"Are you sure the chief called us in on a case?" Gus asked his psychic detective partner Shawn Spencer as they were walking into the police station.

"Gus, the chief might have forgotten to call us with a phone, but my psychic vibes are telling me that she is calling us with her mind." Shawn said laughing a little. Gus didn't laugh and just gave him a skeptical look. Once inside, they quickly found detectives Lassiter and O'Hara gathered around Lassiter's desk. The two detectives were talking quietly to each other and looking at a case file. "Good Morning Detectives!" Shawn burst out as he and Gus came up to the desk. Lassiter groaned as he turned around the face Spencer.

"What do you want Spencer?" He asked clearly irritated that the psychic was there. Shawn shrugged.

"I just came over to say hello to my favorite detectives. I woke up this morning with a weird psychic vibe and you know I can't abide being plagued by a weird psychic vibe." He said sitting on the edge of Lassiter's desk.

"Shawn, there isn't a case for you to work today." Juliet said.

"Oh really?" Shawn asked. Gus grabbed his arm.

"Shawn you heard what Juliet said. There aren't any cases." He tried to pull Shawn away, but Shawn held his ground.

"There aren't any cases right now." Shawn said, looking at his watch. "but there will be something exciting in five, four three, two-" Before he could say 'One' the doors of the police station opened and FBI agents Alex Doran and Amanda Parker ran into the station. "Oh c'mon!" Shawn shouted. "You guys are one second early for once?!?" The two agents rushed over.

"Shawn, are you ok?" Parker asked.

"Why wouldn't you be ok Shawn?" Gus asked turning to face his friend.

"Doran?" Lassiter asked a little bit of confusion evident in his voice. "What are you two doing here?"

"Who are these people?" Juliet asked her voice more confused than Lassiter's. Shawn ran over to Parker and gave her a hug.

"Jules this is Agent Parker and Agent Doran. They saved our lives last year when Lassiter shot that drug guy after that lady named her baby after me." Shawn stood smiling broadly with his arm slung around Parker's shoulders.

"You still haven't said why you're here." Lassiter said.

"Shawn called us last night and left a voice mail saying that he was being chased by the Russian mafia and to meet him here this morning." Parker said.

"He also said the department wanted us on the case." Doran said crossing her arms and frowning a little bit at Spencer. All the heads in the room turned to Shawn.

"You called the FBI about the Russian mob?" Juliet asked.

"And said they were after you?" Gus added.

"And implied the department approved of this?" Lassiter finished. Shawn held up his hands defensively.

"To be fair they were already in town." He said. Doran and Parker turned toward him.

"We were on a case Shawn." Parker said.

"A top secret case, how could you know that we were in town?" Doran said.

"I'm Psychic." Shawn said pointing at his head. "No amount of red tape from the FBI could keep my psychic-ness from knowing where you are."

"And the Russian mafia thing?" Doran asked her voice still full of disproval of the whole situation. Shawn shrugged.

"How else was I going to convince you guys to come and see us?" He asked.

"By asking if they'd come and see us." Gus said.

"It doesn't really matter because they're here now." Juliet said. Lassiter nodded.

"That's right." He turned to her. "Now, O'Hara I'll be taking a personal day today. If there are a lot of problems just call my cell phone. Anyone up for coffee?" he asked it as a general question, but was looking directly at Doran, who smiled and then the two of them walked out of the station together. They weren't holding hands, but were walking so close together their fingers brushed up against each other every once in a while. Gus, Juliet, Shawn and Amanda watched them leave.

"They're such a weird couple." Gus commented.

"They've been emailing back and forth since last year." Amanda said.

"What could they possibly talk about?" Juliet asked.

"Guns." The other three chorused.

"That and the fact that they both probably eat muffin bottom cereal." Shawn said.

"What are you talking about?" Gus asked, giving him a confused look.

"They're both so straight laced. They probably buy the boxes of tiny muffin bottoms that come from all the tiny muffins used to make muffin top cereal." Shawn said. "Now who is up for a game of badminton or perhaps lawn darts?"

Lassiter and Doran headed to the nearest Starbucks for some coffee. As they stood around waiting for their orders Doran started to say something, but Lassiter started talking before she could get the words out.

"I missed you." He said looking at the napkin he'd picked up. Doran gave him a small smile.

"I missed you too. I was going to call you after we had this case sorted out, but Spencer kind of beat us to it." Lassiter nodded.

"That would have been nice, dinner or something….." he trailed off as the barista brought them their order.

"Yeah, or something….." Doran said taking her coffee from the Barista.