A/N: Since I fail at multiple chapter fics this is going to be the last chapter of this story. I would prefer to write oneshots that I am really proud of instead of stressing about a multi chapter fic. Enjoy!

"Cause crazy is perfect and fucked up is perfect."

Rachel glanced down at the pregnancy test in her hand and burst into tears again. She had no idea how this happened, well she knew how this happened she was dating Puck after all, but she couldn't understand why this was happening to her. She had a plan, she was going to graduate college, move to New York and make it on Broadway, get married and then have a baby. She had barely begun her second semester of college and she and Puck had never discussed babies before. They had barely talked about marriage, they were only nineteen.

"Rachel where are you?" Puck asked walking into the apartment.

"umm, I'm in the bathroom." Rachel said stuffing the pregnancy test into the cabinet.

"What are you doing?" Puck asked walking into the bathroom as Rachel slammed the cabinet door.

"ummm, checking my make up." Rachel knew that she was she acting crazy but she hadn't planned her speech. And she wasn't going to tell Noah about this baby without being prepared. She was in no way in denial about the whole ordeal.


"Yep." Rachel turned back to the mirror and realized why she never lied, she sucked at it. She had mascara was running down her face because she had been crying, she really should have planned this one better.

"You want to tell me what is really going on?"

"Pass?" Rachel asked hopefully.

"Try again." Rachel grabbed the pregnancy test and held it out to him.

"I was going to tell you after I had made a doctors appointment and had everything confirmed. I didn't want to spring it on you without knowing all the facts." Rachel said tearing up again.

"Your pregnant?"

"According to that I am."

"This is…" Puck took a deep breath, "I need some time." Puck said walking out of the bathroom.

"Some time for what?" Rachel said following him.

"To think." Puck said grabbing his keys.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked willing herself not to start crying again.

"I need to be alone."

"Well I need you." Puck kept on walking to the door, "Noah please don't go. Puck shut the front door and Rachel slipped down to the floor and let the tears fall.

Rachel glanced down at her phone for what seemed like the thousandth time, still no word from Puck. Last night she had cried herself to sleep after realizing that he wasn't coming home, and than she decided those would be the last tears she cried over him. This morning when she woke up she texted him about the doctors appointment she had arranged and made a promise to herself that if he didn't show up they were finished. Now she was sitting in the waiting room alone praying that he would show up, because she didn't want to do this alone. "Rachel." A nurse called her name and she stood up and followed her into an exam room, "A nurse will come get you in a minute to take a blood test."

"Thank you." Rachel said sitting down on the bed in the middle of the room and willed herself not to cry. This was definitely not where she saw her life going, alone and pregnant. The nurse came and took her to get her blood taken before putting her back in an empty room and telling her that the doctor would be with her shortly. A knock on the door made her look up and she immediately started crying when she saw Puck standing in the doorway.


"Hey, you came." Rachel said choking back tears.

"I wouldn't miss it." Puck said stepping into the room and walking over to Rachel, "I was trying to get here before your appointment but there was a wreck on the highway and traffic was a bitch."

"You're here now."

"So have they confirmed it, did I miss it?"

"No, they took my blood and said that the doctor would be in here in a few minutes."

"You got your blood taken by yourself? You hate needles, how did you manage that?"

"That was the easiest thing that happened in the past couple of days, with you walking out on me and everything." Rachel said angrily, now that the relief of him being here had passed she was pissed. "I had psyched myself up to doing this pregnancy alone because you were being a dick."

"Rach, honey-"

"Don't Rach honey me, you showing up here does not make everything okay. You walked out on me when I said I was pregnant. I was scared and I needed you and you walked out, so don't pretend like everything is okay." There was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in.

"Hello Rachel."

"Hello." Rachel said wiping the tears from her face, "This is Noah."

"Nice to meet you." The doctor said shaking his hand.

"You too."

"Congratulations you guys are going to be parents." The doctor said smiling. Rachel looked over at Puck and saw tears forming in his eyes.

"So I can blame the hormones on making me so emotional?" Rachel said crying again. This time they were happy tears though because as she saw the tears in Puck's eyes she realized that this baby was going to be loved by both its parents.

