I don't own anything. ABC and Shonda are the lucky ones there. This is purely for entertainment purposes.

A/N: This popped into my head and I thought 'why not?' I love Arizona and Callie together. I just hope they don't go the route of every other couple on Grey's and eventually cheat on each other or break up because of some stuipid argument. They're too cute for that. Anyway, here's my version of their first "I love you"s and beyond. There will be some angst... there will be some romance... and you just might overdose on Callie and Arizona goodness. Enjoy!!

Callie reached into her purse, growling in frustration when her initial search didn't produce any keys. She put them on top every time but when she went to find them she always had to fish around in the bottom of her purse with all the lint and forgotten receipts. Her bag sat in her locker all day. How could they possibly sink to the bottom? It made her want to say screw it and kick her door down instead of finding them.

Her day had sucked. First she looked like an idiot in front of everyone by not knowing it was Arizona's birthday. She was only the blonde's girlfriend. Why would she need to know such pertinent information? Then Christina, in all her resident glory, went rogue on their patient. Luckily her desire to prove she was a good surgeon didn't kill the poor girl. While she was in surgery she got three increasingly upset sounding messages from Arizona but she had searched the hospital high and low and couldn't find her. So she finally decided to just go home and now she couldn't find her stupid keys.

An emphatic, "It's about time," erupted from her lips as her finger finally snagged her key ring. She quickly unlocked the door, hoping Arizona would be waiting for her. It sounded like her girlfriend was having a pretty crappy day of her own. Maybe they could just curl up on the couch and let the rest of the world melt away for a while.

"I left you messages."

She looked up from dropping her keys and purse on the table just inside the door when she heard Arizona's voice. Things were looking up already. "I'm sorry, I was in surgery. There were complications and..."

"I don't care, OK?"

Callie furrowed her brow as the blonde stood up to face her.

"I operated on Wallace even though I knew better. I keep retracing every step, every suture. I keep going over it and over it."

Her heart clinched, knowing how much the little boy meant to her girlfriend. "He didn't make it?"

"He did. He's in recovery. That's not the point."

Callie cocked her head to the side, confused.

"What I needed from you tonight was a little support for once and you weren't here."

She started to point out that she had been in surgery too but knew that wasn't the right way to go. "OK. You're scared so you're picking a fight. I get that."

"Yeah. Fine. Whatever. But I have helped you through crisis after crisis and for once I thought I could come here tonight and maybe get a little caring and compassion from you. Obviously I was wrong."

Callie's mind reeled. Where was this coming from? She had never seen Arizona act like this before.

"Relationships are a two way street Calliope. You need to remember that if this is going to work. Or maybe you don't want it to. Is that it? Because if so I can..."

Arizona's voice faltered. What the hell was she doing? She had a tendency to rant and rave when she was really freaked out and to say she was freaking out over Wallace was putting it mildly, but that didn't give her the right to go off on Callie. Especially when she could tell from the confusion and devastation in those brown eyes that her girlfriend had no idea that she didn't mean a word she was saying.

"Calliope I..."

Callie's beeper interrupted her. She woodenly pulled it out of her pocket to look at the screen. "911. I have to go."

Arizona hated the hollow sound of her voice. "But..." Her beeper interrupted her this time.

Callie reached out, plucking the beeper from the pocket of the pediatrician's jacket. "Yours is too. Must be something important."

"It can wait."

Dark eyebrows arched as both their beepers sounded again. "Obviously not."

"Wait." Arizona grabbed her, swallowing hard when Callie coolly glanced from the hand on her arm to the blonde's blue eyes. "We need to talk. I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry about it."


"Let's go before they send out a search party."

Arizona let her hand slide from Callie's arm. She really wanted to explain herself but she knew when not to push her girlfriend. So she picked up her purse and followed Callie out of the apartment without saying another word.

She didn't give in to fear very often. She preferred to hold it at bay by being perky and upbeat but sometimes it snuck through. And of all the emotions she could feel it was by far the worst. Poor Calliope was the latest in a long line of victims who never saw her darker side coming. Some of them had forgiven her for saying hurtful things, others hadn't. She hoped Callie was going to fall in the first category.

For her part Callie was still stunned. Her rational side told her that Arizona was upset over what was happening with Wallace but she was just insecure enough to wonder if she wasn't the problem. Sure Arizona appeared to be happy with their relationship but her judgment hadn't exactly been stellar on that front in the past. She thought George loved her even as he was shacking up with Izzie and Erica... Erica walked away without a backward glance.

"It's about time you two got here." Richard Webber hurried toward them as they approached the employee entrance.

"We came as quickly as we could." Callie answered.

"Let's go. You're both needed in the ER."

"What happened?" Arizona asked as they walked into the hospital with him.

"The mayor's son was brought in. He was jumped by some gang members and badly beaten. I..."

"Want good publicity for the hospital, we got it."

He frowned at Callie as she walked away before turning to look at Arizona. "What's with her?"

"We had a..." Arizona scrambled for the right word. It wasn't an argument considering she did all the talking. "Misunderstanding."

"Then maybe I should pull her off the case. Torres is right when she says we need positive publicity. If this is going to affect your performance..."

"Does he have broken bones?"

"Excuse me."

Arizona patiently repeated her question. "I asked if the mayor's son has any broken bones."

"Yes. His arm and possibly his leg and a couple of ribs."

"Then you don't want to pull Calliope off the case." She spoke again before he could say more. "She's the best orthopedic doctor you have at this hospital."

