Ranma and co. do not belong to me they belong to Rumiko Takahasi.

If they did then I wouldn't be here now would I?

No I wouldn't be(:

"Stop it you guys, get off!" Akane screamed as her father, Mr. Saotome, Kasumi, and Nabiki tied her up in a chair (not really Kasumi). "Akane, just stay still for your father, were just trying to help you get Ranma, as he says he wants a "cute fiancé" Mr. Tendo said remembering what his future son-in-law said.

Flash back

"Ranma you jerk get back here." Akane yelled chasing after Ranma. Ranma stuck out his tongue. "Haha can't catch me tomboy" Ranma replied dodging another hit from Akane. "Son stop this, why is it that you don't like Akane. You always make fun of her, and that is no proper way to treat your fiancé." Mr. Saotome said as he grabbed Ranma by the shirt. "Like I should treat that uncute violent tomboy nicely. She hits me and insults me too, I'd rather have a cute fiancé then one like her." Ranma replied as he pried his fathers hands off his shirt. "Hmm" Mr. Tendo and stared at each other with evil glares. "A cute fiancé huh." "Fine Ranma, who wants to marry a perverted jerk like you anyway, hmphh" Akane said as she walked away. "Hmphh" Ranma replied as he made his way outside.

End of Flash back

The fathers quickly ran outside of Akane's door to grab something, as Kasumi and Nabiki pulled a dress over her head. "Hey what is this" Akane yelled trying to get loose. "It's a dress sis" Nabiki replied. "Alright Nabiki how much did they pay you to help with little scheme. "one thousand yen" Nabiki smirked as she grabbed a bow. Akane looked down at what she was wearing. It was a short white dress that went to about her knees, it had a sailor like out fit bow that came down by her breasts, and little ripple like edges at the bottom. "Hey what's the big idea putting me in something like this. Akane said as more anger worked up inside of her. "Well father wants to make you "cute" so that Ranma will like you." Kasumi spoke softly as she added makeup to Akane's face.

The fathers came back in with and brush and rushed to Akane's side. He softly brushed her hair. "This is our last chance, Ranma has to like you after this." Mr. Tendo stated. "I can't believe you guys would stoop to this level. LET ME GO! I hate Ranma, I don't want him to like me, let him go marry his other "cute" fiancés. Akane screamed. "Um Akane dear, please calm down, your going to rip the ropes." That's the point dad" Akane said as she struggled even more. "Saotome hold her down, I'll wrap some more rope around her, girls finish the make up and hair, and after I'm done tying her up, I'll go get Ranma." Mr. Tendo ordered as everyone set to what they were told."STOP, let me GO!" Akane screamed. After a couple of minutes Akane had finally calmed down after she was screaming so much, and just settled to keep asking them to let her go and struggling.

"Ranma, where are you boy." Mr. Saotome and Mr. Tendo yelled. "What did I do now" Ranma asked jumping off the roof. "We have a surprise for you boy, come here." They said gesturing him to follow. He followed them as they made their way to Akane's bedroom. "Oh come on, if ya'll think I'm gonna apologize to that uncute tomboy, then you gotta another thing coming." "Oh butt boy, she isn't an uncute tomboy" they said as they opened up the door to reveal the cute girl tied up in a chair. Ranma's mouth gaped open as he stared at her. Akane completely forgot her struggling as she noticed the pigtailed boy staring at her. "Hurry, shut the door, don't let him see me like this" Akane screamed as she struggled more. "So what ya think boy, she can't be uncute if she looks like that, and from what I know, tomboys don't wear make-up." Mr. Saotome stated. Ranma just stared there as he looked at the girl. "STOP, close the door, close the door." Akane yelled once more. "No can do Akane, but look, it really looks like Ranma likes you now." Mr. Tendo said as he looked over at Ranma. That struck Akane's last nerve as she broke through the ropes. "What kind of father are you" she yelled as she ran outside.

Ranma finally snapped out of it as he ran after her. "Wait Akane!" He caught up to her and grabbed her by the shoulder. "Akane, are you o-okay?" Ranma asked her. She turned around, with tears flowing over the ground. He stared at her, as he watched her make-up wash down her face. He had never thought she looked so beautiful. "A-Akane, wh-why are you crying?" Ranma asked feeling guilty. "Why am I crying, why am I crying, I'm crying because I have to change myself just so my baka fiancé will be happy, and the fact that my father made me do it." Akane screamed. "Akane don't cry" Ranma said as he stared at her.

"Ranma honey" "arien, come take Shampoo to date" "Ranma darling" Ranma's fiancés yelled as they glomped him. "Hey get off me" Ranma yelled. "Rannnmmaaaa" Akane yelled as she hit him with her lucky mallet. "No Akane, wait" he said as he tried to get the girls off of him. She ignored him as she walked inside. "Stupid tomboy" Ranma muttered as he made his way to the roof. "Ranma, come on, come to my house and I'll make you some okonomiyaki." Ukyo said as she grabbed his arm. "No come eat some ramen with Shampoo" Shampoo said as she grabbed his other arm. "NO, come with me to my mansion" Kodachi said as she grabbed his chest. "Enough, go home, I'm not in the mood." Ranma yelled a little anger in his voice. The three fiance's noticed that and said their goodbyes. "Okay I see you tomorrow Ranma" Shampoo said as she waved goodbye. "Yeah bye" Ukyo and Kodachi said waving too. "Bye" he replied with a small wave.

Ranma gave a soft sigh as he laid back and stared at the stars. As he stared at the beautiful sky, he saw a shooting star glide across the sky. " I wish Akane wasn't a tomboy. I just wish she a was girly girl who never hit me and jumped to conclusions. If only she would treat me like a real fiancé, that would be nice for once." Ranma muttered as he fell into a deep sleep.

Well that's my first chapter.

Hehe I wonder.. what's gonna happen next.

Review and I'll update as soon as possible.(:
