Character Information You'll Need To Know

(I got the names randomly from the net :) Yay!)

Meet The New Girls
They're all 15 and live in the same house, they are all orphans.

Name : Keiko (happy child) Katsumi (victorious beauty)
About her : She has black hair with a few red streaks that arent all over. She's an idiot, likes playing video games, playing sport and likes insulting bitches whenever she can.

Name : Natsuko (summer child) Haru (sun/sunlight)
About her : Has sand colored hair along with faint blonde streaks. She isn't very fond of sports. She hates it. She's shy on the outside but opposite on the inside. She's good with cold weather.

Name : Aiko (beloved) Sayuri (lily)
About her : She has blonde wavy shoulder length hair with faint light blue streaks. She's loud and out-going and likes shopping. She is the most girly in the group but is still boyish in a way.

Name : Natsumi (summer beauty) Kiyomi (pure beauty)
About her : She's got straight brown hair with orange streaks. She's sensible, likes animals (dogs especially) and can't handle the cold. She is the most prettyest in the group.

Meet The Boys
They're 15 as well

Name : Sasuke Uchiha. You know the rest. Same with the others.

Name : Naruto Uzumaki

Name : Gaara Subaku

Name : Kiba Inuzuka

Yeah, this is going to be one of those Naruto guysXOC Girls. I'll try to make it good as well. So please enjoy it! And review and tell me how its going! Thank you!