So for some reason, I've had the majority of this chapter sitting on my computer in my fanfiction folder. I just found it now as I was working on my new chapter for my Glee story, and decided that you guys really deserved a chapter considering how amazing you all are. So, I finished it up and here you go.

Buzzz! Buzzzz! Buzzzz!

"No!" I mumbled, rolling over and burying my face in my pillow.

Buzzz! Buzzzz! Buzzz!

I groaned, not wanting to wake up to check my phone. I reached out blindly and opened it, saying, "What?"

"I had a feeling you weren't awake," Lissa teased, giggling nervously.

I rolled my eyes, but sat up anyway, "Well I am now," I sighed.

"I know," she said happily. I groaned and hung up the phone.


An hour later, I was ready to go back to my first class. I wasn't too happy about it, but I was ready. I was wearing a black and white striped tank top, black soffe short shorts and red low top converse.

I looked in the mirror quickly before I left, fixing my hair to make it look somewhat messy.

I grinned at myself in the mirror, wondering how I had gotten so lucky with my body, and strode out the door strutting my stuff.

I heard a wolf whistle come from behind me, and I turned around to see a grinning Mason coming towards me.

"Hey," he said, kissing my cheek and taking my hand. He was looking super cute in a navy blue t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

I smiled at him, "You ready for class?"

He smirked, "I'm ready to knock you to the ground, if that's what you mean."

I let go of his hand and lightly punched his arm. He held his arm like it had really hurt.

I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked at me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, kissing me before letting go and grabbing my hand again.

I gave him a look, causing him to grin and innocently ask, "What?"

I just shook my head and pushed the door open to the gym. We had our physical training class first. I looked forward to it everyday. When I got back from running away with Lissa, I had fallen behind, but now that I was training with Dimitri I had pulled ahead and now could beat all of my classmates.

"Hey Rose, Mason," Eddie greeted us as we took a seat on the bleachers. I quickly put my hair up into a ponytail that showed my battle mark.

After Mason and I greeted him, Mason said, "So who do you think is going to pin the other one, me or Rose?"

"I think Rose totally has you beat there, man," Eddie grinned at me, high-fiving me above Mason's head.

"Dude! What happened to 'bros before hoes'?" Mason shoved Eddie playfully.

Eddie laughed, "But that doesn't apply here because Rose isn't a whore."

"Thank you Eddie," I said giving Mason a look.

"Hm, I'm not sure I can agree with that," Mason murmured jokingly.

My jaw dropped in surprise, but I quickly closed it before Mason said something.

"Relax I'm just kidding," he grinned at me, trying to wrap his arm around my waist. I gently pushed it away.

"You're such an ass," I smiled at him, knowing he wouldn't take it to heart.

"What was that?" he cupped his ear, pretending like he didn't hear me.

I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his arm, "I said: You're such an ass!"

"Ohhhh! So you think I have a nice ass?" he smirked at me, putting his face a few inches away from mine.

I rolled my eyes again, closing the distance between us to peck him on the lips. He grinned and laced his fingers through mine.

"Settle down, everyone!" the man walking into the door called out. After a few more whispers, the room was silent.

"Good. Your normal teacher for this class was assigned to a family of Moroi who lost one of their guardians in the fight at the ski lodge. I am Guardian Belgrave, and I will be teaching this class for the rest of the year," he paused, letting us take in what he was telling us.

Guardian Belgrave was tall and muscular, probably in his mid-twenties with dark brown short hair. He had bright blue eyes that stood out on his tanned skin. I looked around the room and noticed that some of the girls were already drooling over him.

Beenthere,donethat. I thought with a sigh, pushing Dimitri out of my head before he could occupy my whole mind.

After a brief introduction, Guardian Belgrave showed us some basic fighting moves and blocks. I didn't pay too much attention, as Dimitri had already taught me more advanced versions of these moves.

"Okay. Now that I have demonstrated some basic combat moves, I would like you to pair up and spar with one another on one of the mats in the gym," he gestured to the blue mats around the gym and walked away to let us get started.

Before I could even process what we were doing, Mason yanked me off the bleachers and tugged me along to one of the mats on the outsides of the gym, near the walls.

"What don't want to be the center of attention?" I smirked at him once he let go of my hand and stood opposite me on the mat.

He just shrugged, "I thought it would less embarrassing for you to lose when no one was watching," he grinned at me.

I snorted, "Oh please," I muttered, then dove for his legs.

It caught him by surprise and he went down with an, "Oof!"

I straddled him, pinning his arms down, "That was too easy," I grinned.

He growled and flipped me over. I easily got out of his grasp and stood to face him again, this time giving him a fair shot.

I threw a punch at his shoulder, but he dodged it just before it made contact. He returned my punch, but aimed it for my gut instead, which I quickly stepped back from.

I could have kicked him in the head with no problem, but I didn't want to embarrass him again. So I just punched him in the stomach instead.

