A/N- Hey everyone… its been a while… But this story is a product of my good friend Zuzana wanting me to write something new, so you can thank her for giving me the push to write again. I hope you all like it. There is some Will/JJ but will be Emily/JJ in the end (would you expect anything less from me…lol). This is set about 5 years in the future, making Henry 5 in this story.

A/N2- Sadly I still don't own Criminal Minds….

Summary- When things between JJ and Will go bad, JJ turns to her best friend for support. With Will gone can the two women finally see what has been right in front of them the whole time?

Chapter 1- Enjoy!

Emily groaned as she heard a faint knock on the door. She had only been home a few hours and she was exhausted. It had been a long, grueling case and everyone was in need of some serious rest and relaxation. Emily made her way to the front door and looked out through the peephole but didn't see anyone. Groaning as she realized that it must be neighborhood kids playing games she turned and made her way back to the couch and her glass of wine. She had no more sat back down when she heard the knock again. Deciding not to play their games she simply ignored the knock and turned her attention back to the television. She took a sip of her wine when she heard the knock again.

"Oh, for the love of god." Emily snapped as she got up and went to the door. Emily yanked the door open expecting not to find anyone but to hear laughter out in the bushes. What she found instead shocked her. "Henry?" Emily looked down at five-year-old Henry LaMontagne standing on her porch in his pajamas and clutching his favorite teddy bear; one that Emily had bought for him when he turned one. It was his favorite toy and never went anywhere without it. He looked up at her with sad eyes and Emily's heart melted. "Henry what are you doing here? Where are your parents?" Emily asked as she began to panic. There was no way JJ would willingly let her son wander around at 11pm at night unsupervised. Dread began to sink in at the thought that something was seriously wrong.

"Mommy and daddy are mad." Henry said as Emily picked the little boy up and closed the door.

"They are mad? At you?" Emily asked as they sat down on the couch. Henry shook his head. "At each other?" Henry nodded and buried his head in Emily's shoulder. Emily could feel moisture beginning to seep through her shirt as Henry clung to her neck. "It's okay sweetie." Emily said as she rubbed his back. A few minutes later Henry calmed down and lifted his head off Emily's shoulder.

"Why was daddy yelling at mommy?" Henry asked and Emily felt her insides churn. As far she knew JJ and Will were not having any issues. Everything seemed perfect. They were the perfect All-American couple, even if they weren't married.

"I don't know sweetie, does daddy yell at mommy a lot?" Emily asked and Henry nodded. "Has daddy ever hurt mommy?" Emily asked really not wanting to hear the answer because if the little boy in her arms nodded yes, then she might just be apt to kill William LaMontagne. Luckily for Will, Henry shook his head. So that either meant Will was not an abusive bastard or JJ was just really good at hiding it. "Does daddy ever yell at you?"

"No." Henry said quickly shaking his head. "Daddy loves me." Henry replied with a huge smile.

"Of course he does sweetie." Emily smiled back. "Mommy loves you too; very much so." Henry beamed at the mention of his mother.

"I don't think mommy loves daddy though." Henry told Emily.

"Why don't you think mommy loves daddy?"

"Cause daddy is always yelling at her and mommy yells back." Henry explained.

"Do you know what they are yelling about?"

"No, I'm suppose to be asleep but they get loud sometimes." Emily nodded and waited for the little boy to continue. "I don't like it when they yell." Henry said as he put his head back on Emily's shoulder.

"It'll be okay Henry." Emily soothed. "But I think we need to call mommy and let her know where you are. She is going to be very worried if she goes and checks on you and you're not there." Emily explained. Emily still couldn't believe that Henry had managed to sneak by both of his parents and at the age of five find his way to Emily's house. Granted it was just four streets over but still. Emily had bought her current home a few years back when she spotted it for sale on her way home from JJ's one night. Figuring it would be a good investment she called the next day and put a bid on it. She moved in a month later. Deep down inside Emily knew why she had been so quick to buy a home so close to JJ, but denial was so much easier.

Emily reached over to the coffee table and picked up her cell phone and hit the speed-dial for Jennifer Jareau.

"Hello?" A watery voiced JJ answered her phone.

