Chapter: 2: Old Man

Shortly after entering the city Harry found a McDonalds tucked between a clothing store and a gardening store.

He immediately entered and, after waiting in line, put the three pounds (about $5 USA) on the counter and got himself two burgers and a drink.

He pocketed his .42 pounds change and went to eat in a booth.

Just as he was finishing eating the manager walked over and asked, "Son, are your parents about?"

Harry got a depressed look on his face and answered "no sir, they're dead."

The manager continued, "So where are your guardians? Did you run away from home?"

Harry answered with venom "My guardians don't want me. They left me."

The manager was shocked and told Harry "I'm going to call the police and they'll take care of you."

As he walked away Harry panicked remembering what his uncle had said about the police.

Flashback (Harry is 8)

Harry was being taken home by Vernon after he had escaped Dudley by 'climbing' (accidental magic) onto the schools roof.

Vernon was in a towering rage "What the Hell do you think you were doing climbing onto the roof BOY. Are you trying to make Petunia and Me look bad by showing off you Freakiness? Do that again and I'll let the police take you!"

Harry was confused, "What are the police?"

Vernon grinned evilly, "The police are the upholders of the law. Their job is to protect us hardworking, taxpaying people, while keeping all the freaks in line and out of sight. Petunia and I are generous enough to not turn you over to them right now. Do you know what they would do to you BOY?"

Harry looked scared, "no, what?"

Vernon chuckled, "they'd take you to a detention facility and try to beat the freakiness out of you. And if that failed they'd cut you up to see what your freakiness is. And that's just for climbing on Public property. I can't even describe what they'd do to you if you did something truly illegal, like told them lies about our family or tried to run away. Just remember boy, you're only safe as long as you're with us."

Flashback End

Harry shuddered at the thought of the police finding him. He decided that he certainly didn't want to know what they would do to him if they found him. As soon as the manager was occupied Harry grabbed his bag, dashed for the door and was gone.

(Harry doesn't have enough experience to know that Vernon was lying about the police, yet)

It was growing late as Harry wandered through the city wondering how he would find food. He decided that he was tired when he walked past a small park. He immediately went to a secluded section and fell asleep.

He was awoken a few hours later by a bright light being shone into his eyes. He heard a gruff voice ask him "Hey, boy, What the Hell do you think you're doing in the park?"

Immediately thinking that the man was Vernon in his sleep shrouded mind, Harry stood up and ran away from the man as fast as he could. The man was surprised by the quick reaction, and by the time he had started running, Harry had disappeared around a corner.

Harry ran for a while, and he was quickly lost. Eventually he found himself in a dark alleyway that was relatively clean. He found a dry spot behind a trash bin and after calming down, was able to return to sleep.

When harry woke up He turned to his bag intending to see if his clothes were dry yet and found to his horror that the bag had been emptied during the night. Harry only had the rope, the jacket and clothes he was wearing, the torn bag, and his wand, which he kept tucked inside his jacket.

Harry just stared in horror as he realized that he now owned literally the clothes on his back, a stick, and twenty feet of rope. He tried hard, but the loss was too much for him. Harry began softly crying.

After having a good cry, Harry stood up, gathered up the now useless rope, and began walking.

He decided to find food then water this morning.

On second thought, a bathroom, then food and drink.

(5 days later)

The Old Man was leaning against a wall, resting as he had just found a slightly dented aluminum baseball bat, a good weapon in case he had to fight.

No sooner did he think this than a small urchin bolted around a corner and ran towards him screaming "please don't kill me, I didn't mean to," at the top of his lungs.

Two large men rounded the corner right after the urchin and ran right for the boy.

Now, the Old Man usually didn't get involved in street fights, but he'd always had a soft spot for children.

Pushing himself upright the man snagged the boys Jacket as he flew past, halting his progress and slamming him to the ground. The two men kept coming, with what the Old Man now saw was a knife and a box cutter out. Standing over the child, the Old Man hefted the baseball bat and stared down at the two attackers.

"Leave the child or I'll introduce you to this new bat of mine." He wheezed.

The two men just laughed and kept right on coming.

The Old Man said "so be it" and as soon as the first was in range he moved.

The bat smashed into the first attackers arm holding the knife before whirling into the second mans stomach. The second man was quickly smashed over the head, and then the first man received a blow to the face. Both men went down and stayed down.

The Old Man reached down, picked up the knife, and after examining it, put it in his pocket.

It was a high quality knife after all.

The man turned and advanced to where the child still lay. As soon as he bent over, the child lashed out: hitting him in the nuts. The Old Man immediately paled but instead of falling over simple grabbed the boy and put him in a headlock.

"That wasn't a very nice way to thank the man who just saved your skin" he gasped out.

After a few seconds to recover himself, the old man let go of the child and backed away. He finally got a good look at the child. It was a he, and he was far too thin. His bones were clearly visible and he looked like he hadn't eaten in a number of days. His black hair was matted and tangled, his clothes were overlarge and torn up, and he had a number of small bruises and cuts visible on his face and hands.

Thinking for a moment, the Old Man asked the boy "why is a child as young as you out on the streets, Hm?"

The boy looked down at his shoes and mumbled "I got abandoned."

The man looked again, and asked "you were just recently left alone, weren't you child? Do you have anybody to go to?"

The boy looked away and simply shook his head. He said "I've got no one who wants me."

The man looked sad and said "I suppose you have a reason for not going to the police too. It doesn't take long on these streets for people to resort to crime."

After thinking for a little bit more the Man held out his hand and said "My name is John Stuart."

After warily looking at the man's' hand, Harry tentatively took it and said "I'm Harry."

The man shook the child's, no, young man's hand and asked "would you like to learn how to survive being homeless, Harry?"

The young man's eyes lit up and he said "Yes, Thank you."

The Man turned the boy and pointed, and said "Let's get you something to eat."

The two walked out of the alleyway.


No, this is not a Harry finds some Japanese master of Martial Arts or some Muggle Loving wizard who just happens to be only one weight class below Dumbledore. John Stuart is just a homeless man who has compassion for children. You'll learn more about him next chapter, but he'll only affect Harry mentally. Harry won't be turning into some sort of Super!Harry with kung fu masteries and knowing 4 years of spells. At best Harry will learn how to escape grabs and how to throw a strait punch. Period.


Did you really think a child, even one with accidental magic, could survive on the streets without help? Not easily. And Harry's fear of the Police is rational to him, though wrong. Vernon's just that much of a bastard. John just doesn't want to pry into why Harry doesn't go to them.