Suddenly, I was overcome by a feeling that someone was watching us.

"Ugh," he groaned, holding his stomach and sucking in a quick breath. I kicked his legs out from under him, but he got up easily, glaring at me and delivering a quick hit to my jaw.

I winced, but refused to fall down and give up, so instead I feigned a punch to his nose and kicked him square in the chest instead.

He went flying backwards and landed with a loud thud on the mat. He clutched his chest, moaning in pain as he rolled around on the floor.

"Nice work, Hathaway," Guardian Belgrave nodded at me, a small smile residing on his face.

I grinned at him, then turned to Mason to make sure he was okay. I extended an arm to him, tensing myself just in case he tried to pull me down.

He grabbed my hand and yanked, but I was ready, and just stumbled forward a little before catching myself.

"You sure have gotten good," Mason said once he had stood up. We were walking to the water fountains and catching our breath before we had to continue sparring.

"Thanks, Mase," I smiled at him, swooping down to drink some water from the fountain.

"You got a little," Mason started pointing to my face. I realized that I had some water on my lips, and went to wipe it off when he grabbed my hand to stop me.

He leaned forward and slowly licked the water off my lips. I shivered and grinned at him.

"Mm, tasty," he smiled seductively at me, licking his lips.


After that class, the rest of my morning just dragged on, and I faded in and out of focus as my teachers attempted to get the class under control.

It was the same every class: we would all hurry to our seats, and then start talking a little too loudly. Then, the teacher of the class would yell at us to shut up and we would be quiet for half a minute before starting back up again.

Finally, lunch had arrived and I got to see my Moroi friends again.

"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go use the restroom," Mason said to me, snapping me out of my trance.

I nodded at him and walked over to sit where my friends and I normally sit. As soon as I sat down, someone covered my eyes with their hands.

My first instinct was to jab whoever it was with my elbow, but I had a feeling it was one of my friends.

I turned around and moved his hands from my eyes, revealing a grinning Adrian.

"Hey Little Dhampir," he said, sitting down next to me. "Where's your boyfriend?" he asked, looking around to find Mason.

"In the bathroom," I answered, watching some novices play with firecrackers across the room.

I felt an arm around me, and without looking, threw it off of me, "Adrian," I warned, turning to look at him.

"Yes?" he asked innocently, sliding closer to me.

I lightly pushed him away, "Just because you're allowed to be here, doesn't give you the right to flirt with and stalk me. I do have a boyfriend who could beat you up with one hand tied behind his back."

He feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart, "You wouldn't let him hurt my pretty face. You would miss it too much," he smirked, running a hand through his perfectly gelled hair.

"Hey guys!" Lissa said happily, sitting down across from me. Christian nodded at me and sat down next to her.

"Hey Liss. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go find Mason," I said, standing up and walking towards the bathrooms to find him.

I stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw him. He was being pushed up against the wall by a Moroi girl, one who was kissing him.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, but blinked them back quickly.

"Mason!" I yelled angrily, storming up to him and literally yanking the girl off of him.

"Oh my God. Rose, it isn't what it looks like," he stuttered, backing away from me with a horrified look on his face.

"You bitch!" the girl who I pushed down yelled, slapping me across the face.

"You're the one who's making out with my boyfriend!" I yelled back, staring up at her menacingly.

She tried to slap me again, but this time I was ready and easily stepped aside to dodge it, and punched her in the nose.

She immediately started crying, holding her bleeding nose. She ran away, looking for someone to help her.

I turned towards Mason, "Now where were we," I said in a low tone, walking swiftly towards him.

"Rose, please don't hurt me!" Mason said quickly, looking around frantically for a way out.

"Would you kindly explain to me why you were kissing that girl?" I asked in a calm tone, knowing I was about to crack at any second.

"She came onto me!" he said, defending himself. By this point, I had him backed into a corner away from everyone else.

"It didn't look like you were trying to push her off. It looked like you were enjoying yourself," I growled, anger bubbling inside of me.

"I did try to push her off and I wasn't enjoying it," he said, his brow furrowing in anger, "Rose, I love you," he said softly, gazing into my eyes.

I glared at him for several seconds before saying, "This hurts, Mase."

"Now you know how I felt when I saw you with Dimitri," he said softly, reaching out to me with his hand.

That stung. A lot. I backed away from him, a hurt look on my face, and ran away.

I sprinted as fast as I could, running away from my classmates. I was surprised to find myself in the middle of the forest behind the school.

I finally stopped running when I couldn't see the school and grabbed a nearby tree to stop myself from falling.

I sat down against the tree, panting heavily, and let my head fall into my palms.

I could sense Lissa trying to find out where I was through the bond, but I ignored her, pushing all of her worry out of my head.

I started trembling, a mix of emotions running through my head. I felt anger, sadness, and a pang of something else that I couldn't figure out what it was.

