We were getting new students. And that`s saying something considering we were in the smallest town in the universe. O.K, so maybe i was exadarating just a bit. But, really, we never got new students. Never. So of course, all of the cheerleaders were gossiping about them.

Except me and Ang. We were currently working on some new stunts so we could use in the half-time routine tomorrow for the game. I couldn`t wait! I loved cheering, even though I was a shy person. I was a bit clumsy sometimes, but hey, we all can`t be perfect right? Right. So here we are, six in the afternoon, supposed to be practicing but nooooo, they were talking away about the new family.

The dad was supposed to be a doctor and the mom was an interior decorator or something along those lines. I don`t know how I didn`t know, it was the only thing my mom could talk about the past week.

Charlie, honey, did you know we`re having new people? She would ask the same question everynight for the next six days.Yes mom,I believe you told us.....I would trail off pretending to think about and answer, the last six nights. Then I would raise an eyebrow and continue eating my dinner, and as usual, she would continue talking. Dad would pretend to listen, smiling softly, while I on the other hand would just stare off into space.

I didn`t get it. My mom and dad were complete oppisites. But they have been married for seventeen years. I imajine it was a very long seventeen years for my dad with all the talking she did. My dad didn`t open up as much as my mom. And was a man of little words, but always seemed to open up around me. I loved my mom, I really did. But it was no secret I was a complete Daddy`s girl.

"Hmmmm...." I was brought out of my thoughts when Angela started to hhhmmmm. "Maybe if we did three simple stunts? Like, just stay in our groups and do different moves. Like,Jess`s group do bow-and-arrow, while Lauren`s does scorpian, then I can do needle?"

She looked like she wanted to object, but, she knew we didn`t have enought time to practice before tomorrow night. She gave an airy ok and she turned to the rest of our teammates.

"O.K everyone,we decided we`re just going to do simple stunts. Jess, your group is going to do Bow-and-arrow while Lauren`s does scorpian." They all looked a little dissapointed, knowing we could much more difficult things than that, but knew not to object.

"Sooo...." Tyler began,"what`s our group gonna do, Bells?"

I just gave a lazy smile while answering"needle". He just nodded and I looked at the clock.

"O.K, everyone, go home and don`t forget to wear your uniforms tomorrow. I`ll bring the red and black eyeshadow and 'temparay tattos', so no need to try to do it yourselves." I looked pointedly at Dannie and Alli. The last time they tried to put on the eyeshadow, it looked like the had black eyes. So we just decided I would apply everything since I could actually without it looking like I injured my self.

While they all exited the gym, Ang looked at me and smiled." You did great Bells." I just grinned and told her I would see her tommorrow.