AN: Here's the first chapter to All's Fair in Love and Civil War. Now, I know it's not great, and all comments are welcome, but I had to get this chapter out. I don't own GG. :D Or the Civil War.

Cameron Morgan and her friend Rebecca Baxter were strolling in the streets of their little town of Roseville, Virginia. Mr. Morgan had warned them not to go out, because war fever had broken out, but the girls ignored his pleas.

As they were strolling down the streets, Cammie tried to ignore the ugly stares their male escort, Joshua, was giving to Rebecca, who was their family slave.

As the clock tower in the town square rang, Joshua finally sneered. "Really, Bexy, don't you have pigs to clean up after, or chores to do?"

Rebecca and Cammie looked up, shocked that he had dropped the polite "Miss" prefix that most gentlemen had to use when addressing young ladies, and had even shortened her name.

Seeing the look of shock on Cameron's face, he shrugged and said, "Well, what? It's not like she's ever going to be important enough to be addressed like a human."

Rebecca sighed and looked away. "I'll see you at home Miss Morgan," she whispered silently. Cameron nodded and watched her walk away, praying to god that she wouldn't lash out in her anger.

As they continued walking, Cameron noted, "You should really be more polite to her you know." As Joshua opened his mouth to protest, she cringed internally and played the one card that she knew would get him. "She's my friend, and like family to me, J-Josh." She stuttered over the nickname that he had insisted she called him by. "If you ever expect to woo me, you'll have to be nice to her." She turned her face away from him, as if in anger, but really in shame.

"Oh, and I suppose you'll be wanting a soldier from up North won't you?" he sneered, but backing down just the same.

Cammie felt dirty for playing the marriage card on him. Everyone knew that Josh was in love with Cammie, and Cammie had tried hard to like him back. But in truth, Josh was.... a spineless loser, just like every other boy in the town. At least he came from a decent family. But what girl never dreamed of having a war hero?

Instead, Cammie curled her lip back in distaste. "A Yankee? Please. A dog wouldn't eat their food scraps."

Josh laughed, and Cammie smiled before asking, "What is your opinion on the war?"

He immediately stopped laughing and turned to her, placing both hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes.

"Cammie, the war is no place for a lady. You're father would have a fit if he knew I even indulged you in this kind of conversation. Take it out of your mind immediately." With that, he began walking ahead.

Cammie gritted her teeth and clutched her parasol tightly in her hand until she saw the whites of her knuckles. That was another thing she hated about Josh. Not only was he spineless, but he felt that women were inferior. Oh, how she'd like to stick her parasol-

"Cammie? Are you coming or not?" Josh's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she hurried to catch up with him.

They reached the gazebo, which had a moat drawn around it. He helped her into the gazebo, and they sat there for a while, looking at the town around them.

"You know, I'm enlisting in the war." Josh's voice broke the comfortable silence. Cammie looked up, confusion written in her eyes. "Are you? What unit will you be apart of?" she asked. Maybe he wasn't such a spineless fool.

"I'll be in the lowest regime," he said, suddenly hurrying to add, "But they place you on where you live," as if he thought she would be unimpressed.

Cammie nodded, unconvinced. "I thought they placed you based on merit. That's what my grandfather told my father." Josh rolled his eyes at her in annoyance. "Please Cammie, what do you know? You're just a girl. Besides, you shouldn't be eavesdropping on men when they speak."

Cammie suppressed the urge to slap Josh and instead stood up abruptly. "Please take me home. I think the heat is beginning to bother me."

Josh stood up, concern showing in his blue eyes. "Of course, come on." He took her elbow and began walking her home. When they reached her doorstep, Cammie turned to tell him thank you and good bye, but instead found herself saying, "When do you leave?"

"I leave tomorrow actually." He was beginning to fidget, and his face was turning an unnatural red color. "I would, I would feel a lot better about going if, if you would," he said, lowering himself to the ground on one knee. Cammie backed away, in horror as he whispered, "Will you marry me?"

A flaming sensation spread across Cammie's face and she bumped into her door, muttering something about talking to him later about this.

She opened her door, ran in and slammed the door behind her, as she struggled to catch her breath.

And just as she thought her day couldn't get any worse, her father walked it, excited yet worried as he announced, "The fired the first shot sweetheart. The Civil War has begun!"

AN: Soo, what did you think? Wanna press the little green button and tell me?