"Guys, guys, guys, guys, GUYS!" Emmett yelled, barrelling down the stairs, "I know what we can do!"

The whole family groaned. We were sitting in the lounge room next to our significant other, idly chatting about anything and everything. Edward stiffened next to me, obviously responding to whatever Emmett's thoughts were about.

"No, Emmett. Some of us want to keep out eardrums thank-you very much, especially Bella."

I frowned; none of us knew what Emmett's idea was that Edward was so against. It could have been something completely crazy, like trying to race to the moon or something benign, like a movie. You never really knew and Edward was nothing to go off, we all knew what he was like.

Alice started to giggle next to Jasper with a sneaky grin across her face, "Oh, lighten up, Edward! It'll be fun."

"Bella, do you have any idea what they're talking about?" Rosalie asked me sarcastically. Shockingly, Rosalie had finally let go of her boundaries and icy cold treatment of me a few weeks ago. What was even more surprising was that we actually got along quite well; we even had the same sense of dry humour.

I shook my head dramatically and slipped on an evil smirk, "I'm sorry, Rose, but the only way I think we'll ever find out is if we beat it out of the weakest link. You know what? I think I'm tired of people and their gifts of 'annoying' and such."

On cue, she stood up and waltzed over to her husband. "Darling, do you think you could tell us what you think we absolutely have to do?" She batted her eyelashes and ran her hand across his chest.

"Maybe," he replied, a bit smugly, "But I think I'll wait a bit longer, its fun watching you try and figure it out, Rosie baby."

Not a good response, Emmett. All you've done is made her pissed now. I thought to myself.

Rose straightened up a bit taller and glared at her husband. Emmett obviously didn't know what was coming, but the rest of us did and we were all looking on, quite amused.

Rosalie slowly walked around behind Emmett, trailing her hand across him as she went. She winked at us, and then slapped her hand as hard as she could across the back of his head.

The sound echoed through the room and I winced at how loud it was.

Emmett seemed to shrink in size as he faced his furious wife. "I'm sorry, honey, I won't do it again. I'll tell you now, you know. The idea was-" Emmett was eager to get back into his wife's good books again.

"SHH!" Rosalie shushed him, placing her hand firmly over his mouth, "I don't want you to tell me now. I think I've punished you for the moment and I want to know what the idea is from one of the other two people in this room who know what it is."

Emmett grumbled to himself, "They better not tell her."

Rosalie silenced him with a look and raised her hand as a warning. He dropped his head and sat on the couch in resignation.

I grinned at Rose and she nodded back, heading toward Edward.

"Hey Edwaaaard," I said, dragging out his name, as I stood next to Rosalie, "Do you happen to know what Emmett wants to do?"

"Yes. Why?"

He looked between me and Rose, before his gaze landed on Emmett. Edward visibly flinched and then looked back at Rose.

"Tell me!" demanded Rose, "Or I'll do this for the whole week, slowly getting worse!"

I looked at her quizzically, trying to find out what she was doing. She shook her head and gestured toward Edward. I turned to him and he had is head in his hands and was moaning.

"Rose, I don't want to see what you and Emmett do together! I see it enough as it is!" he snapped, shuddering.

"Well, tell us what he wants to do and I promise I will stop it for the moment," Rose bargained.

"Fine," Edward sighed in defeat, "He's-"

"NOOOOO!" Emmett shrieked, "I'll kill it, I swear I will! Do not tell them!"

Edward looked shaken and absolutely terrified. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"Why?" Rosalie snarled.

"The... the Volvo," Edward sobbed.

I huffed. Sometimes, I was sure he loved that damn thing more than me.

"Fine," I said, exasperated, "We still have another victim."

Rose brightened considerably. "We do, we do, we do!" she sang happily.

We then turned on Alice, who was stuttering, "I... I swear...I, I...I don't know anything, okay?"

"Well, we think you do," I replied.

Rose added, "Does 'Oh, lighten up, Edward! It'll be fun' ring any bells?"

"I won't tell you. You have to guess!" Alice was defiant, but Rose and everybody else in the room knew her weakness, her clothes.

"I guess you don't really care about your wardrobe," Rose pondered to herself, "I reckon we're overdue for a bonfire around here."

She turned to me, "What do you say, Bella? Do you think her outfits would make the perfect fuel for the fire?"

"Why, yes," I agreed as we both turned back to Alice, "I think that would be perfect."

"You wouldn't..."

Rose grinned, "We would."

Alice ran at vampire speed and stood in front of the stairs, sobbing. "Fine, I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Anything but the clothes! Emmett wants to-"

"NOOOOO!" Emmett screamed again, but Alice ignored him.

