
木ノ葉隠れの里 俳句

A Collection of Naruto Haiku

By EvilFuzzy9

A/N: Hey, uh... Yeah... I haven't updated An Immodest Puppet's Proposal in a while.... But I will finish it! … eventually.... It's especially pathetic considering the fact that I more or less know what I plan to do with it, I am just too freaking lazy to get off my bum and type the next chapter.

So, instead of updating one of my other long-neglected multi-chapter fics, I'm writing (well, more like I''ve already written, and am simply now typing up) a random collection of Naruto haiku.

Disclaimer: I refuse to do a stupid disclaimer, particularly since it is painfully obvious that not only are Masashi Kishimoto and Viz Media not going to sue me over some haiku, but these things (disclaimers, that is) aren't even legally binding. And it's not like pointing out how little I own would deter any lawyers from suing me in the event they should feel that the rights of their client's intellectual property are being violated. So why am I even typing up this ridiculous attempt at meta-humor? Because I'm honestly not sure how many people honestly think these things (disclaimers, that is) are actually any use in a court of law. Now pardon me while I lay down for a nap.

Come and see and read

This collection of many

Konoha Haiku.