I extended my legs and accidentally cut my leg on a sharp rock that I didn't know about.

"Ahh!" I groaned, feeling pain course through my bloody leg.

That gave me an idea. "If it works for Lissa, it'll work for me too," I thought, looking down at the sharp rock under me.

I hesitantly reached for the rock, picking it up and running my thumb over the sharp point, imagining how much pain it would cause.

I slid the rock across my wrist, wincing in pain as it cut me. I cut deeper and deeper, feeling better with each cut.

I barely noticed the blood gushing out of my opened wrist, but started to feel a little light-headed.

I paused with my cutting, looking down at the mess on my left hand. "What have I done?"I thought to myself, noticing the excruciating pain for the first time.

I whimpered in pain, holding my wrist tightly right before I blacked out.

Adrian POV

"Hey Liss. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go find Mason," Rose murmured, standing up and walking away from the table.

I slumped down in my seat and sighed, "She's never gonna like me," I muttered.

Lissa patted my hand, "She'll come around to you eventually. You just have to give her time," she reassured me.

"I don't know why you care so much. She's not even that great," Christian said nonchalantly.

My head shot up and Lissa whacked him, "Christian! That's my best friend you're talking about!" He just shrugged, which earned him one of Lissa's death glares.

"She's not that great? Do you have eyes? Dude, she's gorgeous," I paused, thinking about Rose. "And she's fearless. How many girls do you know of that can run right into a group of hungry Strigoi and come out alive?"

He shrugged again, "Whatever, she's a bitch."

This time I was the one to smack him. I hit him over the head, knocking him to the ground.

"Christian!" Lissa scolded again, a flabbergasted look on her face. "You need to watch what you say!"

"Sorry," he muttered to her, glaring at me when she was turned the other way.

"Hey," Eddie said as he sat down with a tray full of food. "What happened to Rose and Mason? I just saw them a minute ago," he asked, looking around to see if he was overlooking them.

"Rose just left to go find out where Mason went. He said he was going to the bathroom, but he never came back," Lissa answered, looking a little worried.

"I'm gonna go look for Rose. Something might have happened to her," I said, my brow furrowing in concentration as I tried to think about how long it's been since she left.

"God damn it!" I saw Mason repeating over and over again as he continuously hit his head into a wall.

"What the hell man? Where's Rose?" I asked anxiously, grabbing the cotton of his shirt and pulling him away from the wall.

His eyes shined with tears, a helpless look on his face, "I don't know. She saw me kissing another girl, hit her, and then ran away. I have no idea where she went."

I growled at him, throwing the useless dhampir aside as I raced past him to the forest. "Rose!" I began calling out, running the fastest I had ever ran before. I weaved through the trees, desperately scouring the area for the most beautiful girl I knew.

I peered into the distance, seeing a lump of a person on the ground. I sprinted off into its direction, stopping short when I saw that is was in fact Rose.

Horror struck the pit of my stomach as I saw the blood oozing from her wrist and spreading onto the ground. The rock she had used was still in her hand. I quickly snatched it and chucked it deep into the forest, not wanting anyone to ever find it.

I rushed to her side, pulling her into my lap violently. I summoned up all of my healing powers and forced them into her wrist, feeling the sensations that spirit gave me.

Her wrist slowly healed, so I sucked in my breath and forced every last bit of myself into Rose, watching intently as the blood disappeared and the cut healed, merely leaving a scar in its place.

Rose's eyes flickered open, and a lazy smile spread across her face.

Rose POV

I smiled dreamily up at the worried green eyes above me, feeling like I was floating in mid-air. Something was wrong here. I couldn't pin point it at first, but then it hit me.

"Rose!" Adrian called to me, shaking me gently but urgently, "Are you okay? Please answer me. I've called you at least 15 times!"

"Adrian?" I murmured, opening my eyes fully as the situation hit me. I cut. I passed out. I didn't think anyone would find me.

"Yes, Little Dhampir, I'm right here. Every thing's gonna be alright," he rocked me slowly, leaning down to kiss my forehead gently. I could see the exhaustion on his face, and glanced down to my wrist, which was miraculously healed.

"You didn't have to heal me, you know," I said softly, surprising him. He shook his head, this time leaning down to kiss me on the lips.

Normally, I would pull away, but considering that Mason cheated on me and Adrian just saved my life, literally, I let it go. I kissed him back carefully, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

"Thank you," he whispered, staring into my eyes dreamily, a smile atop his face.

"For what?" I asked, shocked. I should be thanking him. Not the other way around.

He just smiled at me again, showing his fangs and everything. I closed my eyes to fully enjoy our moment, and drifted into sleep, right in his arms.

Not sure if I like this or not. Like I said before, most of this was written, but it was written so long ago that I don't remember where I was going with it. I think this was the ending I was heading towards. I got a little tired of Mason and wanted to try out Adrian, so let me know what you guys think, please.