" Kagome just nodded and took her mother's hand.

She walked on in silence for awhile and had her jump rope over her shoulders, and held onto her mother's hand. Her mother began talking to her about what to have for dinner, when she noticed that Kagome wasn't her usual cheerful self. She seemed really melancholy, and quiet.

"Kagome?" asked her mother in concern. "Is something wrong? Did you hurt yourself when you fell?"

Kagome shook her head, refusing to look at her mother. "Well, what's wrong?"

Kagome sighed before looking up at her mother and gave her a forced smile. "Nothing momma, I'm just really tired." Her mother didn't believe her for a second but didn't press the issue any further.


Kagome was walking home and was the one pushing Sota, while her mother was carrying all the groceries. Kagome cheered up considerably while talking with her mother and playing with Sota. In fact, she was laughing while they were only a block away from home. But the laughing soon stopped when she realized what house they were in front of.

She stopped dead when she saw the house. (Just your normal haunted house on the block.) The paint on its burgundy wall was just beginning to peel with age. There was an iron rod fence surrounding the place, and at the tops of the rods there were sharp points, sharp enough that if your finger were to prick one of them, it would pierce the skin. Abandon and decaying, the massive ivy covered brick structures, some of the rooms had windows that were able to let light in, unless the big piece of wood that was able to shut out the light was in place. Now, all but one of the windows has been boarded up, keeping light out forever. A single window right in the front that gave a perfect view of the street was the only window that wasn't boarded up... yet there was a dark curtain right covering it from view.

The place gave Kagome the creeps. She kept getting these strange feelings from it, as though she knew there was something in there that wasn't supposed to be. She stared long and hard across the overgrown and unkempt lawn to the single free window. Sometimes she would find herself staring at the window for hours on end. But the funny thing was that she never realized it, when she stares at the house she just falls into a daze and the next thing she knew she the sun would be setting.

This time was no different. She gazed up at the window with a strange glazed look in her eyes as she stared. She didn't know what she was looking at but she just couldn't help herself, as though she was staring at a very good TV show that you couldn't turn away from, or listening to your favorite song on a CD.

She didn't even notice her mother talking to her. "Kagome? Are you still with us?" she felt her mother's hand on her shoulder and that was enough to bring her back to earth. She shook her head and turned to look at her mother. "What did you say momma?" she asked.

"I asked if you were still here, it's like you zoned out."

"I'm fine mamma," she said shaking her head trying to clear it. "I just phased out for a second." She continued walking along side her mother and Sota began to cry. As her mother stopped to give him his pacifier, Kagome looked once again at the house. It was like she magnetically drawn to it, like she couldn't stop herself from staring at the window.

As she looked on, she noticed the curtain move very slightly… and a pair of small, bright golden eyes staring right back… at her.

As soon as she saw those eyes… she felt something inside her pulse… as though a bolt of lightning came from nowhere and struck her body. She screamed and fell back into darkness… into a very strange dream.

Kagome… Kagome… can you hear me? Kagome?!

'A voice?' she thought, 'Who's voice? Who's calling me?' she opened her eyes. Her mother was sitting right beside Kagome, her eyes full of worry. "Momma? What's wrong?" it was then that she realized that she was laying on a large bed, with a long strange tube sticking in her arm. She was a large white room, with strange machines and equipment surrounding her. Her mother then helped her sit up and then hugged her so tight that she thought that her ribs would break.

"Kagome, oh Kagome, I was so worried about you. I knew something was wrong, are you alright." Kagome just looked around her and asked again, "Momma what happened? Where are we? How did I get here?"

Her mother pulled herself away to look at her daughter, "You just fainted, Kagome," she said. "I was giving your brother his pacifier and you just let out a scream and you fainted. I got you and your brother home but you didn't wake up so I called an ambulance and they brought you here. Oh, Kagome are you sure you're alright?" her mother sounded like she was only an inch away from completely losing it.

Kagome nodded. She was alright but she was a little freaked out by what she saw and felt. The last thing that she remembered was a pair of bright golden eyes, staring at her… from inside the house. The house! She remembered the house, walking home with her mother and her baby brother.

"Momma, where's Sota?" Kagome asked. Her mother wiped the tears from her eyes and answered, "I left him with your grandfather until you woke up. Kagome?" her mother asked uncertainly. "What happened? Why did you faint?"

Kagome froze; she didn't know what to tell her mother. She wanted to tell her about the eyes she saw but she didn't want to worry her so she just said, "I thought I saw something and it scared me."

"What did you see, sweetie?" asked her mother holding Kagome against her in another strong hug. Kagome shook her head, "It was nothing. How long was I asleep?"

Her mother looked her daughter full in the face and answered, "You've been asleep for over 3 days, Kagome." Kagome felt her jaw drop. "3 days? No wonder the dream I had felt so long."

"Dream? What did you dream about sweetheart?" Kagome opened her mouth to tell her, but then stopped.

"I can't remember," she said. "But I know that it was very special, really important. I remember that I could smell something like a lot of flowers, and I remember a lot of sunshine… and… someone. There was someone in the dream with me. I never met them, and yet… it feels like I knew them from somewhere. I can't think of their face or their name… I feel terrible about it," she didn't finish. She did feel terrible. Even if it was a dream, it felt like she lost an important friend.

Her mother took hold of her hand and held it. "Don't worry, sweetie. It was just a dream. Now that you're awake I'm sure that we can go home soon. I'll go and get the doctor right now in fact." She gave Kagome a kiss before getting up and leaving the room.

She didn't want to worry her mother anymore today but she didn't believe her when she said that it was just a dream. The way she was feeling right… wasn't just a dream. It was strange that she couldn't remember any part of her dream, and it was also strange why she felt like this.

It wasn't a bad feeling, just one that she didn't understand. As she thought about that, she felt something small, and hard in her hand. She opened her fingers and saw in her hand, was an elaborated hair comb. She stared… this wasn't her comb… she never saw it before… and yet she knew that this one was hers.

The teeth were made of something that looked remarkably like silver; they were also dull so that she didn't need to worry about prinking her fingers. It had red, white, and pink flowers that looked like they came right from a cherry blossom tree, and she could see tiny green buds of new flowers poking out between every tiny blossom. Elaborate red and white petals cradled one another to a tender bud-a bud that had already blossomed into a fine craft of an open flower. And from these flowers there were petals forming a long, intricate trail, the blossoms formed five long tassels woven one on top of each other forming a chain.

It was the most beautiful thing she ever saw… but… where did it come from? She didn't have it… and momma would have waited till she woke up to give it to her… so… what's going on? She heard footsteps coming from the hall and quickly hid the comb underneath her pillow; she didn't want anyone else to know about it until she figured out what was going on.

The doctor and her mother came in and when over a check-up, which the doctor said that everything was perfectly normal and that she could leave tomorrow. Her mother was ecstatic, Kagome was sulky; she'd put on a smile and cheerful attitude when the doctor told them, but she couldn't forget about the comb… the house…

…and when she went to sleep that night the only thing that was on her mind were the golden eyes staring back at her… and the feeling of warmth that invaded her heart… making skip just a beat.

If you really want a visual of the hair comb then go to this site ~~~. ~~~

Plz review, let me know what you think and be nice.