~Lay Me Under the Frozen Moon~

By - ByaRukifan

Timeline: After Aizen's defeat

Pairing(s): Byakuya/Rukia

~Chapter Seventeen~

Too bright.

Everything was too bright to Byakuya as he slowly opened his eyes. He shut them as soon as he opened them before waiting a few moments to try again. Once his eyes were adjusted, he looked around and soon recognized the room he was in belonged to the Fourth Division.

It all came back to him then. The battle against Tatsuo, Rukia suddenly showing up when he thought he was done for. 'Rukia...' Now he couldn't help but wonder where she was, but when he looked to his left his eyes widened momentarily before softening. Rukia asleep at his side, sitting in a chair while her head and arms rested on the side of the bed Byakuya was currently sitting in. He gave a smile before intertwined his hand with hers.

"How did we get here...?" Byakuya asked to no one in particular as the thought suddenly crossed his mind.

"Oh, you're awake." Unohana said as she walked through the door, followed by Ukitake.

She could see the look of confusion Byakuya held across his face. He was calm though, he was always good at keeping his emotions in check. She let her eyes drift to Rukia before noticing her and Byakuya's intertwined hands.

"How did we get here?" Byakuya asked calmly, "What happened?"

"After Tatsuo had been defeated Rukia carried you as far as she could until she fell over from exhaustion." Unohana explained, "It was only a few minutes later that the search squad that had been sent to locate the two of you had found you."

"A search squad?"

"Yes, the two of you had been gone for quite some time. We all were beginning to think something happened and finally a search squad was sent out." She answered before continuing her explanation, "Once you and Kuchiki-san were brought here late last night, Kuchiki-san had regained consciousness and had told us what had happened before coming to your room in here and fell asleep."

Ukitake nodded in confirmation before speaking, "I never knew Tasuo would show his face again, I honestly thought he had died long ago. Even Yamamoto Sou-Taicho couldn't believe it at first. We're all very glad the two of you are alright."

Byakuya's eyes had widened at their words before looking down at Rukia. He was unable to help his hand from tightening his hold on hers.

"If you don't mind me asking, is there something different between you and Kuchiki-san, Kuchiki-taicho?" Unohana asked. "The only reason I'm asking is because when Kuchiki-san was explaining everything to us she was asking about your condition, but was calling you by your first name instead of what she usually calls you."

Byakuya hesitated, "...Yes, there is. Many things happened during the mission and our new relationship was one of them."

Unohana gave a nod before she and Ukitake smiled. "Well then I'm happy for you and Kuchiki-san. I wish the both of you happiness together."

Ukitake nodded, "I'm glad Rukia's found someone and I'm glad it was you. The two of you needed to become closer, even if this is a little closer than most were thinking." Ukitake gave a small chuckle.

Byakuya was slightly surprised by the sudden congratulations and acceptance of Rukia and his new relationship, but he wasn't going to question it.

"Can we be left alone for awhile?" Byakuya asked after taking another glance at Rukia.

Unohana nodded, "Certainly."

Ukitake gave another friendly smile before he and Unohana exited the room, leaving Byakuya and Rukia in private.

Byakuya looked down at Rukia again once they were alone. 'She saved my life...' Byakuya thought after he brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. He then smiled softly, "Thank you, Rukia."

Rukia smiled, making Byakuya's eyes widen slightly. "You don't have to thank me." She told him as she opened her eyes to look at him.

She moved her hand to grasp his own, "How are feeling?"

Byakuya smiled back at her, "I feel a lot better now, but you should go rest."

"I feel fine." Rukia said after shaking her head slightly. "You were the one that got hurt."

"You had followed me and watched the fight between Tatsuo and me from the beginning didn't you?"

Rukia nodded, "I wanted to cut in earlier but I knew you wouldn't want me to...but...I knew I just couldn't stand by and watch him..."

Byakuya knew what she was trying to say but couldn't. He clutched her hand tighter before leaning over to softly kiss her forehead.

"You didn't get hurt though, did you?"

"No, I didn't" Rukia replied, looking up at him after wiping away the tears that had tried to form.

Byakuya let a small sigh of relieve escape him. He was so glad she hadn't been hurt.

"I'm so happy you're alright." Rukia said as tears of relief began to form.

"Come closer."

Rukia looked at him in confusion, but did what he had asked her to do anyway. She moved to sit on the side of the bed so that she was closer to him. At that moment, Byakuya pulled her to him before kissing her fully on the lips. Rukia smiled against his lips before kissing him back, moving her hands to rest on his chest.

"I love you, Rukia..." Byakuya whispered once they had separated, "...More than anything."

Rukia smiled softly, "I love you too, more than anything."

With that, Byakuya smiled and pulled her in for another kiss.



Well, there you go. The end of Lay Me Under the Frozen Moon. The sequel will be out in a few months most likely...right after I get some ByaRuki (maybe some SenYuki if I get ideas) oneshots out. I'm still taking ideas for oneshots though. I only have a few at the moment so keep sending them in.

Alright, since I didn't explain the meanings of Tatsuo's powers in the last chapter I guess I'll do so here.

Zanpakutou's Abilities:

Kazerokku (Wind Lock) – Tatsuo raises his hands and wind begins to slowly envelope the target and then begins tightening in coil-like wraps around the target.

Bunkaitaiki (Atmospherical Disintegration) – Tatsuo's whole being slowly disintegrates/vaporizes and blends into the air becoming ethereal.

Kazekagizume (Wind Claws) – Strong winds condense themselves around Tatsuo's hands and fingers to form an invisible, almost claw-like form. Whenever he tries to slash out at the target with his "claws" they can get cut as if being cut with a sword.

Ryuukokyuu (Dragon Breath) – Tatsuo summons extremely fast and strong winds that are able to cute and slash the target as it blows

There you go. Tatsuo's Zanpakutou abilities.

I really hope you all enjoyed this story an will stick around for the others that come out. I'm actually pretty proud of this story and what I have of it's sequel. Heh, hopefully the sequel will be just as good.

Read and Review!

Just remember, NO FLAMING!