A/N: And here, at last, we arrive at the end. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Chapter Fourteen/Epilogue: Never A Dull Moment

Last Time:

"Oh alright! Ruin all my fun like that... Yes I'll marry you."

Charlie sighed in relief, and kissed him again. "Thank you." He mumbled against Harry's lips.

"You're welcome, now shut up."


"Oh and by the way Charlie, before we get too carried away, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."


"Yeah. I've been feeling really weird lately and I get sick nearly every morning so I went to Madam Pomfrey and she confirmed it. I'm about three months along. She said I'll start showing soon and it's due in- Charlie?"

Harry poked him hard in the chest. There was no response.

"Oh dear, he's fainted."


Headmaster Flitwick smiled as he watched Harry, Charlie, and their five beautiful children walk around the otherwise unoccupied Quidditch Pitch. A young red and black dragon following close behind them. Well, Charlie and Harry walking, the children playing, tumbling, and shoving. Usually they'd all be flying but it was too dangerous for Harry at the moment, and he'd gotten a little upset when his husband had suggested he sit in the stands and watch everyone else fly. Hopefully Charlie would be able to find a counter-curse for the hex Harry had thrown at him, otherwise, who knows how long it'll take to grow all that hair back.

They'd had a rocky start with an unsure future. But, in the end, it all worked out. They married April 1st. Surrounded by bouquets of lilies and Luna flowers both wedding parties wore black, and the appetizer at their reception was a simple dish made with green apples. When asked about his choices, Harry had explained simply, "To honor those who made this possible, but couldn't be here today." The nine years since then had been interesting, to say the least. There were good times, bad times, and the usual misunderstandings. They had continued teaching, but now spent their summer vacations in Romania. The kids had come at regular intervals. First a daughter, then a set of twins (two boys) followed by a second set of twins (one girl, one boy).

Flitwick chuckled, not two weeks ago Harry had found out he was pregnant with yet another set of twins. After putting up a silencing charm so the kids couldn't hear what was said he'd cussed a blue streak about Charlie and his "fucking stupid, ridiculously overly fertile Weasley genes."

There had also been plenty of talk about how he'd "never bottom for that bastard ever again. He wants sex he's gonna have to pay the fucking consequences. Let's see him walking around with a big fucking pregnant belly and have all the stupid kids in this fucking school snigger at his eating habits! SEVEN fucking kids! I can't believe this shit. It's his turn!" After which Harry had burst into tears.

Never a dull moment, Flitwick thought happily, just the way it should be. With everyone happy and whole, at long last.

The End

A/N: Okay so to explain for those who need it: On April 1st (Fool's Day) for the twins (shrugs - I thought it was fitting but you may or may not agree with me, as you will), lilies and luna flowers should be obvious (and yes there is a luna flower, its pink and looks kinda like a rose), black for Severus, and green apples for Draco (I honestly couldn't remember the books mentioning any specific likes that he had. So *I shamefully admit* I used something from the movies - he is pictured several times eating or holding one, and let me tell you I searched dozens of harry potter sites desperately searching for something from the books - which I skimmed through - but still I apologize. I fail *cries*).

I am sorry for some of the super short chapters.

Thank you all for taking this journey with me. lol :)

A very special thanks to: Basill and zutarakid50 who stuck with me and reviewed a LOT. You rock.

And now I have to finish making a ridiculous amount of Vday cookies (half way through I realized I was short 3 cups of flour so I had to drive all the way to Wal-mart -about thirty minutes away, but only fifteen the way I drive- to get more. I get back and realize my darling older sister used up all the aluminum foil! Which means I can only cook a few at a time!*heavy sigh*) and prepare for my "hot date" tomorrow so I hope you enjoyed and now you know what to do. Review, review, review!