Chapter 5! This might be the final chapter. We'll have to see how lazy I get. I have three stories that are in progress right now so…
I guessed this was some very, very sick joke. My eyebrows met as I turned towards Candy, "This apparently isn't my Report Card." A Surprised, and worried look came over her round face, "Then who's- i-is i-it?" I re-read the last line of the page wishing I could see a different name there instead, "It's Gill's." Candy turned back towards the boat, "Th-then we should g-go give it b-back to h-him." I sighed, "I guess we should, but- I mean, who gets straight A+'s anyways? Is he Einstein's clone or something?" Candace shrugged, an expression that looked far to unnatural in her kind nature. I began to run my hand through my one ponytail as I'd grown so accustomed to doing, we walked back to the boat side by side. "Are you really ready to go back so soon?" Pascal looked a bit irritated that we'd just gotten there and wanted to go already, probably thinking we wasted his valuable time. I got a terribly undeniable urge to say something rude… so I did, "Don't worry, it's not like your time is valuable or something." To make it worse, as I climbed back up onto the ship I patted his back.
"Well that was completely good for nothing." I was sitting on the dock next to Chase, I had my feet in the water. He looked irritated as well… But when did he not look irritated? "I can't believe my grades." He muttered. "Chase, how could you not have expected them?" He narrowed his eyes at me. I took the hint, "Nevermind." I laid back on the wood, which was hot due to the sun beating down on it all day. Chase was pacing up and down the dock looking completely pissed off, checking his watch every 5 seconds. "Can't this girl hurry up! I have to get to work already, Yolanda promised she'd hit me over the head with a frying pan if I was late one more time!" I sat up and looked over at him, "You've been late before? How many times oh-stubborn-impatient-one?" He looked back at me with an even more pissed expression then before, "That has absolutely nothing to do with you oh-cruel-insulting-one." I smirked anime style, "You think I'm cruel!!!??? What a compliment!" He stuck his tongue out, and I did the same. He blushed as he turned around, "How cute." He whispered.
I ran towards the docks after Julius told me he'd seen Chase and Akari there, it was a while before I began to wonder why they would be there together. But all and all, I decided to go check it out anyways- You know, just in case they really were there. Even if my gut doubted it. I ran through town until my worst fear came into play. Maya stopped in front of me with a pot of some foul smelling acid inside it. "Hey Gill! I wanted to know if you'd try some of my soup, it took me all day to make. Unfortunately, every single person at the Inn has miraculously already eaten. I mean… some of them weren't even out of their beds yet. They told me they sleep eat." I coughed at the disgusting aroma that was surrounding me, "That's soup? I thought it was acid threatening to eat away at my insides…" Maya look appalled by my words and held the soup away from me, "You didn't deserve any, anyways meany!" She stomped down on my toe. "I'll go find Chase and he'll try it." I simply walked past her, and continued to run towards the docks. Finally it came into sight. Purple haired actually was telling the truth.
"Grrrrrr…." I tried to wrench Gill's report card out of Luna's hand, but that midget was strong. Suddenly I felt terrible pain between my legs and I fell over. "What the Hell?" I looked up to see that Akari had done the damage. "So if I had Chase's report card, he had yours, and you had Gill's-That means Gill must have mine." I grabbed her leg causing her to fall over beside me, "I just wanted one look at his card. It was probably going to be perfect anyways!" She looked over at me, "Seriously!? I mean you know what his report card is going to be just by seeing him out of the corner of your eye for a split second… I think you were going to tamper with his grades!!!" He smirked, "Hamilton would whip him, and I looked forward to seeing the show." Just then a letter dropped out of the sky and landed on Akari's face. I looked up to see that the sky- Was actually Gill's hand. We all finally had our own report cards- all was well again.
Sorry but- This did end up being the last Chapter- I'm sorry!!!