Halloween Pt 1

The students were leaving the great hall talking about the incident that had just occurred. Albus Dumbledore had been tossed around like a doll by the head of Ambrosius family. Most of the pureblood students were heading to the owlery to inform their parents. They all had grown up hearing the tales of the powerful Ambrosius family but they had witness it for the first time.

"That was a good show you put on in there. I really enjoyed the light show. But who was the hooded man I really doubt that he was your father. Was it Yente speaking in a masculine voice?" Harry told Sontium. "No Harry; that was just an image I created. I don't think my father will ever come to a planet like this ever. He probable will destroy earth in an instant because of all the evil it harbours. Voldemort is just a tip of the iceberg. Yente does miss you but she won't come to Hogwarts unless absolutely necessary for her. The Hogwarts wards can detect her elfish origins." Sontium replied.

"So now what is the plan? How do you think Dumbledore would react?" Harry asked getting a little worried. "Do worry Harry everything will be all right. He will try to make a move against my family. Get us labeled as a dark family. He will try to discredit me. You shouldn't bother you self with such trivial thing. Let him try to slander my so call family name. Dumbledore believes in that he is the only one who knows what is best for the world and tries to manipulate people to achieve his goals. In the bigger picture of life he is nothing but a fool who has delusion of grandeur." Sontium replied placating Harry's fears.

************** Headmaster's office Hogwarts***************

The situation was turning ugly for Dumbledore. There was a wizard who could wandlessly overpower him. Harry knew about his Legilimency attacks. Sontium reveled to the students that he uses Legilimency on them. He needed to try to get the boys under his control. But first he should try and separate Harry and Sontium because together they are formidable opponents to tackle. He would also be trying to use all his contacts all over to get the Ambrosius family down. No one stronger than him should be allowed to exist for the greater good.

He started writing a few letter to people in the ministry, Rita Skeeter and his most trusted associates.

************** Scene break***************

As time passed Dumbledore had tried to use all his connection in the news papers, the ministry and the International Confederation of Wizards to bring down the Ambrosius family name down. Some of them had refused to help him in the matter of discrediting the Ambrosius family. It didn't help the matter that people knew how easily he was defeated by Mr. Ambrosius. Rita Skeeter though did help him and started to paint the head of Ambrosius family as a dark lord. In a couple of days the Daily Prophet contained the first ever retraction written by Rita Skeeter.

This development had caused a lot of stir in common public for Rita was known for her acid tongue and she never wrote retractions. Not even the top ministry officials were able to force Rita to apologize to them in public. This incident had caused Dumbledore to get worried.

The only person unhappier than Dumbledore was Voldemort. He heard the stories that Dumbledore was easily bested in a duel. He had no clue why he had fainted during the time the confrontation took place. He would have loved to seen the old man's ass kicked. The other thing that worried him was that if someone was stronger that Dumbledore by that much they would be stronger than him too. This was something that didn't bode well with him.

Harry was enjoying the time at Hogwarts. He had formed a close friendship with Hermione. He was on good terms with Neville. There were quite a few girls that hung around him all the time.

On a Saturday afternoon Harry, Hermione and Neville were taking a stroll through the castle and exploring new areas that they hadn't seen so far during regular classes. Their exploration leads them to the third floor. They found the door to the entrance of the forbidden corridor locked.

"We shouldn't go there Harry. Dumbledore said…"Hermione began but was interrupted by Harry, "I don't really care what Dumbledore says Hermione. I want to see the school completely. This is just a locked door Hermione. I want see what is on the other side that Dumbledore says that can kill us painfully. So do you want to come with me or not?" "I will come with you." Neville said. Seeing even Neville will to go in she agreed to against her better judgment.

Sontium realizing that Harry was taking his friends to see fluffy smiled to himself. "What are you smiling at mister." Tonks asked in a mock anger tone thinking he was laughing at her. "Oh I was just thinking about something Tonks," Sontium replied. "What were you thinking about?" Tonks asked. "I guy can have some private thoughts to him self Tonks" Sontium replied.

Harry opened the door and entered the others followed him. Hermione was sure she had walked into a nightmare. She was looking straight into the eyes of a monstrous dog, a dog that filled the whole space between ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling, mad eyes; three noses, twitching and quivering in their direction; three drooling mouths, saliva hanging in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs. It was standing quite still, all six eyes staring at them.

Seeing that Hermione and Neville were terrified by the sight in front of them Harry said "it's just a three headed dog. Don't worry it is not a hellhound" trying to calm them down. The dogs growling didn't help his attempts.

Hermione and Neville turned and started running as fast as they could. Harry sighed seeing his friends leave him. Sontium had told that Hermione and Neville would start running like hell from here. Guess he lost the bet he made. He left the corridor and locked the door. He started heading to the library to tell Sontium.

Hermione and Neville realized that Harry is not with them so they turned back to see what happened to him. They saw him heading to the library with a dejected face. Wondering why he is sad they decided to follow him.

Harry found Sontium sitting with Tonks at the corner table on the far side of the library. He knew that Neville and Hermione were following him. Sontium glanced at him "so you lost the bet? Ready to pay the price?" "Yah I am ready so just tell me the time and place I will do it" Harry said in a dejected tone.

"On Halloween night during the Halloween ball in great hall." Sontium said. "But that is a little mean don't you think?" Harry pleaded. "No you lost the bet now you will suffer the consequence willing or I will make it worse for you Harry." Sontium said in a playful way. Harry got terrified hearing this, "alright I will do it." He turned to Hermione and Neville "thank you so much for this humiliation" and stormed out of the library.

"What did we do?" a confused Hermione asked. "He just upset that he lost a bet. He will be back to normal soon." "What was the bet? What will he be doing?" an excited Tonks asked.

"He made a bet with me that Hermione and Neville wouldn't run from the three headed dog on the third floor. I told him otherwise." Tonks was astonished by the answer. "What?" Hermione shouted "shh….. Keep your voices down." the librarian scolded them. "You knew about the hell hound and didn't tell us. How could Harry gamble on our life like that?" Hermione said in a hushed voice. "First of all that is not a hell hound, it just a three headed dog. Secondly it wouldn't have harmed you. It is only meant to scare the students away. Plus Dumbledore had given many students open invitation to go check the room out. Well, indirectly anyway."Sontium add seeing confusion on Hermione's face.

"So? What will Harry have to do now that he has lost the bet?" Tonks asked more interested in the bet than the three headed dog.

"How can you be more interested in a stupid bet and not the three headed dog?" Neville asked Tonks.

"Sontium took me to the third floor weeks ago. Fluffy is a very friendly dog he even allowed me to pet him on all his heads." Tonks told a flabbergasted Neville and Hermione.

"You'll have to wait till Halloween night to find out. Rest assured the prank will be entertaining." Sontium told them.

On Halloween day Harry was…..

Authors note :- 1) I am ending this part chapter here because the second part will be action packed.

2) Happy new year.