Bella Swan pushed her long brown hair behind her shoulders and sighed. She went into the parched, dry Arizona field to dig up her pet cactus. "You're my best friend, cactus!" She sighed as she felt the last of the warm sun on her face. She was leaving Phoenix to spend some time with her father, Charlie, in the rainy town of Forks, Washington. "Bella!" Her mother, Rene', called to her from the house. "Let's go! Oh, not that I don't love you, honey!" Bella sighed. Her mother was quite the character. Bella potted the cactus, hugged it carefully, and started walking down the hill to her mother's car. "Bella;" Rene' said as she walked the daughter to the airplane. "How are you going to keep the cactus alive?" Right at that moment, Bella pricked her finger on the plant and screamed, causing travelers to turn. "Are you okay? My little klutz!" Rene' chuckled, her sun hat flopping. "I think the cactus is telling me no!" Bella laughed in a monotone, robotic way. "Goodbye, Mom." Bella then turned and left. Rene' frumped, then left. Bella slept for the entire flight. The fat guy next to her, reading a magazine, shifted awkwardly every time she snored.
Charlie Swan, Police Chief, thought he was completely prepared for his daughter's arrival. He wasn't. "AHHHHH!" He screamed when he saw her. "Dad? Charlie? It's me, Bella." Charlie nodded, swallowing. "Yes, I know. You...look...different." He stammered. "You're hair is, um, longer." Bella snorted. "Way to point out the obvious, Dad!" Throwing up her hands, she stomped off to get her bag. "Right. The car's outside." He said, embarrassed. "So, Forks." Bella said, making meaningless conversation. "Do they have, um, National Eating Utensil Conventions here?" "What?" Charlie asked. "Oh, nothing. You know, Forks? Oh, I was just being sarcastic." The car pulled up to a cute, two-story, white cottage. "Cute." Bella nodded. A red, beat-up truck pulled into the driveway and a tall Indian boy with long black hair stepped out. He went around the car to the trunk, got out a wheelchair, walked back around the car, and sat his father in the chair. His dad looked exactly like him, only with more wrinkles. "Hey, Billy!" Charlie called to wheelchair-man. Looking down at Billy's beret, he asked, "What's with the head waffle?" "It's a beret!" Billy laughed. "Well, Bells!" Charlie exclaimed, slapping the truck so hard that it almost dented. "This is your present." "Wow, way to say welcome home, Dad." She huffed, crossing her arms. "What?" The boy called. "Oh, nothing!" Bella pretended to smile. "I'm Jacob. If you remember, we used to make mud pies together...I'll show you the car." Bella grabbed one of Jacob's long chunks of hair. "You threw mud in my face when we were four." She growled. "Um, yeah, don't remember!" Jacob laughed, struggling to pull free. As he walked around the car, Bella purposely opened the door on his back. Looking at the car, she saw so many pumps, switches, and gears. "What do I do?" She panicked. "Pump the clutch." Jacob said with a wave of his hand. Bella put her hand on what looked like a clutch. "NO! STOP!" Jacob yelled, but it was too late. The car exploded, heads turned, Jacob sighed. "Self destruct switch. The car was made in the age of spies..." Bella just scowled.
"I'm walking to school in the rain!" Bella yelled to her dad as she left the next morning, trying to install sympathy in him. She stomped in puddles and entered the gym, her first period. To her dismay, they were playing dodgeball. Thousands of balls flew at her, but one in particular smacked her right in the face. "Are you okay?" A blonde boy shrieked, running up to her. "I'm...dazed..." Bella said, putting her hand to her face. "Well, hi, Dazed! I'm Mike!" He said. "Hm, sarcasm. Cute." Bella nodded. "REALLY? IT IS?" Mike shrieked. "Uh, sure." Bella turned and left the shrieking dork. At lunch, with her new friends Jessica and Angela, Bella saw two people so perfect that she couldn't take her eyes off them. One was a short girl with a pixie cut who danced around her tall, blonde, boyfriend. The boy looked like he REALLY needed to use the bathroom; his eyes were huge, his face was tight. "Who are they?" Bella asked, gawking. "Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale!" Jessica recited as Angela snapped a picture. "Nearly perfect, they all live together with Carlisle Cullen...weird." Jessica laughed, like a know-it-all. Another couple passed. The girl had a mean scowl on her face with long blonde hair. The boy was tall, dark-haired, and muscular. "Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen." Angela responded. The final, a single boy with tall brownish-blonde hair styled up, looked around with a tiny smile. Bella tried not to blurt out how hot he was when asking, "And him?" "Edward Cullen. Beautiful, single, refuses to date." Jessica said. Angela pretended to be sad, and laughed. "Don't even bother. He's a WIERDO!" Jessica yelled, so Edward could hear before busting into giggles.