Couple's Day

Chapter III

"Aren't you overdoing it a bit?"

What? Overdoing what? Ga Eul asked herself when she was dragged back to Earth. "ah…"

"Well, I know actresses and actors should feel their part but, isn't overdoing already much?" he asked.

Then it hit her. "Will you be my girlfriend?" and "I love you," were just lines of a great actor. They were just acting this whole time.

All what he said to Jan Di and the F4 and to her. "Just tell me when that cold-blooded animal makes you cry and I'll go straight to his studio just to give him a round-house kick, ok?" said Jan Di. What would Jan Di say about this? That all of this is all just a fraud. That… that.. he has broken her heart immediately.

"Ah… sunbae… Well, you know… You told Jan Di and the sunbaes… I… I just don't… I mean… Yeah, I'm just nervous… Don't you think I'm doing a great job? Just when I need a compliment, you're not giving me one," she asked stopping tears from falling.

Yi Jeong smiled. "Thanks so much."

That devil can still smile. He's really that cold-blooded, Ga Eul thought.

After the song, Ga Eul went directly to the washroom without making excuses to Yi Jeong. He can't follow her there.

When the door of the washroom opened, the girl that asked Yi Jeong to dance emerged from it.

"Oh, it's you," she said dully. "You lucky brat." She looked at Ga Eul evilly. Then she turned to the inside and said. "Girls, it's her." Then lots of girls went out of the washroom leaving Ga Eul in front of the door.

"If you just know," she said to herself and went inside.

She looked at herself at the mirror. There was no purpose in dressing up beautifully and going to the Couple's Day but she went there for the sake of him but he just broke her heart just as he always does. Her pretty face is now filled with tears—angry, sad and disappointed tears. All those years, she had hoped that her dreams would come true and now she thought that it had come true but she was wrong all along. There are no real Cinderellas and paupers becoming princesses in this cruel world, Ga Eul thought.

"Ga Eul-ah? Are you crying?" Jan Di's familiar voice echoed as she emerged from the cubicle.

"Yah! Jan Di-ah, you surprised me!" she tried on a laugh and a smile.

"Oh, sorry. What's the matter?" she tried to ask again.

"Nothing. I just… can't believe this is happening. It's like a dream."

"More like a nightmare," Jan Di joked. Ga Eul laughed. "So that's actually tears of joy?"

"You can call it that," she lied.

"Remember, Ga Eul-ah. If that animal breaks your heart, he'll die, ok?"

"Yes, Jan Di-ah. Promise," she smiled and wiped her tears.

"Let's go now and have a good time." Ga Eul agreed. After all, she could still enjoy their moment even though their just pretending, right?

Jan Di had Ga Eul dance with her and they had fun moments that they ate together, too.

"Don't you think Yi Jeong sunbae would be angry that I ate with you tonight?" Jan Di asked her.

"I don't think so," Ga Eul giggled. "But I think Jun Pyo sunbae will be," she said and pointed to Jun Pyo coming over to them.

"It's a good thing we already finished eating. I better go before that Gu Jun Pyo makes any commotion," she said.

"Yes, of course."

As Jan Di walked away, Yi Jeong replaced her in her seat. "Hey."

Ga Eul took a deep breath then forced a smile. "Sunbae, sorry I didn't have dinner with you. Jan Di insisted."

"It's fine with me. So how are you doing?"

Ga Eul laughed. "You're asking me like we haven't seen each other for a decade."

"What can I say? I missed you already."

Sunbae's acting has really improved, Ga Eul thought, still a little hurt but having a good time. "I thought, we're just acting. Don't you think you're overdoing it much?"

Yi Jeong laughed. "Ga Eul-yang, can't we enjoy the moment without reminding any of us that we're just pretending?"

"You started it!"

"Yeah. Sorry. I just… Well, you cannot enjoy the moment you wished for all your life without anyone reminding you it's not true, right?" Yi Jeong said.

"What?" Ga Eul asked not understanding it.

"You told Jan Di?" he asked, finding a different topic.

"About this? Why would I?" Ga Eul asked—the hurt feeling just got a bit stronger.