"He's fifteen. He needs a pediatrician. If it comes down to her or you I'm going to have to go with you."

"It won't."

"Make sure it doesn't."

Arizona hurried after Callie, not at all surprised to find she had already changed into some of the scrubs the hospital kept stocked in a small lounge near the emergency room.

"I'll get started while you change."

She shook her head as Callie breezed by her without actually looking at her. She couldn't blame her for being upset but did she have to be so damn good at making her feel guilty?

In no time Arizona was in scrubs of her own and joined Callie and a nurse in one of the trauma rooms. The sooner they finished with the boy the sooner they could go back to the apartment and talk.

"You're really stupid, you know that right?"

"Calliope." Her mouth popped open in shock as she walked into the room. They didn't need to air their dirty laundry in public.

The nurse chuckled. "Not you Dr. Robbins. She was talking to the patient."

Arizona looked at Callie in astonishment. "Like that makes it any better."

"Dr. Torres is right." The nurse continued. "He was just telling us that this wasn't a random attack. He was actually going to join the gang and..." Her voice trailed off when she saw the look Callie was giving her. "Sorry."

"I thought you were doing a great job. Ouch!" The boy lying on the gurney hissed as Callie pushed on his leg. "She's the one you're mad at, not me."

"Dr. Robbins this is Jacob Jenkins." Callie continued her examination. "Jacob, this is Dr. Robbins. She and I are going to be working on your case. Why don't you tell her what you were telling us?"

"Do I have to? Ow!" He frowned at Callie. "Fine. If it will make you stop trying to rip my leg off I'll tell her whatever you want." He switched his attention to Arizona. "I was trying to join the gang but my initiation was to rob this older couple in my neighborhood. I couldn't do it. I mean, I used to cut their grass for crying out loud. So when I told them I had changed my mind they jumped me."

"Why?" Arizona frowned.

Jacob quirked an eyebrow. "Because I told them I wouldn't do it. These guys don't take no for an answer."

"I mean why would you want to join a gang?" Arizona clarified.

"Because it seems dangerous and exciting." Callie flexed his ankle as she spoke. "And it might just make everyone realize that you're an adult. That you don't want to be treated like a kid anymore. Especially your parents, right Jacob?"

He frowned at her. "What makes you say that? Maybe I wanted to join because I'm bad ass."

"Right." Callie chuckled. "I know where you're coming from. I grew up in a very affluent family too. One that had expectations that I felt like I couldn't live up to. That can be pretty tough when you're a kid."

"I'm not a kid." Jacob snapped.

"You're fifteen. I hate to tell you this, but that does make you a kid. When I was sixteen I thought I knew everything. So when my father told me I should stop hanging out with the new girl at school, Tia, because he thought she was trouble, I ignored him. When she told me she could get me into the newest all girl gang in Miami I jumped at the chance."

Arizona, who had started probing the boy's stomach for internal bleeding stopped to stare at her girlfriend. Why hadn't she heard this story before?

Jacob was watching Callie intently. "Did you join?"

"Almost. I was supposed to help Tia shoplift some things from a convenience store but ended up with strep throat. Tia gave me crap for letting her down but told me everything would work out. Once she was in the gang she would get me in too. Since I couldn't go along she took her father's gun instead."

"Oh man." Jacob shook his head. "She shot the clerk didn't she?"

"No, he shot her. She started waving the gun around and he defended himself."

"Did she..."

Callie nodded. "Right there on the floor of the store."

Arizona pursed her lips, wishing there was some way she could take away the pain in her lover's eyes.

"Did the gang come after you?"

"No. I've never been sure why but I was lucky." She locked eyes with the boy. "Just like you. This could have been a lot worse."

"I know." Jacob dropped his head to avoid her gaze. "I probably wouldn't be alive if someone hadn't called the cops."

Callie nodded. "You need to tell you father everything that happened. I have a feeling he'll understand more than you think he will. And he'll be able to keep you safe."

"Nothing's going to keep his ass safe now."

All four occupants of the room looked up as two boys walked in, shutting the door behind them.

Callie frowned. "Who are you and what do you think you're doing in here?"

"We're Griffins." The one who had spoken before glared at Jacob. "And we're here to finish what we started."

"Griffins?" Arizona repeated the name.

"They're part of the gang I was going to join." Jacob filled her in.

"Arizona," Callie nodded toward the phone on the wall not far from the pediatrician. "Call security."

The second boy shook his head. "That's not such a good idea. We don't want any trouble."

Callie stared him down. "Then what do you want?"

"Him." The first one pointed at Jacob.

"He's not going anywhere."

The boy switched his heated gaze to Callie. "Like hell he's not."

"You broke his leg." Callie gave Arizona a barely perceptible eye roll, telling her to get to the phone.

"Well then he's going to be in pain as he walks out of here."

"We could take the gurney." The second one pointed out.

"We don't need it, the fool can walk." The boy sneered at Jacob. "It'll do him good."

"Or you could carry him." Callie offered. "You're both big strapping guys."

Arizona knew she was trying to give her the chance to get to the phone so she edged in that direction.

"There's no way in hell I'm carrying him." The second boy looked at the first one.

"No one is carrying anyone. Hey!" The other boy spotted Arizona reaching for the phone. "What do you think you're doing?" He reached toward the back of his pants. "I said to stop!"

The world seemed to stand still as the boy produced a gun, pointing it at Arizona.


Callie's voice and a deafening bang were the last things Arizona heard before something slammed into her, knocking her back into the wall. She barely had a chance to fell pain erupt through her body before everything went black.