"-have a game of Karaoke, Cullen style."

"Why, Alice?" Emmett sighed, "Why did you have to tell them?"

"You just don't understand, it's a girl thing. Would you like anyone to murder your video games?" Alice demanded.

"No," Emmett didn't hesitate on the reply.

Carlisle cleared his throat, it was the first time he had made a move to interrupt what was happening, "I'm just wondering, Bella, but why were you and Rosalie threatening both Alice and Edward? Emmett, I understand-"


"-but why the other two? You could have easily retrieved the information out of Emmett?"

"Bella, do you want to tell them?" Rose asked me.

"Sure. Well, Rose and I were talking about how the others use their gifts to their own advantage, like how Edward and Alice are always keeping secrets from the rest of us and how Edward invades other people's privacy. Not always on purpose, but he does. And Alice, she manipulates her visions of the future, so that she always gets things in her favour and what she wants to happen. It kind of takes away everyone's freewill and frankly, we think that everyone's had enough of it."

At the end of my little rant, everyone had different expressions plastered on their faces. Edward and Alice looked ashamed, Rosalie nodded in agreement, Carlisle and Esme looked understanding, Emmett looked confused and Jasper seemed a little smug.

Esme spoke up for the first time in the conversation, "But what has Emmett got to do with this?"

Rosalie decided that this was her question to answer. "Well, Emmett's always coming up with ridiculous schemes and Edward and Alice always try to hide them. Bella and I came to the conclusion that Emmett would have another crazy idea soon and that we could use the others' gifts against them."

I took it from there, "When Emmett wouldn't tell us, as usual, we decided to try and pry the information out of Edward. We knew that he would usually spill the beans straight away, but common knowledge is that Emmett would mentally threaten the Volvo. With the Volvo under threat, Edward wouldn't dare mutter a word. Rosalie assaulted him with mental pictures of her and Emmett's 'private life' to try and influence him and torture him at the same time, but as planned, Edward wouldn't budge. Next was Alice. Her visions provided easy leverage. With her addiction to her clothes and shopping, we knew that she would do anything to protect them, no matter the price. Rosalie made the firm decision to burn her wardrobe and the only way to make Rose change her mind is to give her what she wants, so Alice had to do it. This little 'scenario' left Alice with visions of her clothes burning and Edward with permanent images of Emmett and Rosalie."

Carlisle appeared exasperated. He sighed and spoke up, reaffirming the authority in the coven, "Bella, Bella, Bella. You and Rose are quite the criminal masterminds aren't you? While I don't agree with your methods, you do have a point. Edward and Alice have been abusing their powers a little too much for my liking-"

"But, Carlisle-" Alice began to protest.

"No 'buts,' Alice," Carlisle continued, "Rosalie and Isabella have raised a good issue. Now, let's see who agrees. All those who think that Edward and Alice are abusing their powers, raise your hand."

Everyone in the room raised their hand with the exception of Alice.

"Edward!" Alice exclaimed, "Why do you think we are abusing our powers? We're just making the best of the hand we've been dealt!"

"Oh, shut up, Alice!" Edward snapped back, "We have been abusing our powers and you know it! The occasional thing that we can't help is alright, but using them to propel ourselves into what we want just isn't right. Bella and Rosalie are right, we need to let every have their own free will back!"

"But..." Alice spluttered, "What about Jasper?"

I interjected, "Jasper does over-influence our emotions occasionally. Sometimes because he needs to and other times just for his amusement, but he only does it every now and then, not on a daily basis!"

"Enough!" Carlisle shouted, "I think everyone should just go away for about half an hour and cool off. We're all getting a bit worked up. When we come back, we won't mention this to each other again, but Edward and Alice, take into consideration what the others have said."

With that, he left the room.

"Watch out, Jasper," Rosalie threatened, "You better keep one eye on your back at all times, our next target is you."

Jasper shuddered before Emmett had to add his own two cents, "Court is adjourned!"

A/N: Hi there! This first chapter is just a little bit of drama before we hit the fun parts with the singing! Each song that they sing is a REAL song out there and I'll specify what it is in each chapter and in the AN just in case. I've fiddled with the lyrics so that they are 'Cullenized'. If they weren't 'Cullenized' it wouldn't be Emmett's game of Cullenized Karaoke then would it? (Emmett can never do anything simple, can he?)

Try and answer the question: Who says this in the books?

"You truly are one frightening little monster."

Reviews mean the world to me and you can even suggest a song that I can 'Cullenize'.