Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, just having a bit of fun!

A/N: Hiya guys! I am indeed back, after a year-that-felt-longer of barely any writing! Gosh. I don't know how I survived. Anyways, here is a new story that I've been working on… it's slightly AU, as Dumbledore is still alive, and the Deathly Hallows is ignored for the most part. Enjoy! :)


Summary: Everyone is back at Hogwarts after the defeat of Voldemort, having missed a year when the school closed down. Harry intends to just get through the year with as little fuss as possible, but one of Dumbledore's brilliant ideas, combined with fate, simply will not allow this. A new class is introduced in order to unite Hogwarts again, aptly named "Unity". As to be expected, Harry is paired with Draco Malfoy… HD Slash! Includes firewhiskey, awkward moments, Spin the Bottle, flying, a Ball and a hell of a lot of flirting. ;)


Okay. Imagine this. He, Harry Potter, was swaying awkwardly to some sort of warbling, slow song, probably to Celestina Warbeck, in the middle of the Great Hall, in public view. He was actually dancing!

But that was not what made his stomach flip-flop, not what was causing his knees to feel like jelly, or his mind to feel oddly detached. No.

Harry was dancing with Draco Malfoy.

His arms were bending around Draco's waist, trying not to touch too much of the blonde's warm body. His fingers barely brushed Draco's back. Harry held his head up, carefully not resting it on Draco's shoulder, or letting it come into contact with the other boy's head.

Draco, on the other hand, had his arms draped around Harry's neck, and was softly twirling locks of Harry's messy hair around his fingers. He had his head leaning on Harry's shoulder, albeit his face turned away from Harry's neck. They were standing so close that Harry could feel Draco's chest rising and falling with each breath he took. Harry hoped to Merlin that Draco couldn't feel the thumping of his own heart.

This was not how Harry had thought it would be. Not at all! He was hardly even worrying about standing on Draco's feet, or tripping over his shoes. Even the fact that there were people probably watching didn't scare him as much as it should. In fact, it was taking all of Harry's concentration and mind power to stop himself going crazy. All he could focus on… was Draco.

Damn, he must already be crazy.

Abruptly, Draco lifted his head and leaned back slightly to look at Harry's face.

"Why the hell are you holding me like a china doll? You're extremely… stiff," Draco frowned and raised an eyebrow. Harry blushed and cleared his throat. Oh Merlin. Bad choice of word.

"I told you, I don't dance!" Harry hissed back. Draco quirked a smile.

"Well, for once Potter, you're right. Come on," he added more quietly, more gently. "You just have to relax. Curve your arms a bit more, let your muscles go loose. Move your hands around a bit, just to hang there."

Harry swallowed and bit his tongue, but did what Draco said. Immediately, his arms fitted into Draco's waist perfectly, surprisingly. He sighed unconsciously, and moved a little closer to Draco. Their bodies were now snug, pressed flush together. Harry wished he had taken off his jacket, as he was feeling too warm, all over.

"You're learning," Draco said, with what Harry just knew was a smirk. Was it just Harry, or did Draco sound breathless? "Right. Now your head just needs to… well, not be so… frozen." He seriously must have been possessed by something, because he gave not a thought to his next action - he tilted his head forwards and rested his chin on Draco's shoulder.

Harry felt Draco sigh now, and lent his head ever-so-lightly against Harry's. His soft blonde hair tickled Harry's cheek.

"See? Much better," Draco whispered, his breath sliding over his ear. Harry suppressed a shiver and closed his eyes. Oh sweet, sweet Merlin. What had he gotten himself into?

Harry knew that things could change. Quite often, in fact. He knew that things could change as quickly as someone pointing a wand and speaking a spell. He knew that.

The war had changed things. It had changed him, and it had changed Ginny. He had been so sure of their relationship, of where they stood. Before. But how could you really ever be sure of anything if it was just going to change again?

And now this. With his current state of a numb mind, Harry simply couldn't even try to understand what this dance meant. What Draco's words, his actions, meant. He couldn't!

They had been enemies. They were supposed to be enemies – weren't they?

But they weren't.

Because, amidst all of the awkward (but strangely perfect) dancing, the closeness of their bodies, the pounding of Harry's heart, and Draco's breath kissing his ear, there was only one thing that was for certain.

And it proved that Harry really was, completely and utterly, crazy.

brionyjae xox