Ha! I made this out of boredom, so don't ask.

The Secret Behind the Red Bird Thing

Lelouch was almost ready. He was about to go out and lead an army with the power of his mind controlling Geass.

Just as he was about to put his Zero helmet on CC burst into the room, her arms flailing about wildly.

"Wait Lelouch!" She yelled, holding out a little blue case. "You can't forget to put on your contact with the cool little red birdy thingy that gives you the power to control peoples minds."

Lelouch faced palmed himself.

"I knew I was forgetting something!"

Putting the contact on his left eyes he thought to himself:

'Now I am ready to defeat Britannia!'

I Would Take Over Britannia but I Have Acne

It had been a week since the battle, the results ending with the black knights getting their asses seriously kicked. Lelouch hadn't left his room since the incident and the green haired witch was beginning to worry about the little black haired emo boy. She had noticed his wrists being bandaged up lately so she had suspicion he might have died accidently.

"Lelouch?" CC said as she knocked on his door.

Her response was a loud ear piercing scream that echoed from the room.

In a panic CC threw herself at the door using her inhuman strength that likes to show up when it wants and broke the door down.

Huffing she looked around the darkly lit room until she spotted her target. Lelouch was crouched down on the floor sobbing, a broken mirror in his right hand.

"What's wrong?" Asked CC, fake concern on her expressionless face.

Lifting his head so he could look at the witch, the emo boy chocked out, "I-I have a p-pimple!"

"Gasp!" CC almost threw up from the gross pussy thing that was on Leouch's forehead. "Not a PIMPLE!"

"I know! My teenage/ world domination life is over! Suzaku will never like me and never wear the frilly pink dresses I steal from Nunnaly's room again!"

"Weeeeellll;" Drawled CC, "Maybe it'll go away if you buy me a pizza?"

Swiftly Lelouch stood up and grabbed CC's wrists, pulling her up with him, dragging her to the phone.

"Let's try! What kind of toppings do you want?"

Grinning, she responded, "All of them."

Review Please! ^^
