Disclaimer: Christmas has been and gone, and yet NCIS was NOT under my Christmas tree, so I still don't own it. If I did, then Judgment Day would never have happened, Jenny would never be sick and my all time favourite Director and leading Agent would be making gibblets. The nice people at CBS and Network Ten do, however own it along with creator Don Bellisario

AN: this idea sprung from when I was watching re runs of Malcolm In The Middle, over the Aussie Summer break...I was waiting for the 7pm Project. In one ep, Hal told Lois seven reasons why he loved her. So I thought great idea for a fic. There is not seven reasons, just reasons.

Both Jenny and Gibbs reasons are in this fic. Be it an object, time or something they do/did. I will let you know what reason belongs to what person. Ie Jenny – Snow globe, so obviously Gibbs gave her a snow globe. And so on and so forth. Oh and the memory is in italic and what they are doing in the present is in normal.

Jenny – Snow Globe.

It sat to the right of her desk. Next to her computer, just to the left of it. She reached over and picked it up. Leaning back in her chair she twisted it around so the white stuff inside of it started to 'snow' on the Eifel Tower. She smiled to herself and remembered when she had first seen the snow globe.

They had the night off, so they wandered through the streets of Paris hand in hand. They had found a small night market and began to stop and look at the market stalls. She never liked snow globes, she thought they were tacky. But she liked this one, this one was different.

Without hesitation he brought it for her, he just handed over the money to the stall holder, wrapped his arm around her waist and moved on to the next stall. She asked why he had done that and he simply replied that in years from now that when she looked at the snow globe and shook it, that she would remember her time in Paris with him. The memories they had of the city together.

And she did. Months after she left him in Paris she shook the snow globe and cried about the memories she had. Years later – like this moment right now- the moment at her desk – twisting the snow globe around in her hand remembering Pairs with him. She smiled at the memories. No tears were shed.

She heard the door open and placed the snow globe back in its place. He saw her do this from his position at the door, she looked up at him, a smile on her face an saw him looking at the snow globe a smile playing in his eyes.

Little Green Button, anyone?