A/N: So I'd been thinking about this for a while, Draco's clearly a bit messed up because of the whole Voldemort thing and bottles up his emotions. This is the Room of Requirement part in "The Battle of Hogwarts" chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the plot line, i have merely changed it slightly to my liking :)

Leave me to die

Even after everything I'd done to you, you still saved me. Why didn't you just let me die?

He could pinpoint the second the room went up in flames.

In his head, he could replay the jet of light firing from Crabbe's wand; it was orange, with red flecks.

He ran. A feeling of utmost panic as the cloying black smoke stuck to the back of his throat. He felt Harry grab him, and roughly yank his arm, pulling him onto the broom. Ever the hero was Potter.

Crying out in fear, he desperately clawed on Potter's back as the flames licked higher up the walls.

They made it to the door. He took a steady breath of clean air, ridding his lungs of soot and smoke, before crashing into the wall opposite the Room of Requirement.

With a spinning head, Draco looked to his right to find Goyle slumped on the floor.

The stench of his singed hair along with the now clearing smoke was now overpowering his senses.

"C-Crabbe" he managed to choke out

"He's dead" stated the Weasley.

"Ron!" shouted Harry, angrily. He walked over to the blonde boy, who was beginning to hyperventilate.

Draco felt arms round his waist as Harry gently picked him up and pulled him close. It was then that Draco finally let his emotions get the better of him. Resting his head on Harry's chest, he sobbed quietly as the Gryffindor stroked his hair and whispered reassurances in his ear.

After about 10 minutes he pulled away and gazed into the emerald eyes, only inches away from his steely grey ones.

"I love you" he whispered, then turned and ran. And he'd been running ever since.