-Chapter 17- Serenity…Opps…Maybe Not!


My life can't seem to become any more perfect. I feel like I am about to pop, but I'm only 5 months long. I have about another month left of this belly and the horrible hormones. Lissa is ecstatic that we're having a little baby girl. I can't believe that Adrian was right. He can't stop talking about his soon to be born little baby girl. Her nursery has been finished up and so has the rest of the house.

Dimitri has come back from his trip visiting his family. The other funny thing is that he is giving Adrian a chance as a person. They are able to talk without ripping each other's faces off or yelling at one another. Dimitri is even currently living in our guest room. Weird huh... You have no idea. But it is nice to have Dimitri around when Adrian can't or vice versa.

Dimitri's family is doing great and he even currently talks to them on a daily bases. He is guarding Lissa majority of the time just not the night shift or weekends. So other than the occasional argument Dimitri and I are doing great at being friends.

Right now I can't make up my mind whether to get up out of bed or just stay put all day. Adrian is spending time with his dear Aunt and family. Lissa is at school, which means Dimitri is with her. The only other person that I can think of that wouldn't be busy would be…umm … No one really.

So I lay here still contemplating what I want to do with my day. After a couple minutes my stomach growls and I can feel Ella kick in agreement… We're hungry. I guess that at least gives me something to do. I sit up and move the blankets off me. Moving my feet to the side of the bed I gently slide my swollen feet into slippers. Sliding off the bed I slip on my silk bathrobe without tying the sash.

I head in the direction of the kitchen. Once there I quickly (well as quick as I can) make an omelet with lots of sausage, bacon, and cheese. Just as I'm finished eating my yummy breakfast I head towards the bathroom to shower and prepare for the day. Just as I reach over to turn on the water for the shower, I hear my phone ring. I head to the phone and answer on the third ring.

"Hello?" I answer questioningly.

"Hello, Rose?" I recognize that it's the one person that hasn't tried to talk to me in almost a year.

"Mom…" I start but don't know how to continue.

"Yes… Sorry it's been so long since we've talked. We have a lot to catch up on." I gulp thinking she already knows that I'm pregnant. I'm just waiting for her to start to yell but she continues in the same normal tone.

"Can we meet somewhere to talk and catch up?" She asks. I look down at my belly then around my room, looking for any type of distraction from this. Nope nothing; Shit!

"Sure…When?" I ask hesitantly.

"Where do you live at Court? I can meet you." I smile but sounding disappointed I reply.

"Actually I don't live at Court. I live in a city outside of the limits; closer to Lissa's college campus."

"Oh…Well… Can I come visit you or can you visit me or we meet somewhere in-between?" I nod, even though it's to nobody.

"Sure. You can come here or we can meet in-between?" I suggest.

"That sounds great. I will come to you. Where do you live? What's the address?" I smile, knowing how my mother is going to react to all of the things that she has been missing out on. Ella, Adrian, everything is going to leave her either speechless or try to kill me.

I quickly give her my address that I have memorized and hang up the phone. I look down at my belly, rubbing it soothingly. "You Grandma is going to flip when she finds out about you and your daddy. At least I have an hour or so until she arrives."

After my shower I blow dry my hair, smoothing it out into soft curly waves. I apply light mascara and some clear lip-gloss. I head towards my closet and look through my clothes, for the most comfortable yet cute outfit for the day. I find a very cute and bright blue top with flare jeans. I match that with nice small white heel sandals.

I look in the mirror than down at my belly. "Are we really ready for this?" I ask to Ella. Before I am able to think any further about how bad of an idea this is, my door bell rings. My mother is probably surprised that this is such a big house; my house with Adrian and Ella.

My mother looks really good when I open the door. She has her red curls somewhat tamed in a clip, pulled back half way, which helps show her defined cheek bones. Her body is toned as always. She is wearing a cute orange shirt and brown Capri's. She looks great. She looks like an average mom, which strikes me odd in many ways.

We stare at each other for a couple minutes. Breathing each other in, it feels like forever since I last saw her. After a minute or so, she breaks the silence. "Rose?" She asks questionably like she can't really believe her eyes.

"Yeah Mom, It's me! Why don't you come on in?" I ask her as, I'm just waiting for her to explode. But surprisingly she doesn't, she nods and walk in m house. She seems in awe at how beautiful it really is. "Is this … Your house?" She asks hesitantly. I can't tell that she is scared to hear the answer. I gulp down my nerves and plunge right in.

"Yes… It's mine and Ella's." I saw awkwardly, just waiting for the following question.

"Who is Ella?" She asks expectantly. I sigh and motion to my stomach. Her mouth makes an O shape as I lead her toward the living room. I sit on the couch and she sits somewhat close by. "How far long are you?" I smile and can't help but beam. "5 months!" She catches onto my enthusiasm, even though I know she doesn't really want to, but she smiles anyways.

"Look… I know you have a lot of questions and all but just know this. I am happy! I know that I haven't followed what you wanted me to do with my life but I am so happy right now. I know that you are my mother and that you feel obligated in telling me how screwed up I have become but please just skip it. I know what you are going to say and I'm sorry for everything that I am and have put you through but this is mine and Adrian's final decision and no one can change that. We are going to have Ella together, raise her together, marry each other, and be with each other always. No matter what you say, none of that will change!" I breathe out. Damn… That was a long speech.

She looks shocked at my outburst and speech but still she remains calm, again not what I expected.

"Rose… I'm not her to criticize you or tell you how to live your life. I only came here to ask if I can be a part of it." I look at her agape. My mother, now after all this time, wants to be a part of my life.

"W-Why now?" I stutter out. She looks down at her feet, then back up at me. "I miss my daughter. I don't guard anyone anymore. I have stopped all of my charges and everything. I can't live that life anymore. I thought it was what I wanted but it's not. I want to be there for you. I also want to be there for my granddaughter Ella." I rub my belly nervously and can't seem to stop the tears that fall down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, it's these damn hormones. I'm not trying to be sad. I'm happy dammit!" I say in frustration. I look back up and meet my Mom's eyes; she's crying too. I reach out and pull her into a big hug. "I've missed you so much Mom!" I cry harder into her shoulder.

Once I am able to calm down, we talk. We talk about everything that we have missed in each other's lives and even more. I have never talked to my mother like this ever in my life. My stomach starts to grumble after an hour or so. "Sorry! She is always hungry!" I apologize. She smiles. "You were the same way, you know. It was funny. You were constantly hungry or tired." I smile believing it since I still am both all the time.

"Would you like to go out for dinner?" I ask her as I get up to grab me a drink of water and some strawberries. She smiles and nods. I swear I have never seen my mother smile this much. It's actually really nice. I grab the phone off the cradle, on the kitchen counter and dail Adrian. He answers on the second ring.

"Hello Beautiful! How are you?" I smile as soon as I hear is gorgeous voice.

"Actually pretty good today. How is the family?" He sighs and tells me about a fight that his father and aunt are having. I laugh as he impersonates his family.

"Well, I just wanted to see when you will be home?" I ask.

"Soon, why is Ella hungry?" He asks. I laugh.

"Yes, also her mother and grandma?" Adrian goes silent.

"Wait… What? You mother is there?" I smile.

"Yes she is. She came over today and we have been talking since. When will you be home?" I ask.

"About twenty minutes with my driving. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I am. Please don't kill yourself getting here. I love you and I will see you soon!" I kiss into the phone and hang up.

I walk back into the living room and quickly eat my strawberries. My mother steals a couple for herself and I take her for a tour of the house. She loves the backyard the most, just like me.