A/N: It's the final chapter of this three shot Valentine's Day contestship! Thanks everyone for the reviews so far, they made me smile :)
Happy reading!

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We basically run the whole way to my hotel room. Originally we were going to go to Drew's, but mine is closer, and there's this sense of urgency in the air. When I suggested quickly that we go to my hotel instead, Drew immediately accepted.

Now we're in the elevator. I jab the "6" button and wait for the doors to close.

Up. Up. Up…

Why can't this elevator go any faster?

This is ridiculous. I need to get to my room. We need to.

Three more floors to go. Uhhhg. Hurry up.

I sneak a glance at Drew and he looks at me too. He smiles a tiny bit and I look away, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks. It's so not fair how he has this effect on me.

One more floor…

I feel Drew's hand lightly brush my left one. Had he meant to do that? My breath gets caught in my throat and I'm tempted to jump on him right here and now and knock him to the floor.

But we're in an elevator. That certainly can't be classy.

Yes! The elevator doors finally open. We hurry out into the hall and I fumble in my bag for the room key. After a few seconds we arrive to room 613 and I still can't find my key.

"Sorry, hold on," I mumble, growing embarrassed. I really need to clean this bag up.

Drew just chuckles quietly. I'm glad he refrains from insulting me and my lack of organisation, which I had expected him to do. He probably just doesn't want to ruin the moment. What a first.

Once I've finally found the little silver key, I shove it into the lock and twist. The door opens and I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally.

I throw my bag on my bed and excuse myself for a second. I fling myself into my bathroom and brush my teeth at top speed, but I still do a thorough job. I refuse to smell like snail. My little bottle of vanilla perfume is sitting on the counter there so I spritz a bit more on my neck and wrists. After hastily but carefully checking over my reflection in the mirror, I decide that I'm good to go.

Drew is sitting on the end of my bed when I come out of the bathroom. His green hair is slightly dishevelled and a small smile is playing on his lips. He's looking at me with that sexy look in his eyes. I walk closer to him and he remains silent.

He's so… He's so…


That's the perfect word to describe Drew right now. Seductive. I haven't wanted him more in my entire life than I do right now. I want him. I need him.

I find myself leaning into him subconsciously. Drew slowly stands up and we're now just inches apart. He lifts his hand and touches my waist lightly, parting his lips. He leans in.

Just as I think he's about to kiss me, he moves his face to the right and his lips are at my ear.

"Your room is despicable, May," he whispers.

Wow. It seems I was wrong about him a few minutes ago. Way to ruin the moment, Mr. Drew. Right when I think he's about to kiss me or at least whisper something naughty in my ear, he goes and comments on the state of my room. But I suppose he's pretty much right, I think as I glance around my room in mild mortification. There are clothes scattered everywhere- on the floor and on the bed, to name a few. The desk is covered with travel books and pamphlets and my insides squirm when I spot a ruby red bra there, as well. The bathroom is overflowing with feminine and hair products.
How do I live like this, I wonder? I mean, I've only been staying in this hotel for a week. But I've been always on the go with training, contests, meetings, etc. I haven't had much time to be neat with my stuff, let alone arrange it all. I was going to get around to it… eventually. Had I known that Drew would be coming over here, it would have been spotless. I can make things perfectly neat and clean when I want to… but I've just been busy, and all.

I snap back into reality and let out a slow sigh of longing and annoyance. Drew is leaning away from me now and I try not to moan. I want him to come back closer again. I want him even closer than he was. I want his body all over mine.

"I can't be in a place like this," he says, turning around.

I sigh again, trying not to roll my eyes. "Do you want to go to your hotel then?" I ask, half joking.

"No, we'll stay here," he murmurs, his face close to mine again. His hand brushes briefly against mine once more and then he turns away. He starts picking up my clothes and folding them.

He's not joking. We really are going to cleaning this place up.
We're totally wasting time here.

"Well, don't just stand there," Drew says. "This is your mess, you can't expect me to clean it up, you know."
"Oh, yeah," I choke. I dash over to the desk and immediately shove the bra in a drawer. He didn't need to see that.

But of course, he did.

"That's not cleaning up," he comments, coming up behind me. "Let's make a folded pile by your bed," he breathes in my ear. I feel his fingers on the back of my neck and I tingle at his touch.

I turn around to look at him but he's already folding a pair of jeans, acting as though nothing had happened. Then, realization strikes me.

He's got a game plan. Of course he does. This is Drew.

After a few minutes all of the clothes are folded neatly in one place. I turn to him and say, "Are we done now?"

Drew grabs my waist and turns me to face the desk. "The desk needs cleaning up," he murmurs. I feel his hand sliding up my thigh, pushing up my dress. I let out a tiny, almost silent involuntary moan.

