Title – Asthma Attack.

Chapter Two – Where did Linkin Park?

Bella's point of view.

Did I really declare that yes, I will duel Edward on Saturday? I couldn't have said that, right? I don't know the source behind this worry, I don't even know if he is an expert or just lying to impress. That wouldn't be the first time it happened. Even if he is the champ of Pac-man at the local Wal-mart that doesn't mean he is the all time champ; he could have just been the top of all the poor players. I took hope in that.

I was at the local music store, the only one at least that didn't take a two hour drive. My stock of music has gone horribly low since the my mother decided to flea from her location before settling here. I left all but six priceless albums. I did so with deep hatred and pure disgust. I know they would sell them off for profit and that is why angers me the most.

I trudged in the entrance of Rocket Ball Records, squeezing the excess water from my clothes that weren't shielded by my Zebra raincoat. I smiled delightfully at the warmth radiating in the tiny store. It looked like the ones back in Ohio, small but not cramped. The shelves aligned the walls and in the middle was a circle of music boxes with headphones so you can enjoy your favorite tunes. I shrugged out of my raincoat and folded it on my arm, them folded tightly to my stomach.

I searched the familiar genres. Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul...Seeing them all made me feel a warmth of knowing not all things have to change. I knew that besides from the library that this music store would be my safe refugee from the outside world. That brought me comfort. My fingers traced along the binds of the CD albums, naming one song that I knew from that artist in my head. I found the my area. Rock. The grin that flooded my face couldn't help but form.

I eagerly grabbed an album from the selection, not caring to see which I choose at random. I traveled to the one of the empty music boxes and tapped the screen, waiting for it to respond. I tapped along, scanning the bar code of the case. The music blasted through the headphones and I clamped them to my head. It was pretty good, I liked the back tones. I glanced down at the case: The Honorary Title. I put this on my list of wants.

I continued this act until I got ten albums, including some like: The Kills, Florence and the Machine and Gregory and the Hawk. I was proud to say the least at my selections and fumbled along the remaining cases. My fingers froze on the new edition of Linkin Park's album. I squealed and stomped my feet silently in joy.

I rushed over to the music box, not caring to bring the case with me because I knew what I was looking for. I shoved the headphones on my head. I jammed on through the entire CD, twice. Once I was content and had enough I strolled back over to where they had the CD waiting. I stopped, noticing a work there: he had a shirt with the logo on the back so I assumed. I admired – without my permission – the dude. He had skinny jeans on and I noticed a beanie hat nested on his head, with pieces of hair sticking out. He was emo, I was guessing. The hair that was expose was reddish but not quite like bronze...

"Edward?" I spoke my wonder. Is it really him?It was in fact Edward. He turned a fraction and I could see his glasses sliding down his nose. His eyes seemed to widen at something but what? Whatever it was made him spin around. He strained a smile at me. "Hi," I said.

"Hey." He looked down at something. My gaze followed his. He had the Linkin Park CD I was going to get in his hand. One thing in common with this boy, I am shocked.

I laughed. "Hey Edward?" I said, still laughing. "Rumors say Honest Abe went to a rap-rock concert. So people are now wondering 'Where did Linkin Park?'?" I snorted at my lame joke I stumbled upon a year ago while purchasing novelty bags.

"That's a real knee-slapper there, Bella," he rolled his eyes at me.

I ignored that. My joke was good and he knows it. I went to pick up the Linkin Park album and found it not to be there. I frowned. Oh, duh Bella! I thought. Edward does work here, he could direct me to more. I smiled and tapped Edward on the should, getting his attention.

"What?" He whined when he turned to me, scowl on action.

"You are suppose to be polite to the customer, Edward." I stated, crossing my arms. "Where is the other Linkin Park albums at?"

Something in that made him smirk at me. I don't like that reaction from someone like him.

"Actually, Princess, I have the last one here in my hand." I gasped.

My eyes narrowed at him then relaxed into those irresistible puppy dog eyes. "May I have that copy then?" I forced my voice to sound sweet.

He wasn't giving in apparently because his face shown no effect to my puppy dog eyes. He raised his hand in the air, reaching it to the air. "Come and get it then, Princess."

I huffed and pouted. "I am not five years old, Edward." He smiled in response.

"You want it or not?" He raised his eyebrows in question. I pondered the want for that CD and decided the want won the situation but not in the way he would of liked it.

"I don't want it anymore," I told him and moved closer. "There is something that perhaps I would like even better." I moved closer to him, my face dangerously close to his. I could feel my heart accelerated for some reason. Why did my heart thump so erratically? His hand dropped and no he was staring at my lips that were now closed to his.

I slyly slid my hand to the tip of the CD case and eased it out of his hand, he was a little distracted at the moment to realize I guess. Instead I leaned to whisper in his ear. "Sike." I smirked and through my money on the counter. I quickly made my escape out of the music store and was still giggling as I placed the CD into a tattered CD player and drove away.

I know. I know. I suck ass at writing.

Be a good cookie and review.