Author's Note: While this is listed as adventure/supernatural, the chapters A Bad Aftertaste and Chasing Darkness were originally separate fics. They are humor/supernatural and suspense/supernatural respectively. While they were previously separate, reading them is vital to the plotline, although the mood was different. Chasing Darkness is chronologically first, but I wrote it after chapter 2. You can read it in either order. Also, this is in the same universe as my fic TNT Doesn't Cause Mushroom Clouds. But you don't have to read it. However, there are minor references.

"And yet another body has been found, gruesomely ripped apart with the skull torn open." Mohinder turned away as the camera zoomed in on the decapitated head.

"This is the sixth in a series of such murders. The police currently have no leads. Reports..." The geneticist clicked the TV off. He had seen awful things. Certainly more awful things than should have been expected from a mere science professor. But this was this too much.

As he reached to get a soothing biology book to calm his nerves, the phone rang.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Mohinder?" said a voice he knew far too well.


"Yes. Please don't call 911 like last time. You know those recent murders, the ones with the bodies torn apart?"

"Yeah," the Indian answered, "I was just watching... Oh God Sylar. This is bad even for you. Did you do that?"

"No. Well, sort of."

"SORT OF! There's no sort of about that! Organs strewn across the ground... it made me want to throw up."

"That's probably the Indian food. Disgusting stuff."

"Not the point! Why did you feel the need to rip people open? Wasn't cutting their heads open and eating their brains enough?"

"Hey, if you're just going to yell at me, then I'll hang up and this problem will continue. And I don't eat brains. Well, I didn't.

"Oh God, I wasn't serious about that." Mohinder took a deep breath.

"So how can I help?"

"Okay, so I was hunting this girl with these awesome darkness powers. I found the power easily enough after looking at her brain. But only after I took it did I realize that that particular brain wasn't human. So there were some... side effects." Mohinder swallowed nervously. He did not need to hear about Sylar's serial killing exploits.

"The main one being that I turn into this evil demon with a hunger for human flesh. And brains," Sylar continued.

"You really are a monster."

"This is from the person who tied his friends up in cocoons. And you at least were mostly human. Don't talk to me about monsters. I go full demon. Claws, tail, giant black wings, the works."

"And the change is so sudden," Sylar explained, "I mean, I can remember what I did, but I don't really remember actually doing it. There is only the hunger... it is a hundred times worse than my intuitive aptitude."

"The worst part of it is, since I usually end up changing back right after eating the person, that I still have the taste of brain in my mouth. Believe me, not a yummy flavor."

"You've killed what, six people now, according to the news, and YOU THINK THE WORST PART IS A BAD AFTERTASTE?" Mohinder accused.

"What did I say about yelling? And it is a really bad aftertaste." Mohinder took a break from feeling pure horror to simply shaking his head.

"I can't believe I went on a road with you."

"That was a fun road trip. Until the part where you tried to kill me. Well, actually that ended up being kind of fun too. Anyway, back to the point. I'd like you to be able to make some sort of injection to suppress the demon. I want to stop all this random killing and get back to nice, pre-planned killing."

"You know, if back in India, someone told me I would be having a casual conversation with a super-powered serial killer, I would have submitted them to an insane asylum."

"Oh, I'm not that bad."

"You killed my father! And attempted to kill me! Along with pretty much all of my friends!"

"It's evolution, Mohinder. Survival of the fittest. Those that are too weak for their powers don't deserve their powers."

"I can't believe you convince yourself with that sick logic."

"Key word: logic."

"I don't know why I should help someone like you. Deal with your own problems."

"Need I remind you that evil demons possessing me kill more than I do on my own?"

"Okay, fine. You can come over later today. Just don't kill anyone on your way."

"Was that rhyme intentional?" Sylar interrupted.

"No. Just be here around six o'clock. I'll need to take some blood samples. And have dinner before you go. I don't particularly like sharing my food with murderers."

"Don't worry. I don't have any reason to eat your gross Indian food. I swear, it almost tastes worse than brains."

"Goodbye, Sylar," Mohinder concluded, and hung up the phone. He massaged his temples, and wondered for the ump-teenth time now how he ever got into this.