"Damn it!" Fox shouted at the top of his lungs as the arwing's engines began to overheat. It was the first time he had been hired since the team broke up two months ago and Fox was beginning to notice the effects if all the nonstop combat he had to endure so recently, yet so long ago. His body still ached, his arwing had seen better days, and his mind had slowly begun to fall apart. All he had to show for his hard work were battle scars, physical, mental, and emotional.

Fox had decided that enough was enough. For the past month, he had to literally live in his arwing after he sold the Greatfox to Star Falco for food money. Nobody wanted to hire a washed-up has been, not even fast-food restaurants. His life was slowly falling apart and showed no signs of ever improving. Fox decided to end it all while he still had any dignity left. Turning his ship to face the nearest planet, Fox pushed the arwing to its limits as it accelerated to max speed. Fox only hoped that the safety upgrades Slippy installed the year prior were in as bad condition as the engines. The arwing was engulfed in flames as it pierced the atmosphere. Chunks of heat shield fell off the engines as the ship raced to the ground. It would now only be a matter of seconds. The safety upgrades activated, but Fox could hear them fall apart. Just a few more seconds.

"Damn it."

-----Not too far away-----

"It sounded like it came this way."

"What do you think it was?"

"Looked like some sort of bird that was engulfed in flames. It was probably a phoenix."

"Phoenixes don't dive into the ground, Caruso. I can definitely sense someone near the crash site. This person seems to be wounded."

"Should we summon the guards? It wouldn't be wise for a priestess like yourself to put herself in any danger."

"Relax. This person is alone and seems to be too wounded to put up a fight. Plus, he could die before the guards get here. It's only a few dozen yards away now."

The pair reached the wreckage. Forcing open the intact canopy with her staff, the vixen grabbed Fox and carried him back to her village. The villagers watched, curious as to whom their priestess was carrying. Once she and Caruso made it past the villagers, they quickly entered the temple. The vixen lowered Fox onto the table, taking great care not to make any of his injuries worse. Fox couldn't help but watch as the vixen removed his uniform and poured a strange liquid all over his body.

"Don't worry" she reassured him "You're going to be okay now. You're home now."

Fox couldn't understand how or why he could understand her and was too weak to ask her her name. Exhausted from the crash, Fox passed out.