Unending Love

A loud crack of thunder rumbled over head as cold rain poured heavily, soaking everything that it touched instantly. Lightning screeched and tore through the sky as if it was nothing but mere tissue, A full moon shining dully overhead, casting a rather depressive shadow onto the surroundings which barely lit the area enough to see. Short, panicked breaths came from a tiny framed body as she craned over a motionless body on the ground.

Here we are again

"Athrun!" she cried, as her hands frantically ran over his bare skin, leaving a trail of warmness on the rain soaked body. The young blue hair man was unresponsiveness caused the frenzied blonde to become all the more desperate to awake her Prince Charming. Everything was so blurred; she couldn't remember exactly what happened.

"Oh my God, there's blood everywhere!" she thought, straining her eyes to see in the poor lighting. Her small frame trembling as she continued her attempts to wake the frozen beauty, her ears still ringing from the shots. Yes, there was a gun involved, came the quick but still vague thought. Feeling an ever so slight shudder from the body, the girl exhaled sharply, shock freezing her to the very spot as she looked for signs of movement.

"Hey..."came the weak response from the raid soaked man. Immediately he began choking and sputtering, blood slowly leaking from the corners of his mouth. He was going to bleed out at this rate.

"Athrun! Careful, you're hurt badly" the tiny figured women said, quickly looking around for someone, anyone that could help her. By now tears were freely flowing down her face as she felt sadness slowing starting to fill her. A loud crack of thunder and lightning light the sky up as if to agree with her words.

"Cagalli... "he strained to say as he looked at the drenched blonde. What a predicament this was.

"Shush...you need your energy." She said as she cradled him in her arms, not wanting to ever let go of him. Like a ship sinking in the sea, she could slowly feel the same fate happening to her beloved.

"I'm going to be okay" he said, beginning to breathe heavily in uneven breaths. It seemed inevitable that the end was coming, but he wasn't just about to give up. Looking back at the blonde, it felt like he could put every loving feeling he had ever felt over all these years in this single moment. A warm pulse grew within him. Love. A short strike of fear filled him soon after as he realized what words they may never exchange now.

Am I on your heart tonight?

"I'm not going home without you by my side" she said as if to read his thoughts, brushing a few strands of hair from his face. Her hand felt so warm against his wet skin he thought as he leaned into her touch.

"It's not over for you" Athrun said with a weak smile, looking up at the blonde. He was happy that she was unharmed. Cagalli was a fierce, strong woman and surely make through the incident. A sudden ragged, lung wrenching cough sent more blood flying about. The blonde held onto him more tightly as if to prevent his life leaving the weak body. Nothing more was said, as each one treasure every moment they had with each other. A creeping numbness slowly started fill the weakened body. His eyes slowly dropped shut, unnoticed by Cagalli. Ambulance sirens could be heard in the far distance, no doubt slowed with the poor weather. A sudden boom of thunder was heard. A never ending love.

And you're the shore a million miles away