"She's your best friend Ga Eul-yang."

"You're my boyfriend!"she stroke back. "Pretend, that it," she added quickly in a whisper.

Yi Jeong laughed. She did, too. After their laughter ended, he began to sound serious. "I did it, right?"

"You did what?"

"What I do best."

"Play?" she asked innocently.

"No," he relied simply. "Break your heart."

Did she hear it right? He knows all along? Since the last Valentine's Day and many more instances? "Sunbae?"

"I did it again, right?"


Yi Jeong smirked. "Ga Eul-yang?"

"Maybe. Probably. Well, I got used to it, actually," Ga Eul lied.

"You didn't actually think that was all true, right? The announcement and everything?" he asked.

"No! Why would I?" Ga Eul lied again. Right now, she wanted to slap him in the face because of her mixed emotions.

"Really? I want the truth Ga Eul-yang."

She sighed. "I… Ah…" she replied slowly. "Why did you ask?"

"Because, it was."

"What?" she asked unbelievingly.

"It was all true."

"You? What? All true?"


"Sunbae, I want the truth."

"And you have it, Ga Eul-yang."

"I already had enough of you lies, So Yi Jeong!" Ga Eul said—half yelling and half whispering. "After what you just said? We're pretending and all that! And now?"

"I… I'm sorry…"

"That's all what you have to say?!"

"Sorry, ok? I did it so I could make sure that you would get affected. And when you do," he sighed. "that proves that our feelings are mutual."



"I… don't know what to say," she said.

"Just three words, please Ga Eul-yang? I want to hear it from you."

"I… no. Why would I?"

"I love you," he smiled.

She couldn't really understand it. One moment, he's just telling that their just pretending and now he's telling her that it's all true? How complicated things could be?

But didn't he just say it? Those three sweet magic words? How could she say no to that? How could she know he's now really telling the truth? "How can I say that those are true?" she asked him.

"Can't you just admit it, Ga Eul-yang? You really wanted to hear that. I can see you're blushing again, then it means it's true!"

"Then prove it. Prove that you really mean what you said. Until then, I can't give you my answer," she said seriously without taking notice that she's still flushing.

"That's so simple," he said, stood up and walked away. Ga Eul thought he was leaving.

I knew it, you liar, she thought.

But he was actually going behind her. He patted her shoulder that gave her a light jump on her seat. "Sunbae?" she asked as she turned and looked at him.

He leaned down until they were at level of each other. "I love you, Ga Eul-yang, from the bottom of my heart," he said as he leans closer and closer. Ga Eul instinctively closed her eyes. Yi Jeong didn't put a stop on it or else he would miss his chance—the chance that he had waited for a lifetime.

Ga Eul felt his lips touch hers that got her shock. But she could feel that it was sincerity that was taking over him. He held onto her, not wanting her to let go. They weren't really French kissing—Yi Jeong wants to take it slowly. They stuck glued to each other for some moments until they went out of breath. As they broke up, neither of them was panting. They actually enjoyed it.

"Was that enough proof for you?" he asked her.

"I… no," Ga Eul said.

"What?" Yi Jeong asked, surprised.

"I want another one," Ga Eul smiled childishly.

Yi Jeong smiled and leaned closer again but Ga Eul stopped him. "I was just kidding, sunbae. I do believe you now. But please no more heartbreaks, ok?"

"Yes, sweetheart, promise," he said.

"I'm yours now?"she asked him.



"I'm the one who's yours," Yi Jeong smiled.

Ga Eul laughed. "I love you."

Yi Jeong just can't take it. She just said it. In his happiness, he kissed her and now it was witnessed by everyone. He actually leaned in for more, now that he knows they're meant for each other and nobody's going to wall them from each other. Yi Jeong never wanted to let go. Well, so did Ga Eul—you know the rest of the story.

It was a great way to celebrated Valentine's Day, wasn't it? Especially at school? It was all in Yi Jeong's plan after all.


(The final chappie…I think, it was over the edge… too much of this and that… But I hope you like it. Thank you for reading and reviewing… :) Happy Valentine's day everyone…:) Love SoEul! Love you guys, too! :D)