Puck was accosted when he walked into the apartment by Rachel, she was a speed demon and always made it places first if they weren't driving together, "Now would you like to explain where the hell you were last night?"

"I crashed at Finn's place, its no big deal"

"Are you kidding me, I don't hear from you for sixteen hours after I tell you I am pregnant and you are just going to stand there, give me half ass answers, and tell me its no big deal? You didn't call or text me and I sat up worrying and crying all night because I had no idea where you were and if you were ever going to come back."

"Do you want to know everything I did, mom? Fine I left here, got in my truck, reversed out of my parking spot-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Rachel asked hitting him in the chest. If she wasn't so pissed off Puck would find this highly entertaining, what did she think her little fists were going to do? "Is this a joke to you, because if it is you can just leave. Convincing myself that I can raise this kid on my own will be a whole lot easier if I kick you out instead of you walking out."

"I was scared and I didn't want to you to see me scared."

"Why? I was scared too and having you walk out on me didn't help."

"I am supposed to take care of you and tell you that everything is going to be okay. I couldn't do that and all I could think of was getting out of here, so I left."

"Maybe we could have helped each other and realized that this is a scary situation but it is going to be easier if we do it together."

"You couldn't have helped me."

"Because you are the man you are supposed to take care of me but I can't help you. That's real mature Noah."

"That's not what I meant. I was scared of ending up like my dad, being a drunk who beats his wife and kids, and I couldn't stand the thought of turning into that. In my mind the only logical thing to do was leave before I had the chance to hurt you, I could never live with myself if I hurt you like that."

"How could you ever think that you would end up like him? You are a much better man than he is Noah."

"No I'm not, I walked out on you just like he did to my mom. Plus I used to throw slushies in your face and beat people up for fun. I am exactly like him."

"Walking out was not one of your finest moments but you came back. You realized you made a mistake and you came back and want to make this work. When was the last time you beat someone up or threw a slushie at me? You were in high school when you did those things you were acting out because it made you look cool, not because you are a horrible person. Plus look at you, you are going to college, you want to do something with your life, not be some lazy drunk. You are nothing like your father, and never will be, you are a good man."

"How do you manage to make me feel good about myself when I should be apologizing to you? I should be groveling to convince you to take me back."

"There will be plenty of groveling, trust me. You can start by finishing telling me where you went last night because there was no way you drove around for that long."

"Well after I realized I did the exact thing I was afraid of doing by walking out, I got pissed off and went to the gym. I figured you would prefer me hitting a punching bag to another person, so I went and cooled off. When I finished you hadn't called so I figured you didn't want to see me so I went to a party. I planned on getting trashed and trying to forget this day ever happened and I was about to take a shot when I realized this is the exact thing my dad would have done so I went to the store and bought a stuff animal for the baby."


"Yeah, its out in the truck." Rachel hugged him. "After that I headed to Finns because you still hadn't called and I was afraid you would kick me out if I tried to come back and you saw the first thing I did this morning."

"You know you could have called me?"

"I know. I guess deep down I wanted you to call me first so that I would know you still wanted me. Its hard to realize you made a huge mistake and there is no one to blame but yourself, especially for me. I just want everything to be perfect for you, and I know a baby wasn't in your plan, I fucked up your dreams."

"Its not easy for anyone to admit they were wrong. A baby wasn't in my plans but neither was falling in love during high school and that turned out okay. I am just going to have to change my dreams to accommodate a child. I can still make it on Broadway and be a mom, it will just push me to work harder." Rachel said to assure Puck but at the same time she was convincing herself, "When you are with me my whole life makes sense, so as long as you are here our lives can be fucked up and I will be happy with you."

"You make my life better too." Puck said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him, "I really am sorry and I promise I am never going to do something so stupid again."

"I know your sorry, I can see it in your eyes. Now lets go to bed the past two days have been rough and I didn't sleep well last night."

"Me neither, I hate not having you in my arms." Puck said kissing her lips.

"I guess we should get used to sleepless nights since we will be having a whole bunch in nine months." Rachel said walking into their bedroom.

Hope you enjoyed, R&R if you did.