Two chapters in a row, I know. I'm going on holiday for a week, and I won't be able to upload anything, so since this was the last chapter, I thought I'd post it today.

I'd like to thank you all for you kind words, they mean a lot. You're wonderful! I hope you liked this story and don't worry, I'm already working on several others projects, so…

See you soon!


Calleigh was curled up on the couch, content to be lying there, doing, well, nothing, except watching. The angle, in fact, was perfect for her to observe Horatio work in the kitchen. She grinned to herself, biting her lips to prevent herself from laughing out loud.

He was so different from Eric. For that matter, he was different from every other man she had ever dated. He had wasted no time in making their relationship "official", proof of that was the ring sitting on her finger, and now he had insisted for making it official. That was why he had invited everyone on his team over to his place for a party on the beach, and why he was currently occupied in the kitchen with drinks and food.

He was so handsome, even at fifty, and especially when he was relaxed, like he was now. She realized she had never dated someone even remotely resembling him, for apparently, she had always been a sucker for tall and somewhat bulky men, like John Hagen and Eric Delko, dark hair a bonus (hello? Anyone remembered Jake Berkeley?). Horatio was tall, she couldn't deny it, but he surely wasn't bulky, nor dark haired. What, then, had attracted her so much?

Maybe, just maybe, she had looked for muscles for a reason, apart from aesthetics. Maybe she had wanted to feel secure, to feel protected, surely a legacy of her troubled past. That could explain why she had fallen for Horatio: he was the epitome of security, and care. He treated her like no one else, not even his own father had; like she was something precious, something to treasure. Someone to treasure.

-Penny for your thoughts?-, the object of her speculations purred in her ear, making her smile; she was too relaxed to even jump a little, even if he had surprised her. That spoke volumes about her current conditions. –Try this. -, he added, handing her a glass. She gulped down the contents, implicitly trusting him, then smirked upon recognizing the taste.

-Mmm, best Mojito I have ever tasted. Are you trying to get me drunk?-, she sassed, returning the glass. He smirked, then swatted her backside playfully, retreating to the kitchen.

-I don't ever want you, nor me, to get drunk. Our moments together are too special for me not to be perfectly aware of every and each of them…-

-I swear, he's too perfect for his own good. When he told me that, I almost ended up in tears…-, a bikini-clad Calleigh retailed her friends Natalia and Alexx, who squealed in delight at the news. The blonde had shown them the ring as soon as they had laid down on the beach behind Horatio's house; there was no mistaking who had given her that tiny piece of silver. Alexx had smiled knowingly at the redhead, who had winked back before resuming his role as card dealer. Apparently, he had told Frank as well, for a few seconds later a loud smack signaled congratulations, Texas style.

-What about Eric?-, Natalia suddenly blurted out.

-Frankly, I'm past caring. He was not what I was looking for, and he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore too, he told me as much when a crazy Hispanic witch tried her mojo on me…-, Calleigh replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but her voice betrayed the depth of her sorrow.

-He's still a baby, Cal. You needed a real man. -, Alexx soothed her, squeezing her hand gently. The two friends smiled lightly at each other, then the blonde's smile turned into a grin as she turned towards Natalia.

-Speaking of real men, how's yours treating you?-, she asked, causing the younger woman to blush profusely.

Ryan shifted his weight nervously from one foot to another as he waited for Horatio to answer the door; why he was nervous? Well, Stetler being right beside him might have had something to do with it…

It was not Horatio who warmly told them to come inside, but Ronnie. Both he and the IAB Sergeant looked around, curious as to what the Lieutenant's place would look like. It was Stetler, then, who broke the silence, the girl having disappeared into the kitchen.

-Where's Caine?-, he wondered.

-Horatio? He's having sex on the beach, well, on the beach. -, the girl replied easily. Both Ryan and Rick nearly fainted. He was doing what?

-Relax, guys, I only meant he's having a drink. -, Ronnie explained upon catching a glimpse of their faces as she reentered the room. –Sex on the beach?-, she said, offering the guests their drinks.

When Rick made his appearance behind Horatio's house, conversation immediately died down. Everyone wondered what the hell he was doing there, and waiting anxiously for the redhead to greet the last of his guests. The man jumped to his feet, brushed the sand off of his legs and jogged towards the younger men; he exchanged a few words with Mr. Wolfe, then turned his attention to Stetler.

-Glad you could make it, Rick. I see Ronnie's already provided you with alcohol. I swear the girl took my offer to be barmaid for the day a bit too seriously…-, he said amicably, grasping the dark haired man's shoulder. Rick shrugged noncommittally.

