Chapter 18: Fallen

A New Story:A New Beginning

Every since she was two years old she was terrified of scary stories, but the dark figure that seemed to haunt her every thought and dream since she was two was there right in front of her outside of her window. As if this dark shadow hadn't done enough damage to her when she was a kid. She heard the deep rumble and when this figure had shifted slightly towards the moonlight.

She couldn't help it her heart rate increased as the beautiful monster outside her window had the light shine on him for a split second as their eyes connected. Two black coals stared right back at her. His pale skin had a glow to it, his red coat was hung on his body making his dark hair, have a certain red dye in it. She stifled a gasp as she realized.

It was him she knew it deep inside the one that seemed to haunt every thought, every dream. His eyes were different though they were no longer a blazing green as she had dreamed on endless nights. The two pair of black coals dug deep withing her own young soul. For an outsider looking in it would have looked like a lion stocking its prey. But to her it seemed so much more it was as if she was in this position before. But within a blink of an eye he was gone.

The Very Beginning 2090

Around Midnight, her eyes had taken shape. The look in them was part determined and part tentative, but for him it described trouble. Yes, those eyes described trouble, but thats what had drove him crazy ever since he had first met her. Rising to her fine, elegant brow, inches from the dark cascade of her hair.

He held the paper at arm's length to assess his progress. He let out a sigh and looked out into the balcony. After the last concert tonight, he had no strength as to make his way to her room, and hold her. It was too risky since the world around them had no clue they had been sneaking around everyone's back for the past year.

It was hard, working without her in front of him, but then he could never sketch in her presence. Since they both had arrived in London for the European tour, there had been no time to hold her properly, but he had to be very careful always to keep her at distance from himself and the media. Everyday now she approached him, and every day was more difficult than the one before. It was why he was leaving in the morning. He was leaving across the world for her life depended on it.

He leaned over drawing again for when he took it open him to add her two, deep, eyes full of her own soul and life, a color that he had grown use to. Brown. He felt a hand touch his shoulder. It didn't take him long to notice it was Aro the Volturi Leader. "You know, its a cycle, she will die whether you are by her side or not, you were human so you died because of her, this time around she dies and you survive" He heard him whisper. Within seconds their was a slight breeze.

The lifeless paper, cruel to the imposter was the only thing he would be able to have as he would be able to take with him. It had taken him years to figure out his past and who this women was before him as countless of times he had drawn her. But tonight it was different. Then straightenin up in the leather library chair, he felt it. The brush of warmth on the back of hie neck.

It was her.

Wherever he ended up she would follow, he knew deep inside it would be easier. The goodbyes would have been easier. Today he would have turned 101 years old in his human life. But this time around it was different. She would survive. He would survive. The rules were different this time.

Okay guys this a new story the Beginning of the Beginning of the very Beginning lol.

I know kind of confusing. But this is a new story. Tell me what you guys think? and I will continue this story with a different name. It will be titled 'Fallen'.

'Fallen' will be up on in about two days or three okay. Just tell me what you think?

Love ya,


Lady G.