death note chat one:

irgodz4 has logged on


irgodz4:am i alone?

gothgrrrl4u has logged on

irgodz4:hey misa

gothgrrrl4u:hi light!! 3

irgodz4:did u read that email i sent u?

gothgrrrl4u:yeah light i did exactly wut u said!

luvpanda7 has logged on

luvpanda7: Light-kun, i don't appreciate the Instant Messaging username youv'e created for me.

irgodz4:hello 2 u 2 ryuuzaki....

gothgrrrl4u has logged off

luvpanda7: Light-kun, was that Misa Amane? Your girlfriend and the alleged second Kira?

irgodz4: Yes ryuuzaki that was misa....

luvpanda7: And judging by her logging off, she was hiding something correct?

irgodz4:ryuuzaki will u stop going on about the kira thing im not kira!!!

luvpanda7: just listen light-kun


luvpanda7:your username is i like "I" R like "are" and godz like "god" and are being a form of be, and am being the present tense form of be you are obviously stating that you are a god which matches up with the god complex i beleive kira to have. and suggesting misa amane is your girlfreind and the second kira just makes that fact that you are kira that much more obvious.

irgodz4: ryuuzaki my username is a video game name and my favorite number not a suggestive gesture of a god complex i may or may ot have. it is pronounced "er-goadz" and 4

luvpanda7:whatever you need to tell urself light-kun.

irgodz4: ryuzaki?!!? you just used a shorthand style typing?! and made a credible come-back?!!?..i think ur more normal than i suspected...

luvpanda7: light-kun nowadays being different is normal.

irgodz:well seeya ryuu-kun!

irgodz4 has logged out

luvpanda7: ryuu-kun?

luvpanda7has logged out