-I'll try not to get drunk. –

-Everyone is welcome to stay here until they wear the alcohol off. -, Horatio reassured him, to which Stetler had to chuckle.

-Spending the night in the house of a newly hooked up couple? No thanks, I need my sleep. I know for a fact they tend to be rather vocal on their first night together…-

Calleigh turned towards her friends, shocked. He already knew? And he was not giving Horatio a hard time about it? Was the world ending without her noticing?

-Congratulations, Miss Duquesne. Ops, sorry, soon to be Caine. It already has a certain assonance, doesn't it?-, Stetler, who had approached the women without them noticing, joked somewhat sarcastically, making Calleigh blush deep scarlet. As the man walked past them, escorted by Ronnie to where they were playing cards, the blonde rolled on her back to better look up at Horatio.

-How the hell did you manage to tame Stetler?-, she mouthed. The redhead smiled, sitting beside her on her towel and lowering his head to give her a quick peck on her lips.

-We've reached an understanding… which involves me convincing Ronnie to accept a job in the Lab. -, he replied mysteriously. Alexx's eyes widened in shock. –What?-

-He wants her to raise zombie for a living, to help us with our cases, under the pretense of doing some other tedious lab rat work… of course, the credit for the genial idea would go to him…-, Horatio explained.

-Oh. Can't really expect him to change, right?-, the former ME reasoned, her friends quickly nodding their agreement.

-Wolfe, quit looking at my girlfriend's chest. -, Horatio growled at the dark haired CSI. Ryan looked startled, he had hoped no one had noticed him staring at the woman.

-I'm not. -, he tried protesting.

-Yes, you are. Now if you don't want Caine to beat you to a bloody pulp, or Duquesne to shoot you, keep your head lowered and please, try to put on a poker face. You're spoiling all the fun here. -, Stetler bit back. Frank grunted his approval as Ronnie and Kyle scowled at the young man.

As soon as the game of poker ended and a pause was called, Ronnie pulled at a pellicle on her finger until she drew some blood. Grinning, she approached the waterline and let a couple of red drops permeate the sand there. She felt a series of little sea animals answer her call. She chose a couple of them and plotted her, well, more like Horatio's, vendetta.

Ryan was lying down some feet away from Calleigh, rigorously turned away from her; he was checking some girls out when all of a sudden he felt something pinch his legs and ass. He jumped to his feet, almost panicking as he tried to rid himself of the crabs. When the little creatures fell to his feet, stone cold, he glared at Ronnie.

-What do you want?-, Ryan growled at Ronnie as the girl sat down beside him. She grinned at his pissed face.

-How do you like your girls?-, she wondered. Ryan sighed and, propped on his elbow, shot Calleigh a longing look. –Blonde. -, he replied. Calleigh waved at them, then showed her ring. –Sorry, Ryan, I'm taken. You're like my little brother, though. Sorry. -, she shouted. Ryan groaned.

-Look, I'll make it up to you. Watch. -, Ronnie instructed him as she approached the girls he was previously ogling. Ryan watched as she greeted them, pointed him to them, then shared a laugh with them; they talked a bit and when it was clear two of them (two blondes)had agreed to whatever Ronnie had proposed them, walked to where Ryan was lying.


-God makes them and Ronnie matches them?-, Calleigh teased her dark haired friends at the end of that wonderful day. Curled up on the couch with Horatio as her pillow, she was the happiest woman in the world.

-Of course. It only took me a month to bring you two together. Finding Wolfe a girl could not prove much more difficult, could it?-, Ronnie replied as Kyle caressed her hair absentmindedly.

-I'm glad you two worked on us…-, Calleigh murmured as she brought Horatio's mouth to hers.

Imitating the adults, Kyle started dropping feather-like kisses to Ronnie's neck, until his father's voice broke the stillness of the room.

-Don't you dare marry before me, son…-, the redhead growled, nuzzling Calleigh's neck, who giggled and playfully tried pushing him away. She snatched the Lieutenant's sunglasses from a nearby table and put them on in mock imitation of his trademark move, in hopes to get on his nerve. Horatio smiled, delighting in the sight of her in his home and this close to him.

-They look good on you. You can keep them if you want. -, he told her earnestly.

-That came damn close to a marriage proposal…-, Kyle whispered to his girlfriend's ear.

-I heard you, son. -, his father said merrily, the blonde's little body squirming against his in laughter. –Some other time. -, he added in a whisper, looking intently at Calleigh.

***THE END***