So finally we have the final chapter.

A big thank you to all of you who have fav'd this, alerted this and reviewed this! I really enjoyed writing this story a lot, it was quite different for me to write and I really cannot stress enough how much I love you all for the support.

Thank you all so much again, here is the very last chapter of Acting Out.

Acting Out: Chapter 18


Sonny turned her head to see Chad running towards her along the sand. She closed her eyes, stood up and turned in the other direction, not wanting to talk with him.

"Sonny!" He shouted again and she felt him grab her arm a few seconds later, making her turn around to face him.

She had been crying, and her cheeks were stained with tears and she looked up at him with no emotion at all on her face.

"How did you find me?" She asked plainly.

"I know you, Sonny. I know you better than anyone else." He responded.

"What do you want? Why are you here?"

"I am here to say sorry. I am so sorry, Sonny." He apologised instantly.

"Sorry for what?" She retorted, "For coming out here with me? For me saying I loved you? Or are you sorry for marrying me in the first place? I'm over it Chad. Just leave, just go back to Hollywood where you belong."

He paused slightly, "No, I'm sorry for being such a bad husband."

"This whole marriage has just been one big mistake. Just forget it, it's over. You've won. You can have that extra season of your show because I'm done with 'So Random' after this season. I'm done with Hollywood, I'm moving back here. I don't want to ever go back to LA again."

A few tears rolled down her cheek and Chad let go of her arm to place his hands in his face, wiping away her tears with his thumb.

"Sonny, you can't leave. I'm sorry I reacted so badly when you told me you loved me, I'm sorry that I can be such a jerk. The truth Sonny is that I love you too, I only realised it when you left me, when I realised I had lost you. You mean more to me than my career, more to me that anything on the earth. You make me happy Sonny Monroe and I want to be your husband, I want us to be together because I really do love you." He confessed.

Sonny was shocked.

He loved her.

"Chad..." She trailed off in a whisper, the tears falling again, "Do you mean it?"

The actor nodded, "Yes, every word...I love you."

Sonny broke out into a smile as the tears continued to fall from her eyes, "I love you too." She told him, gazing into his blue eyes.

Without any hesitation she wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips met.

She was home in his arms, it was where she belonged.

As they broke away she smiled as her husband whispered the four words that made her weak at the knees.

"I love you, Sonny."

"I love you too, Chad." She smiled as he tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"So, how do you feel about having a proper wedding? Maybe in a few months or so," He proposed, "We don't have to rush into it though, we could wait longer if you want to do the proper thing and date. I mean I do want to stay married to you."

Sonny couldn't respond, her thoughts were brought back to the baby that was growing in her stomach.

"Chad," She breathed out, "I have to tell you something and I don't know how you will react."

He seemed concerned and she looked down, averting his gaze.

"You can tell me anything, Sonny." He assured her, wrapping his arms around her to bring her into a comforting hug.

She was frightened; she didn't know how he would take the news that she was pregnant. She was worried that she would scare him off again.

She looked up at him from within her embrace, "I'm pregnant." She whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

She could tell by his eyes that he was surprised.


"Vegas..." She trailed off.

"How long have you known for?"

"I've known since yesterday...I took a test today and it was positive."

He let out a small smile even though he was shocked, "So maybe we will have to have another wedding after the baby is born; I know you won't want to say 'I do' whilst pregnant."

Sonny broke out into another smile; she never would have expected Chad to react this way.

"I love you." She murmured.

"I love you too." He responded, their lips meeting again in a passionate kiss.

She felt him lift her legs up from under her so he was carrying her bridal style and she pulled away from the kiss, her brown eyes meeting his blue eyes.

"So we are really going to do this?" Sonny asked, "We are going to have a baby."

Chad nodded, "I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather be with."

Sonny broke out into a massive smile, "Me either."

"So what happens now?" He asked, setting her down and holding her hands.

"I don't know, what do you think we should do?" She asked.

"I think we should go back home, finish the current seasons of our shows and tell Mr Condor that we don't want that extra season. We can have a break from our careers and focus on our child."

The brunette smiled, "I think that's a good plan."

"Let's go, I feel like driving around somewhere." He suggested.

"Look who is being spontaneous." She teased.

He let go of her hands and wrapped an arm around her, leading her along the beach and to the direction of his hired car.

"You know that when we tell everyone, people are going to think we got married in Vegas because you got me pregnant." Sonny pointed out.

"Better than everyone thinking we got married because we were drunk." He teased.

"Shut up!" She giggled, shoving him off her gently.

"Make me." He challenged her.

Sonny gave him a look and he ran, he ran down to the water. Sonny knew that he knew that she would follow him, and she did.

She ran after him down to the water, even though it was a little cold.

"Chad!" She yelled, chasing after him as fast as she could.

He stopped when he got knee-deep in the water and Sonny ran in after him, launching herself into his arms.

Chad laughed and picked her up so she could wrap her legs around his middle before spinning her around making her giggle.

"So, I think I know of a place we can go for a honeymoon after we have a proper wedding." Sonny told him.

"And where would that be?"

"Vegas." She said simply, a smile on her face.

"I love you, Mrs Cooper."

"I love you too, Mr Cooper." Sonny responded; their lips colliding together as the waves crashed upon the shore.


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