"JJ its Emily." Emily said softly, concerned at the sadness she could hear in her friend's voice. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." JJ lied, desperately trying to keep her emotions in tack but no doubt failing.

"Well I find that hard to believe." Emily replied. "Because not only can I tell you have been crying but I have a very upset little boy sitting on my lap; crying because his mommy and daddy were yelling at each other."

"What?" JJ replied back in shock.

"Henry is here with me. He apparently heard you and Will arguing and left. He walked over here all by himself."

"Oh my god." JJ gasped. How could this happen, what kind of mother does that make me, JJ thought to herself. Emily could hear Will asking what was wrong in the background and Emily could feel her anger begin to boil. Emily heard a muffled sound, which she assumed was JJ putting her hand over the phone and proceeded to tell Will that Henry was at Emily's. "Is he okay?" JJ asked returning her focus back to Emily and her son.

"He's fine JJ, a little upset, but fine. Something tells me you're not, though." Emily stated as she looked down at the now sleeping little boy in her arms. Phone still in her hand Emily got up and took Henry to her room and put him in her bed. "Talk to me JJ. Tell me what's going on?" Emily said as she closed the door to her room.

"It's nothing really. I… we…. we just got a little worked up this evening. I promise everything is fine." JJ once again lied as she looked at Will's suitcase on the bed.

"JJ just tell me this. Did Will hurt you?" Emily asked.

"Emily please, can't we…."

"JJ, did Will hurt you? Because I swear to god if he did…"

"No, Emily I'm fine. Really."

"Well how about I come over there and see for myself?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Emily." JJ said a she continued to watch Will pack.

"Why not?" JJ sighed. She knew that Emily would not give up until she got some answers.

"Emily, I'm asking you as my friend, please just give me an hour and then you can bring Henry home. I promise I will explain everything. Please?" JJ begged.

Emily hated hearing JJ sound so defeated. Defeat was not an emotion that she associated with Special Agent Jennifer Jereau. Emily ran her hand over her face. Something told her this was going to be a long night.

"Okay, an hour JJ. I will give you an hour." Emily finally replied.

"Thank you Emily." JJ answered as a tear ran down her cheek.

"I'm a phone call away if you need me."

"I know." JJ felt another tear fall. "I'll see you in an hour." Both woman exchanged good byes and then ended their conversations. JJ turned to Will and watched as he put more of his clothes into another suit case.

"I'm really sorry JJ, you know how much you mean to me. But I can't keep playing second fiddle." JJ nodded silently. "You're a great mother and I will always be grateful for the son you gave me."

"I'm sorry Will. I just wish…"

"I know. JJ I know." Will replied as he sat down on the bed next to her. "You love our son, more than anything in the world. I know that but your job… I just can't anymore and I'm sorry." JJ nodded again as more tears fell. "Plus I think we both know that your heart hasn't been in this for a very long time." Will said as he stood up and went back to packing.

JJ couldn't deny that what Will had said was true. Even from the beginning she had one foot out the door. But once she got pregnant she did was she thought she was suppose to do. She did what her family thought she should do and not what her heart told her to do. Somehow she and Will made things work; they fell into a nice routine and everything was comfortable. JJ knew that Will loved her but no amount of trying could make her feel the same way about him. The only reason she stayed was for their son. Now, six years after they first met in New Orleans, it was all crashing down around her and JJ wasn't sure what she was feeling. Everything was happening so fast.

JJ watched in silence as Will finished packing. Once he was done he picked up his two suitcases and walked over to the bedroom door. Just as he was about to leave, he turned to look at JJ, who was still sitting on the bed.

"I really am sorry JJ."

"Me too Will."

"Kiss Henry for me. Tell him that I love him and that I will see him soon."

"Of course. Anytime." JJ said just slightly above a whisper. Will put his suitcases down and walked over to where she was sitting. He kneeled down in front of her and wiped the tears from JJ's face. He kissed JJ's forehead, wiped a few more tears away and then walked back over to his suitcases. JJ listened as the front door opened and closed, then listened as Will started his car and pulled out of the drive. It wasn't until she could no longer hear his car that she let more tears fall. She wasn't crying because Will left her, but rather for their son, their son who was going to be too young to really understand why his daddy left.

A/N- Okay so that is chapter 1… I hope everyone liked it. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!