Then, he turns away and starts arranging the books.

I'm really gettingturned on right now.

The need for him is growing steadily stronger inside of me. If he keeps this up, I won't be able to control myself anymore. If this continues on for much longer, I will explode… tackle him to the ground… start ripping off his clothes…

I clumsily gather the pamphlets together and shove them by my books. Once that's done, I shove the pens into the pencil holder and then Drew and I stand back, surveying the progress.

"Are you… satisfied yet, Drew?" I purr in the most seductive voice I can muster. Drew undoubtedly picks up the double meaning in my phrase.

He comes closer. "I don't know… you tell me," he says, his smouldering eyes never breaking contact with mine.

I bite my lip and advance forward some more. "Not yet," I whisper.

"Are you sure?" Drew says, raising an eyebrow. He starts to circle around me, stopping once he's behind me. "Positive?" I feel his breath on the back of my neck. His hand snakes down my neck to my left shoulder, where he pushes down the strap of my dress.

"Yes," I breathe. Finally. Finally. Finally I can have him.

"You're right. The bathroom needs tidying up," he nods, and walks away.

Oh Mew. This has got to end sometime soon. If he tries to continue this after the bathroom is spotless, I won't let him. He's got a game plan? Well so do I, now.

We tidy up the bathroom wordlessly. I stack my feminine products under the sink while he arranges my beauty products on a little shelf. There's no sound except our heavy breathing and my heart pounding in my ears.

"It's getting quite hot, don't you think?" Drew asks. It is quite hot. They must have cranked up the heat too much in this building, or something. There's can't be any other reason why we're both sweating… and panting.

I try not to gasp as Drew lifts off his shirt. He opens the door and throws it out into the main room.

His muscles. Underneath that black fancy shirt is a stomach of perfectly sculpted abs and a nice pair of pecs. He definitely isn't that scrawny boy that I knew when I was first starting out traveling at the age of ten. No, this boy has developed into a sexy, steamy, well muscled man. I mean, I could always tell that he was built from the muscles on his arms, but I would have never thought that what's under that shirt is even sexier than I had imagined.
And I had imagined quite a lot, mind you.

I half wish I had a shirt to take off too. But I'm wearing a dress and I'm not giving him that much right away by taking it all off right this instant. He'll have to do that for me. So, instead, I slowly slide down the other strap of my dress, revealing a little more of my chest- a little tease.

Drew comes up to me and back me up against the sink. His body presses firmly into me and I can feel that he's just as turned on as I am. He reaches behind me and pulls down the zipper of my dress, caressing my back.
I get a pleasant shock when I feel his lips on my neck, trailing kisses from my jaw bone down to my collarbone. My entire body responds. I clutch at his back, breathing heavily, wanting more. I'm practically shivering all over with desire now, and my entire body is throbbing as his other hand trails farther up my thigh than he's ever gone.

Too soon, yet not soon enough, he steps away.

"I think we're done cleaning up now, aren't you?" he says huskily.

I screw my original plan and decide on giving him a little taste of his own medicine.

"Well…" I trail off, approaching him. I run my hands from his neck all the way down to a bit below his navel, leaving my hand there. I feel his heart beat fast against my chest.

"You've been a very bad boy, Drew," I whisper sexily.

"Oh?" he cocks an eyebrow.

"We worked so hard to clean up my room, and you just litter it again," I say with mock disappointment. But I'm pretty sure he wasn't listening to a thing I just said. I had started to kiss behind his ear and unzip his pants.

"What are you going to do about it?" I breathe.


I back away, smirking in satisfaction. I head out of the bathroom and point at his black shirt on the floor.

"What about it?" Drew asks, smirking now too.

We find our bodies touching again, pressed up against each other. "Clean it up," I murmur into his ear before kissing just behind it.

He takes a step back, breaking contact. "No."

"Why not?" I ask, slightly confused. I lick my lips in anticipation and run my hands through my silky hair.

"What's the point of doing that if all of our clothes are going to end up on the floor with my shirt anyway?" he purrs, his lips inches from mine, hands are pulling down my dress.

We both can't take it anymore.

I slam my mouth to his and we fall back onto the bed together.

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story :) Please review and tell me what you think! :D And thanks for reading :)

Some people might ask why I wouldn't go farther with this story. My answer is that I'm fifteen- it's not exactly appropriate to write a lemon at my age xD

All the same, I had an amazingly fun time writing this small story. Contestships really rock my world. I love every minute that I'm writing it :) If you enjoyed this story and my writing, why not check out my other stories? I have a few contestships, a pokeship and a multi-ship story (with contest, of course :D)

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! :)