Summary: Unlike the others, the calling cards for this infamous mercenary were legion. A bullseye with two holes in the center. A series of four characters: true false, true false; one zero, one zero...(AU, one-shot)
Disclaimer: No infringement intended, Kishimoto!

A/N: Originally going to be part of the "Promises" set, but it doesn't quite fit the theme. Kind of a slice-of-life ficlet in a modernistic, cyberpunk-ish AU (not set in the particular cyberpunk!verse of mine, though). Dedicated to OpalescentStorm. ;D I said I would!

One Zero One Zero

In the past they were called ninja. Assassins. Agents. Spies. People of the shadows who would do your dirty bidding...for a price.

In this modern world, they were known as mercenaries.

Time was, one would hire mercenaries by the company, masses of them used for specialist warfare. With modern technology though, there was lesser need to pit multitudes of them against each other, because people had their own armies now.

Now, mercenaries were hired to make a Statement.

Wanted to show you had old, old, blood and old, old money? Hire a Hyuuga for a bodyguard. Wanted to say you were going to the top, and anyone who tried stopping you was going to get steamrolled over? Hire an Uchiha to kill your rival's grandson. Wanted to say that anyone who tried hurting your best buddy was a stupid, stupid idea? Hire an Uzumaki; they'll protect him till their dying breath...and then some.

Signs were left to note who had been hired...and who had done the killing. An Inuzuka fang. A discarded Kikaichu shell. The Uchiha fan, the White Eye, a naruto swirl. Calling cards, made to strike fear to their opponents. Legends condensed to a single, symbolic sign.

Needless to say, hiring a mercenary these days required no small amount of money. Some catered to the common folk, but it was still the elite and mighty who could afford the real damage.

There was, however, one infamous mercenary who preferentially took her jobs from the common folk. Not that she didn't take jobs from the richer higher-ups from time to time, but then they'd have to pay through the nose.

They did, however, because of one simple fact: this mercenary never, ever missed a kill.


Unlike others, her calling cards were legion. A bullseye with two holes in the center. The number one hundred. A circle and a dot within, repeated twice. A pair of face cards, sometimes with a bullet hole to mark the number. A series of four characters: true false, true false; one zero, one zero...1010.


Whether that was her code name or her real name, no one knew. What was known was that if you found her, and if she decided to take your job, you knew that someone was going to fall with a neat hole with pinpoint accuracy.

x x x x x

Pii-chink. Pii-chink. Pii-chink. Bullets being placed inside a gun's magazine.


Shhh-tck. Magazine loaded.

"You want me to take out a legend." Statement. Not question.

Rrrcht-sssshck. Slide pulled back and released.

"Uchiha Madara."

Click. Safety off.

"Sounds interesting."

A flash of white in the dark alley, teeth grinning in a crooked smile.

"I'll take it."