We Get On
by aishuu

There were days when Kanae thought she'd been an idiot for agreeing to share a flat with Kyoko. And there were other days when she was convinced that was true.

But Kanae had never been good at telling Kyoko "no" since the other girl's starry-eyed ideal of friendship was addicting. Despite her inherent cynicism, Kanae wanted to be the kind of person Kyoko thought she was, so she'd agreed to split the rent on a nice two-bedroom located not too far from L.M.E. It was fun having someone her age around, and Kanae was almost happy with the situation.

At least until she was sucked into the drama that surrounded Kyoko.

To Kyoko's credit, it wasn't her fault that Sho and Reino were obsessive and determined to pursue her in their whacked-out, sadistic ways. It was almost routine for Kanae to be awoken at an obscenely early hour by the doorbell, with the latest deliveryman dropping off a gift/message/threat for Kyoko. Getting up early was annoying, but the fit Kyoko would throw whenever she opened the item was even worse. Kanae had been irritated but resigned, until Reino had sent the spiders.

After that, well... the doorman was screening the packages to avoid a repeat, since the entire building had had to be fumigated.

Kanae did blame Kyoko for Ren, though. It was clear that they both liked each other, and the UST was annoying when they were in the same room. Sometimes she just wanted to lock them in a closet until they finally gave into their hormones and kissed each other already.

But no matter how annoying her roommate's love life made Kanae's own life, Kanae knew she enjoyed having Kyoko around. Every day, all she had to do was pull out the carefully-made bento Kyoko had left for her, to recognize how lucky she'd been that Kyoko was in her life.